What Red Planet Mars and Roman God Saturn Close to Earth in May-June 2016 Foretell

by astrodocanil

“What Red Planet Mars and Roman God Saturn Close to Earth in May-June 2016 Foretell”

This is with reference to my earlier Articles on my webpage  regarding the Adverse Planetary Positions in the Month of May and June 2016

My most recent Article “Stars Foretell 9th-10th May 2016 May Turn Black Monday, Tuesday For Financial Markets” link  https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/05/stars-foretell-9th-may-2016-may-turn-black-monday-financial-markets/ and

Solar Ingress in Taurus Could Prove Catastrophic

link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/05/solar-ingress-ta…ove-catastrophic/ have explained what could be the effects of the Planets due to Solar Ingress in Taurus.

Let me write the highlights of the above Transit .

Lagna is Libra and in the nakshatra of  Chitra Mars a strong Malefic, Lagna Lord in Planetary War with Mercury in the 7th house and Losing in the war , Lagna Lord is also 8th Lord .

Both Lumanries badly afflicted as below. Dispositor of Sun Lost in Planetary war, and Dispositor of Moon is Sun who is also afflicted as below, hence the King and Queen of the world Suffer.
Sun the Royal planet is aspected  by both Mars and Saturn and Karka for wealth and Finance Jupiter  badly afflicted by Retrograde Saturn and Rahu who is in forward Motion and Poison
Let us now see what the Paksha Kundalis have in store for us.
Paksha Kundali of the 22nd May 2016 02-44hrs. below
22th May
Lagna in the nakshatra of Saturn 11th and 12th lord   Placed in the 9th house and Lagna Lord Placed in the 6th House with Rahu in very close degrees and aspected by Saturn are indicative of Significations of the 9th house sprouting of Religion, Embassies, Diplomates and Temples .Saturn connection to the 6th house is also armed Forces,  Connection of Saturn with 12th, 3rd and 6th house shows Terrorism could sprout at above Places  .
Both the Lumanries are afflicted badly along with Venus who is also combusted and as the Lord of the 8th house placed in the 3rd house in its own house will surface the significations of the 3rd house of neighbors, Air and Rail Traffic, Boarder clashes and Terrorism etc. which could sprout with dimension. Air and Rail Traffic could also be influenced adversely.
See the degrees odf Mars and the Lumanries  is the most sensitive Parameter in the chart. Moon is Debilitated and badly afflicted by both Mars and Saturn, In Astrology  it said when Saturn influences Moon and the Dispositor of Moon then it is the worst time  for the results to sprout with dimension.Lumanries influenced by the 2nd and the 11th Lord and Karka for Expansion , Finance and wealth Jupiter  under strong affliction by Rahu and Saturn  is pointing out Financial Stagnation , Boarder clashes, Air and Rail Accidents , Terrorism, Earthquakes ,Religious Provocation, Political Turmoils with Magnitude .
Jupiter going close to Rahu and forming a malefic Guruchandal yoga will sprout the results like when Rahu ingressed over Jupiter on the 9th Jan. 2016 like a Coiled Spring  opening with momentum. All benefics are weak  in the chart .
Hence from the above it seems the Fortnight begining from 22nd and more so from the day of Sun ingress in Taurus on the 14th May 2016  will be a malefic one  for the Kings, Kingly Countries, China, US, Britain Europe HongKong, Japan, India and Pakistan.This Period will also be bad for the ISIS organisation, Economy Stagnation is on the Cards. A Strong Earthquake cannot be ruled out in the Eastern Part of the Countries and the World.
Paksha Kundali of the 5th June 2016 08-30 hrs is below
5th June
Lagna is Cancer a most verstile sign which can move in any direction like a crab and Lagna Lord Placed in the 11th house Exhalted is good , but as aready explained above when Moon and its dispositor are influenced by Saurn is extremely bad , here in the chart Moon its dispositor who is combusted and who is with Sun is  aspected by both Mars and Saturn who are Retrograde. Have a look at the degrees of Saturn and the Lumanaries and Venus , it is making every thing crystal clear of the happenings . Mars and Saturn Retrograde and placed in the 7th house from Sun is indicative of Both theMars and Saturn will have a major influence on Earth . The significations of both Mars and Saturn will there sprout with Magnitude and like a coiled spring unwinding .
All the Planets are connected to Mars and Saturn by aspect . Mercury is aspected by Jupiter and Rahu. Just have a look at the degrees of the Planet , they are aspecting almost degreewise which could prove disasterous for Natural and Unnatural untoward happenings , needless to explain the significations of Mars, Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu, Economy Meltdown, Terrorism, War like situations, Scandles after Scandles, Educational Intitutions, Banking institutions will be influenced most along with Courts, Temples, Embassies , Diplomates, Kings and Kingly Countries
