“Will Modi Complete His 5 Years Tenure As The Prime Minister Or Not ?”My Article Dated 17th June 2024

"Will Modi Complete His 5 Years Tenure As The Prime Minister Or Not ?"."My Article Dated 17th June 2024

by astrodocanil

“Will Modi Complete His 5 Years Tenure As The Prime Minister Or Not ?”.”

Will Modi Complete His 5 Years Tenure As The Prime Minister Or Not ? – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (astrodocanil.com)

Dated 17th June 2024

“Mars Planet Of Ammunition Dump Martial Traits Strong Will Temperament : Future Of India And Narender Modi”

In Hindu astrology, Mars, also called Mangal “Bhoomi Putra” is seen as a source of strength and assertiveness. It gives people qualities like , a strong will, the readiness to jump into action and bravery. In the natural zodiac it owns the Lagna and the 8th house.

Why I have chosen this subject is due to the Fact the Prime Minister of India is running the Dasha of Mars as per his natal chart and in the India Foundation chart is of Moon and both are not friends. Mars is the debilitation Lord of Moon. Mars in the Chart of Narender Modi is in Scorpio is very strong forming double rajyoga. In the  Chart of India in Gemini  and they are in 6/8 axis.  Hence  Narender Modi will bring strong transformation in the Country till the Dasha of  Moon of India and he will plan to  bring  major reforms for the significations of Mars. He has many major reforms to be implemented in the Country  which will be implemented with force in the  Moon and Mars Dasha of India and specially in dasha of Mars which will  start from the 9th Sept 2025 for India and basically related to Land.

See the 2 Charts below

 India Foundation Chart


I will give an example of the Moon- Mars Dasha of India which started on the 10-7-2016 to 8-2-2017 and we saw the Demonetization on the 8th Nov. 2016 which was also predicted in advance by me. According to me this was a Trailer of the events and Major reforms to be brought in the Country in the Dasha of Moon and Mars . In dasha of Mars of the India relating to 2nd House of the India where Mars is placed and has only 19 bindoos and per chance in transit Mars is also transiting over the Natal Mars since 26th August 2024. Mars is the 7th and the 12th Lord and placed in the 2nd house of India Foundation chart. Mars does not own good houses . It is also supposed that when the dasha of the 7th house starts the Country may reel in trouble and war like situations and specially the espionage from foreign elements.

Narender Modi  Mars qualities will be seen with magnitude and will bring major reforms. from Now and specially in the Dasha of Mars as per the foundation chart of India. He would become very stubborn for the reforms to be brought in the  Real Estate, Land, Agriculture and Infrastructure. The Defence, Agriculture and FMCG will see a boom and Real Estate may suffer a setback due to land reforms and financial transactions under camera.

Let see what are the significations of the 2nd house and Mars as per Mundane and the Natal Chart below

2nd house significations Mars placed in the 2nd house of the Country

Financial condition of the Nation, revenue of the state, national wealth and the purchasing power, Economy of the Country, Financial transactions, export and imports, taxation,  Land reforms and transactions regarding the same. He will become and lay very strict rules for the financial transactions. Every thing will become transparent and will also be after the underhand transactions.

Mars significations .

Mars is the Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord of the natural zodiac, hence underground wealth will no longer be the order of the day. Every person may have to declare his assets and under hand transactions will be under close view of the camera. Building Roads and infrastructure will be improved. Every  thing will be streamlined for the normal citizen of the Country.

Modi will work like a commander-in-chief with strict discipline and rules, his self confidence will increase. He will bring strict rules for the transactions on the sale and purchase of the Property. He will implement Military where ever he would feel the necessity. Demonetization like events can be  experienced again.

Mars represents army, police, It is a planet of war and strife and represents violence in any form Modi will bring strict laws for people committing rape and murders. He would ensure that there is industrial growth. Action of Modi will be sudden but there would be political disturbances and the normal citizens and Business people will not accept the transformations irrespective of the fact they may prove beneficial in the long run. Narender Modi popularity will decrease  from Sept. 2025 to Sept 2026 as per his progression chart also  and we can see the fall in his career all due to the above aggressions and reforms. If he passes this litmus test then he will become the most powerful dictator for which I have very little hope but till sept. 2025 he will force the things ahead and bring major transformations

Now see the progression charts of India and Narender Modi along with Dasha varga charts of Mars below.

