Will the Eclipses In Sept. 2016 Create a Violent Situation For US

by astrodocanil

This is with Reference to my Various Articles written for the Eclipses in the Year 2016  and their effect on the Various Countries and specifically US and in Continution to my article https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/07/planetary-positions-month-august-sept-2016-catastrophic-globe/ dated 7th July 2016 

As Per Principles and the Theory Propounded by K N Rao in the Chapter IX Astrological Inevitability in the Book “The Nehru Dynasty By Vani Publications Astrological Inevitability is formulated Due to Eclipses Caused by Rahu-Ketu when they overshadow the Luminaries.

The First  Theory  

When the Following Parameters are activated then there is Downfall of the Country of the Noteable Person

1.Eclipse Falling in the 1/7 axis  the Natal Moon

2.Eclipse Falling in the 1/7 axis of the Natal Sun

3. Eclipse Falling in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant

This can happen when Rahu and Ketu fall on these sensitive points

The Next Important Parameter is the Anter Dasha of a Malefic Planet which acquires the Potentiality to kill, then what can happen is–

The Native/Nation  may Fall from Power

For US it can prove explosive since the Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant and Moon  and Dasha of Mars -Ketu in operation till 9th Sept. 2016

If this Happens in the 10th house without involving these parameters, the native may fall or the span of life has come to its terminal point .

If  the major or the sub dasha happens to be that of Rahu or Ketu  then perhaps such a Fall becomes inevitable . K.N Rao writes further  that this Theory may be Tested further . Of all the great Predictions of Dr. Raman which have been included in the Book Dr. Raman Man and Mission .

Every Country is alloted a sign in the Zodiac . For India and upto Modern West Asia it is Capricorn Sign since the days of Varahmihira

Similarly the Sign alloted to USA is Gemini , USSR Aquarius ,Aries For England,Cancer For China.

Since the Eclipses in Sept. 2016 are taking Place in the 1/7 axis of Leo and Aquarius  Connected to the Lagna , it can Prove Fatal for US  . For other countries India , China,USSR as per this Particular Parameter of Zodiac Sign. 

Final Parameter is Mars when Reaches the Eclipse Point  or aspects the Eclipse point , can prove to be a ammunition dump and can be ignited only by Mars  the Red Planet . The Dates in this context Explosive and Ammunition dump are from 23rd August to 29th August 2016 Specially after 14th July when Mars goes back in Scorpio. The Solar Eclipse on the 1st Sept 2016 is also an Malefic one since the Luminaries are very close to Nodes and Saturn aspects the Eclipse point on the 1st Sept. 2016 itself and Mars will activate the Eclipse point on the 8th Sept 2016 

Venus and Jupiter conjunction on the 28th August is also Bloodshed as per Mundane Classics Myur Chutram  and are times of Disaster

When there are 3 or 4 Malefics in quadrant  on such ocassions  the Possibility of War and Natural Calamity

As Per the Above Parameters according to the Foundation charts , The Eclipses are taking Place in the 1/7 axis of  USA, in the 1/7 axis of China 8house  , 1/7 axis of Iran, in the 1/7 axis of Kashmir, 4/10 axis of United Kingdom,

 The 2nd Theory 

Importance of Placement of Mars  in the Horoscopes of Nations

Placement of Mars in the 3,6,7th and the 12th house of the nation or getting connected to their Lords shows Troubling the Neighbours, getting involved with Boarder clashes, Getting involved in war or suffering due to Espoinage by Foreign elements or by the Terrorist like people with in the Country .

Hence the war Mongering Countries are USA, China, Russia,Afganistan,Israel, Jammu and Kashmir,Brazil,North Korea,Paris,Saudi Arabia, Syria

The Role of the 7th Lord or  its Mahadasha or Anter dasha  or its conjunction  or aspect  on other Planets in causing a strife.

For the World Catastrophe Saturn has to be between Pieces and Cancer  Particularly from the Nakshatra of Saturn from the Chart of the Country  to the Nakshatra of Saturn in Transit

Next when Mars Over stays in a Sign for more than 5 months and becomes Retrograde and highlights the area of Travel 3 times like a Brush . It is well known Principle of mundane Astrology that when Mars, Saturn are in Quadrant from the nodes and when mars is in Retrogression or Fallen  is time for Conflict between nations, Terrorism, Bloodshed . In the Present context Mars ingressed in Scorpio on the 20th Feb.2016 and went in Retrogression on the 17th April 2016 and fell back in Libra on the 17th June 2016 and ingress back in Scorpio on the 14th July 2016 , this Period therefore is condusive to Sprout the significations as mentioned above for Terrorism, Bloodshed, War like conditions till 18th Sept. 2016 when it ingresses in Sagitarius.