The most sensitive Parameter is the 10th Lord in the 8th from the 10th house with 8th Lord from Lagna and 10th Lord in navamsha in Debilitation and Placed in the navamsha lagna is the most sensitive Parameter in this Paksha Kundlai and shows the weakness of the Head of the Country, States and influence on them by Espoinage and Scandles with magnitude . Earthquakes will also Sprout since the Lumanries are in the earthy sign and in Navamsha also Earthy signs are afflicted .
Sun, Moon, Venus all in Rohini nakshatra and getting afflicted is Explosive for India 
Navamsha is also not good since Mars becomes Debilitated in Lagna  and is with Lumanries, Venus  and also aspected Jupiter , Jupiter is totally gone since afflicted badly in Rashi chart and in navamsha goes in the sign of Venus who is totally combusted and afflicted badly.
As Per Rashi Tula Navamsha Rahu comes over the Taurus sign which has Sun, Moon and Venus and Ketu comes over Mars and Saturn  is extremely explosive for the Planetary combinations also as Mentioned Mars is Debilitated in navsmaha with Sun and Moon over the Lagna and aspects Jupiter Placed in Libra.
The above Planetary Positions are suggesting Fall of the Kings and Queens or a attempt to damage them in any respect . 3rd and 12th Lord Mercury Placed in the 10th house is not good for the same . Mercury joining Taurus on the 8th to 20th June could be explosive for Earthquakes, specially when there will be relation of Mercury and Moon and Moon trnnsitting in Leo, Virgo, Scorpio and Aquarius  signs , These Periods will also not be good for the Kings and the Kingly countries .
Parameter acquiring special dimension in June 2016
Jupiter will be totally eclipsed by Rahu and aspected closely by Saturn as seen in the Paksha Kundali of 5th June till 4th July 2016 and since Fprming a Guru chandal yoga as on the 9th Jan 2016 will be explosive and Scandles will sprout again like a coiled spring unwinding  for Politics, Banking Institutions, Educational Institutions, Children exploitation, etc.
Mars becomes Fallen on the 17th June to 13th July will also be a Period of Mars getting into acute affliction and aspecting the Lumanries and the Venus could sprout untoward happenings with the Kings and Kingly countries  . Fallen Planet is like a snake bite and the most venemous Planet in Astrology and capable to give a strong Damage. Venus affliction and Libra sign getting afflicted could sprout negative for Women Torture, Air Disasters, Hijacking of Aircraft, Vehicles in the Eastern Part of the world and specially for India in the Eastern Part Political Turmoils and Influence on the Head of the States and the Kingly Persons could be explosive.
Significations of Mars will sprout with magnitude , this Fallen Mars will be over the 8th Lord Jupiter in the 6th house of the Foundation chart , unfortunately Jupiterin Libra  Navamsha will also be worst along with Scorpio navansha or Jupiter and Saturn or Jupiter and Mars in the same Navamsha will cause Untoward happening for India and Countries who jhace Jupiter as 8th Lord , specially countries India, US,  Countries with Leo and Taurus Lagna will be influenced Most
China, Britain, US, India will be the countries most influenced.
From the above it is clear the Month of May and June 2016 could Prove explosive for the Globe since the  Planets Sun, Moon, Venus,Mercury and Jupiter getting afflicted badly by Mars  squaring the nodes , Mars Fallen state is the worst and signifies Terrorism, Blood shed , War, Military Coup
Pakistan will be worst influenced now and Nawaz Sharrif may have to step down during this Time frame .

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 10th May 2016 11.30 PM Singapore  

Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Video on Planetary cycle on https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

Read My True Predictions —https://www.astrodocanil.com/my-true-predictions/

Viewer Comments on Predictions —https://www.astrodocanil.com/viewer-comments-predictions/

For Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764 after 18th May 2016

In Singapore from 22nd April to 18th May 2016

Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing  according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein by the investers . The Predictions may not hold true hence the Risk is totally of the Invester and not the Writer . This may Please be noted . My website also has a Note for  Disclaimer on all Articles posted on this website , Facebook or any other Social media, This also applies to all the Social media where my articles are displayed 


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