Progression chart of the Year August 2025 to August 2026 of India

Dasha Lord Mars Debilitated in the Lagna with 10th Lord of the natal chart who is the 8th Lord of the Progression chart and Mars also aspects the 8th house in the progression chart after completion of 77years of independence. Moon with Rahu hence Rahu adverse and Moon in the star of Sun who is debilitated in the 4th house of the throne of the king, this will harm the Prime Minister of the Country. The above chart also shows  the negative significations of Mars which will bring unhappiness in the Country due to crimes, explosions, riots and war like condition and religious fundamentalism. There could be lot of differences between the Hindu Infiltrators and the Muslim.

In the Progression chart of Narender Modi  Dasha of Mars with Mercury the Star Lord of Moon and there is split of the yoga in the Natal Chart of Narender Modi shows Unpopularity for Narender Modi and down fall in the Career as per Progression chart of Narender Modi.

Transit Mars  when over stays in a Rashi and comes close to earth then there are war like conditions.

Mars shifted to Gemini on the 26th August 2024 15:26 hrs New Delhi and remain in this sign till the 21st Oct. 2024 when it goes in Debilitation. Mars becomes Retrograde On December 7, 2024, Saturday at 05:01 AM. It will fall back in Gemini on the 21st Jan 2025 and remain in Gemini as a fallen planet till the 1st April 2025. It will shift to Leo on the 8th June 2025 and join Ketu. On the 14th Sept. 2025 when dasha of Mars will be in operation which will start from the 9th Sept. 2025 Mars will be over the 8th Lord Jupiter in the 6th house  over the Libra sign . This Time frame  will be explosive for the Country. Mars Over Stay between Gemini and Cancer  from 26th August till 8th June 2025 will be explosive.  Even after this things are no good since Mars will be with Ketu in the sign Leo till 28th July 2025 and oppose Saturn in Pisces from Virgo

Mars being the 12th and the 7th Lord of the India Foundation chart there will be espionage from the foreign elements war like situations, explosions, riots, rape and murder. Mars being the 7th Lord of the India Foundation chart and placed in the 2nd house will also work aa marak. The year from Sept. 2025 to Sept. 2026 will be the toughest year for the Country and the Prime Minister.

Mars has a declination of 27 and dasha period of 7 years as per the Dasha Varga chart of India for Mars is Debilitated in the Progression chart well as the Dasha Varga chart. Hence there will be lot of transformations which the general public may be influenced and may resist to the transformations. Stock Markets will be hit badly and as time goes by India will  dictate the world first. As the 7th Lord in India Foundation chart is Mars  Narender Modi may become the dictator  and force things ahead. The Positive will be reforms in Land, Agriculture, Army, Police, Under hand dealing for Property will no longer be allowed in any transaction.

For India Mars will transit over the natal Mars where only 18 bhinashtak varga points are there hence this Transit of Mars over Mars and Venus in affliction and Eclipse on the 18th Sept. 2024  08.00 hrs  with Virgo Lagna can play havoc as above .

 Now See the Progression chart of Narender Modi for the year Sept. 2025 to Sept. 2026 below 


As per the Progression Chart of Narender Modi of the Natal chart  for the year Sept. 2025 to Sept. 2026 is also a cause of concern since there is a split in the Rajyoga in the Progression chart for a Rajyoga and most venomous . Hence both from Muhurta chart and Natal chart of N Modi time of concern specially between Sept 2025 to Sept. 2026.If Narender Modi passes this litmus test then he will become a Lion and take the Country to a higher pedestal in the world


17th Sept 1950 12-00 hrs Vadnagar Gujrat

The Birth Details of Narendra Modi are not authentic as far as the time of Birth is concerned ,  He is Born on the 17th of Sept. 1950 Vadnagar Gujrat. There are different Horoscopes for him with Libra and Scorpio ascendant and Scorpio Moon . I will analyse the chart with Scorpio Lagna  since most of the Astrologers and my Guru also takes the chart of Scorpio Lagna. Progression of Planets  and Declination of Planets to give my Predictions which as per my research also give lot of information and  lot of predictions  can also be made from them, but when Authentic Birth chart is available it adds to Authenticity of the Predictions

As per the Time of Birth of 11-50 hrs he has Scorpio Ascendant 

The Birth chart is below.

Person with Scorpio Lagna has excellent fighting spirit, perception and ability to look through the darkness and attain goals to becomes successful and a famous person.

Libra navamsha people have charismatic personality and extraordinary good person to attract others. Such a horoscope reveals that he will be ranked  one of the most outstanding eminent personalities of India.

