Will Saturn Transit Over The 8th House Pisces Prove Stumbling Block For Health And Career For Trump ?

by astrodocanil

“Will Saturn Transit Over The 8th House Pisces Prove Stumbling Block For Health And Career For Trump ?”

This is with reference to my Articles for the win of Trump for the second time in the Presidential Elections of the US in Nov. 2024 which have proved spot on. I had also predicted his win for the first time when no astrologer predicted his win.

The Natal Chart is of 14th June 1946 10-52 Hrs Jamacia New York

The chart of the 14th June 1946 10:52 Jamacia New York is below with Transit on the 29th March 2025 and Solar Eclipse in the 8th house of Pisces 

Lunar Eclipse on the 2nd March 2026 in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant and the Natal Mars and Saturn the Marak in the 22DK sign can put Trump in difficult situations due to Health and Heart troubles

Key parameters for Donald Trump’s career, politics, and health:

The current Dasha running for Donald Trump is Jupiter-Venus, from October 4, 2024, to June 5, 2027. This period is highly enigmatic for him, and it carries the potential for life-threatening or fatal situations. In classical astrology, the Jupiter-Venus or Venus-Jupiter Dasha is known for bringing significant transformations in a person’s life. When this Dasha aligns with the Marka house or Marka planet, it can lead to life-threatening outcomes.

The exchange of the 8th and 10th Lords from January 28 to May 18, 2025, along with the Dasha of these planets until June 5, 2027, could place Trump in a difficult and risky position, particularly after March 29, 2025. The transit of the 6th Lord and 7th Lord, Saturn, in the 8th house (Pisces) with an aspect on the 8th Lord Jupiter in the 10th house further exacerbates these concerns.

The period from June 2024 to March 2025 looks relatively favorable. However, the transit of six planets in the 8th house in Pisces becomes more alarming when considering Trump’s health. The 8th house in Pisces, along with the 22nd Drekkana sign, 5th from the Moon, and the Navamsha Moon in Pisces, where Moon and Ketu are placed, suggests health issues. Moreover, the transit will occur along the 1/7 axis of the Sun and Moon in the Navamsha, which is not considered favorable. Saturn’s transit from March 29, 2025, to May 2027 raises serious concerns, particularly from a medical astrology perspective, as it could lead to life-threatening conditions.

Saturn’s transit over the 22nd Drekkana sign is a time for health troubles. For Trump, this involves the sign Pisces, with Ketu transiting over his natal Jupiter in Virgo, while six planets occupy the Pisces sign on March 29, 2025. This time frame, coupled with the ongoing Jupiter-Venus Dasha, will be especially critical for him. Saturn will also aspect his natal Jupiter (the Kharesh and the 22nd Drekkana sign lord) in transit, reaching the degrees of his natal Jupiter around April 14-15, 2027, marking another critical period. Additionally, Jupiter will be in the trine from the afflicted 22nd Drekkana sign with Mars and Ketu in Cancer, which is not favorable.

Trump’s natal chart shows that his Lagna is at 6.28 degrees, and during the transit on March 29, 2025, key planets such as Saturn and Rahu will be in very close degrees. Saturn will reach the Lagna degrees on May 30, 2025, intensifying these concerns. In the Dreskkane (D3) chart, Saturn is in Cancer, indicating potential health issues related to the Moon and Jupiter, which may involve the lungs, chest, or lower heart area.

Another challenging period arises with the lunar eclipse on March 2, 2026, occurring along the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant, which affects his Natal Mars and Saturn in the 22nd Drekkana sign. This could result in serious health and heart-related issues.

In summary, the critical time periods for Trump’s health, career, and politics are fatal:

  • From March 29 to May 30, 2025
  • March 2, 2026 (Lunar Eclipse)
  • April 14-15, 2027

Additionally, the Dasha of Jupiter-Venus is crucial, as both planets are Marakas and are influenced by Saturn, the 7th Lord, further complicating the situation.

For the period from June 2024 to June 2025, the Moon in Rahu’s star may cause health troubles. From June 2025 to June 2026, the Moon in Jupiter’s star, combined with Jupiter’s affliction and its aspect on the 22nd Drekkana sign, may result in chest and heart-related issues. Thus, the period from June 2025 to June 2026 is also a critical time for him, with health troubles potentially coming from multiple fronts.


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