Read my articles concerning Mars Transit in the links —– https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/02/prolonged-stay-of-red-planet-mars-and-saturn-conjunction-in-scorpio-crucial-211-days/

Stationary Saturn, Jupiter,Mars and Solar Eclipses in 2016:What Stars Foretell

Red Planet Mars, Roman God Saturn Retrograde Squaring Demon Rahu Conjunct Jupiter:Colossal Wreck

Red Planet Mars and God Of Romans Saturn Conjunct 8th house of Pieces New Moon Chart of US

Mars Stationary Point 14.49 Degrees Global Wreck

Red Planet Mars in Fallen State on 17th June 2016 For 25 Days : What it Foretells


Mars in Anuradha and Jyestha Nakshatra is not condusive to give good Results

Mars and Saturn in Kendra or In Conjunction. after 14th July 2016 are Explosive  since in Conjunction specially for Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan, India , China, Mexico, Brusells

Now Read this “Thousands Take To Streets Across US To Protest Against Police Brutality” link http://www.ndtv.com/world-news/thousands-take-to-streets-across-us-to-protest-against-police-brutality-1429574



  1. The march in Atlanta seemed to be the largest demonstration
  2. Friday was the 2nd day of demonstrations against use of force by police
  3. Protesters clogged roadways in New York City, Atlanta and Philadelphia

Thousands of people took to the streets in U.S. cities on Friday to denounce the fatal police shootings of two black men this week, marching the day after a gunman killed five police officers watching over a similar demonstration in Dallas.

Protesters clogged roadways in New York City, Atlanta and Philadelphia, and events in San Francisco and Phoenix also drew large crowds. Media did not report any immediate instances of major clashes or injuries.

Thousands marched in Atlanta in what appeared to be the largest demonstration, chanting and waving signs demanding justice, video posted to social media showed. Footage from broadcasters showed the massive crowd facing off with dozens of police vehicles that were stopped on a local interstate highway.

Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed tweeted that the rally was largely peaceful, though about 10 people had been arrested.

Friday was the second day of demonstrations against use of force by police in the wake of the fatal shootings of 32-year-old Philando Castile near St. Paul, Minnesota and 37-year-old Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Castile was killed by police during a traffic stop on Wednesday, and his girlfriend posted live video on the Internet of the bloody scene minutes afterward.

Sterling was killed on Tuesday during an altercation with two white police officers outside a convenience store. Graphic video of that incident caused an outcry on social media.

“No justice, no peace, no racist police,” demonstrators shouted late on Friday in Baton Rouge, where state and local police in riot gear tried to keep them from blocking a busy roadway.

The two shootings stoked racial tension that has flared repeatedly across the country following the 2014 killing of Michael Brown, an unarmed black teen, by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri.

Thursday’s demonstrations were largely peaceful until gunfire erupted at a Dallas rally that was winding down.

Authorities said 25-year-old Micah Johnson, a black U.S. military veteran of the Afghan war who said he wanted to “kill white people,” launched a sniper attack that killed five police officers and wounded nine other people.

Police killed the gunman with a bomb-carrying robot after cornering him in a parking garage, ending an hours-long standoff.

The Retaliation against the Police Brutality for the Black may  escalate or some similair happenings with magnitude  when Mars goes in the Sign Scorpio and may take an ugly shape after 13th July 2016 and to be Precise around the Eclipses in Sept. 2016  and as per the Dates mentioned above and in my articles  . The Country is running the Dasha of Mars -Ketu till Sept. 2016 . The Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the Foundation chart of USA of Leo Lagna as Confirmed by K N Rao and Luminaries afflicted badly in the Hindu New Moon Pieces Year are some of the Explosive Parameters for USA suffering due to Terrorism due to Terrorism with in the Country People and also from Outside

Read this also http://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2016-gun-sales/
The aftermath of last month’s mass shooting in Orlando followed an all too familiar pattern: While politicians argued for and against tighter restrictions on guns, Americans rushed to buy more of them. Hence more of Such happenings Like the Orlando after 14th July to Oct. 2016

USA is running the Dasha of Mars-Ketu till 9th Sept. 2016 is Precarious and could be explosive for Terrorism with in the country or By espoinage from Foreign Plots. There could be Natural and Unnatural disasters and Economy may suffer.

Asfar as the Globe is concerned ISIS will lose the Ares Snatched In Syria and Iran since the Mars and Saturn will be activated by the Transit Mars and Saturn and ISIS will be more active but Placement of the Lagna Lord and the 4th Lord in the 8th house would put ISIS in a Losing Battle

As ,mentioned India , Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan, China, United Kingdom and other countries will also be the Sufferers of this Transit .

There could be natural and unnatural disasters around the Eclipses in Sept. 2016  as well like Earthquakes, Tornados Fire , Air Crashes

Hence from the above it seems that the Sufferer could be US, since the Eclipse is taking place in the 1/7 axis of the Lagana and Moon and Dasha of Mars-Ketu in Operation  

Mars entering back as fallen Planet in Scorpio on the 12th July 2016 could also prove explosive for the Globe, since Mars will work like a Painting Brush and repeat the events when it was in Scorpio. Mars is Known for its significations and I need not eloborate the same .  The Lunation charts of 4th July and 20th July 2016 are also not condusive to give good results rather Repeat of Terrorism, Bloodshed, Natural and Unnatural Disasters,Political Turmoils , specially when it aspects the Lumanaries in Transit in Gemini Sign and Gemini Navamsha till 16th July 2016.What ever happened when Mars Ingressed in Scorpio on the 20th Feb.2016 could be repeated after 12th July 2016 and till it crosses the Retrogression mark on the 22nd August 2016. US, Paris, Europe, China, Britain, Pakistan,Istunbul, Bagdad Could Suffer due to Significations of Mars Fallen 

The Planetary Positions in the Month of Nov. 2016 are Explosive specially at the time of the US Presidential Elections . Rahu becoming extremely strong  and Explosive situations for US

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

7th July  2016 16-20 hrs. New Delhi 

Website :www.astrodocanil.com

Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Video on Planetary cycle on https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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