Ascendant Moon and Mars in lagna hence person is extremely benevolent, it makes the most formidable Pancha Mahapurush Yoga called the Ruchika yoga since it is also formed with Moon Lagna it is twice formed, hence Mars is potently benevolent and showering extraordinary  growth and accomplishment in life and specially in the Dasha of Mars, although the MT sign of Mars falls in the 6th house he will have to face lot of enemies in Politics. The Yogas in the Lagna and the 6th Lord in Lagna also indicates that the enemies will compromise and make him a Leader of the Country for years to come. Moon as Bhadkesh and as the 9th Lord is debilitated gets Vipreet Yajyoga, hence Moon Dasha he will get all the honours name and fame abroad.

The unfortunate part is Mars is afflicted in the Navamsha and also Dashamsha . but never the less it has digbal.

The 10th Lord is Sun placed in the 11th house with 11th Lord Mercury is good but in Rahu-Ketu axis makes the Sun afflicted . In Navamsha there is no affliction to Sun. 10th house has Saturn and Venus, Venus being the Lord of the 10th from the 10th house is extremely powerful placement. This promised name and fame and a leader of masses. Venus becoming vargottam  who will have exceptional success. This attains immortal status in Career and Politics. Both these Planets Saturn and Venus have the aspect of Jupiter from the 4th house. This is another Raj yoga for the native, although Jupiter in Retrogression is weak. 5 Planets in the visible hemisphere further makes the chart very strong. Brihat Jatak says if Venus is in the Kendra one will get extraordinary learning and wealth. Saturn placed in the 10th house also indicates serving the people.


The Planets are Saturn and Venus and both placed in the 10th house form a very strong rajyoga.

Sun with in 15 degrees of Saturn and Venus is another Rajyoga, since Sun is the MCL of the 10th house .

The Following Parameters should be activated for rise in Status  or reaching the Pedestal .

  1. MCL of the 10th House  Sun not activated by Transit Saturn
  2. VS Vivavsayaha Saham is Aries and activated by both Jupiter and Saturn in Transit for rise in Status at the time of Lok Sabha Elections 2024
  3. Dual Transit of Saturn and Jupiter activate the 10th house Leo is very good.
  4. Saturn activates the  Moon and Mars in Lagna in Scorpio the Rajyoga
  5. Dasha of Mars-Saturn in operation and has activated the 10th house . Now when Mars reaches Aquarius with Saturn there will be elections in March-April 2024 , shows success.
  6.  Mars and Saturn dasha Lords at the time of Elections placed well in the D10 and the D11 charts also bestow good results.
  7. Saturn the karka for politics activated by dual Transit very good .
  8. As per Natal Chart the 22 DK Lord is Venus and Mars is in Sarp Dreshkanne the Dasha from Mars-Venus from 5-2-2026 to 17-4-2027 Can  give Health issues .


 The Progression chart of the Sept. 2024 to Sept. 2025 is also a good one and promises good Growth since Moon in Pushya star and  Saturn in Amrit Bhag

As per Natal Chart Char the 22 DK Lord is Venus and Mars is in Sarp Dreshkanne the Dasha from 5-2-2026 to 17-4-2027 Can  give Health issues .


The Progression chart is not conducive to give  good results since there is a Rajyoga which is breaking as per Birth chart and Moon in Mercury star is also not good. Mercury is the 6th Lord and in theD8 chart it is with Rahu-Ketu hence there may Health issues also apart from deep Troubles in the Career.  10th Lord from  Lagna is Venus and Combust.

Transit of Saturn over Rahu in Pisces and Transit Rahu over Rahu Can trouble Narender Modi after 29th March2025 and when Ketu Reaches over Saturn at 2 degrees may give issues around the April 2025 or after Sept. 2025


Astrologer Anil Aggarwala    BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch   Diploma In Marketing Management FMS

Jyotish Acharaya  3 times from BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

Written on the 14th June  and reproduced several times. Now other Astrologers harping the same tune as usual copy -paste

8th Sep. 2024 06-00 hrs New Delhi

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY  By K N Rao and Many More

Total 22 years of Experience . 8th Years spent under the Guidance of Shri K N Rao in BVB New Delhi. From 2007 and did Jyotish Acharaya 3 Times and spent 2 years in Research. Started Jyotish Predictions from 2002 under the guidance of Stalwart Astrologer Narayan Pandit In Kilokari Maharani Bagh New Delhi




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Disclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects 


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