Will The Coronavirus Carnage Reduce In the Fortnight Starting 9th March 2020 ? Astrological Study Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1203 Articles and Predictions in just 58 months from April 2015

Coronavirus Carnage may reduce between 22nd to 24th March 2020 it so seems but most Venomous till this time frame for the Stock and Financial Markets , Natural and Unnatural Calamities, Spread of the Virus .
A very experienced and expert Astrologer uses the Paksha or the Lunation charts for short term predictions as per the Book of Mundane Astrology . Instances show Hardeo Sharma Trivedi’s prediction about the wall street collapse of Oct 1987 was predicted by the Lunation charts.

Let us use the Lunation chart of the 9th March 20120 to see what will be th outcome for the Coronavirus in the fortnight along with the Stock amd the Financial Markets

The Panchang of the Day
Lagna is Libra the 6th house of the Foundation chart of India and the Nakshatra is Vishaka of Jupiter the 3rd and the 6th Lord in affliction, hence the significations of the 3rd house of boarder clashes and the 6th house of terrorism and virus spread will be more in focus in the fortnight
The Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon is placed in the 11th house of the chart and in the yama of Scorpio its debilitation sign in the 2nd house of the chart. The Yama Lord Mars is placed in the 3rd house with Jupiter the 3rd and the 6th Lord with the Disease Karka Ketu. Mars the Yama Lord aspects the 6th house from the Lagna. the 6th Lord from Moon is also Saturn and aspects the 6th house from the Lagna are malefic combinations for the outbreak of the diseases and the Virus
The Yoga is Shoolam and the Lord is Jupiter acquires an important dimension for the outbreak of Virus and the Diseases in the fortnight
Analysis as per the D1 Chart
Moon is well placed from the 6th Lord Jupiter and also from the yoga Lord Jupiter , but ill placed from the 6th house
Analysis as per the Moon Chart
Moon is ill placed from the 6th house and the Lord Saturn from the moon sign and Saturn is also ill placed from the Yoga Lord Jupiter, Ketu and the Yama Lord. This is most malefic combination for the outbreak of the virus and the diseases in the fortnight since the cure will be difficult .
In the Navamsha Chart Moon is again ill mplaced from the 6th Lord Jupiter and the Yoga Lord but well placed from Ketu and Saturn

In the Shasthamsha Chart D6 The Afflicted 6th Lord and the Yoga Lord is placed in the Lagna with the Sun and Moon is a malefic combination. Mars joining the Lagna on the 15th March 2020 will aggravate the situations till 22nd March since Mars and Jupiter will also be in Planetary war from the 19th to 22nd March 2020
Another Parameter in the Fortnight is the Mercury is in Retrogression till 10th March 2020 till 9.28 hrs and is also the Lagna Lord of the D6 Chart and will become Stationary is another parameter most malefic since being placed in the 8th house of the D6 Chart of Chronic diseases
Hence from the above it is evident that the Fortnight starting from the 9th March 2020 is not conducive to give healthy results for the Coronavirus .Since the Day Lord gets debilitated in the yama of Scorpio the 2nd house of the Chart and Mercury and Moon connection may be unhealthy for the Stock and the Financial Markets .
The Moon and Mercury aspect samsaptak can also prove most malefic for a strong Earthquake in the forthnight specially when Mercury is stationary on the 9th-10th March 2020 for the Globe in general
Mercury is also the Yoga Lord of the 26th Dec 2019 Solar Eclipse and also the 6th Lord of the China Foundation chart. It will influence adversely China also in this fortnight.
Mars leaving the Sign Sagitarius and Ketu may give some relief but will be ill placed from the Moon.

Out of the Dehasphuta, Pransphuta and Mrityu Sphuta, Dehasphuta is greatest which will abate the sickness , Also in the Navamsha the moon Longitude is greater then Lagna Longitude and also greater then Mrityuamsha hence the sickness will abate

Hence from the above we can say that the Coronavirus Carnage may reduce substantial in this fortnight specially after the 22nd March 2020 when Mars leaves the sign Sagitarius and Mercury also becomes direct after the 10th March 2020
HENCE The Mars getting Closer to Jupiter will be a malefic parameter from the 15th March to 22nd March 2020 and seems after this date there will be abatement of thr Virus as can be seen in this fortnight as per the above parameters
From the above we can also come to the conclusion that the Stock and the Finanacial Markets may sugffer till 22nd March 2020 specially between the 19th to 22nd March 2020
Mars Reaching the 24-25 degree mark in Sagitarius from the 14th to 22nd March 2020 may prove most malefic one for the fortnight may be it is Virus, Diseases, Violence , Strikes, Political Tug of War, natural and unnatural calamities. The Carnage of Coronavirus may reduce substantially after the 22nd March 2020 as can be seen from the Fortnight starting from the 9th March 2020 to 24th March 2020
India is Running the Dasha of Moon -Saturn an enigmatic one and Dasha of Moon-Saturn-Ketu will start from the 31st May to 4th July 2020 which may be Prone to Violence in the Country along with religious Fundamentalism but may not give any malefic results pertaining to the Coronavirus taking a positive stance but from the 31st May to 4th Juen 2020 may be prone to some diseases and Virus.
In the Broader Spectrum till Mercury goes out of the Grip of the Nodes on the 2nd August and Ketu leaves the sign Sagitarius it may be a Period of Anguish and Pain relating to the Coronavirus in totality for the Globe

From the 14th to 22nd March most Prone Period for the Coronavirus and the Stock and the Financial Markets taking a hit . Natural and Unnatural Calamities
9th-10th March 2020 Prone to Earthquakes, Weather changes and Strong influence on the Stock Market
2nd August and 20th Sept 2020 Relief giving time frames for the Coronavirus Carnage

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
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Jyotish Acharaya from BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner

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