Will Mars Ingress in Scorpio Trigger the Fall of the Caliphate ?

by astrodocanil

“Will Mars Ingress in Scorpio Trigger the Fall of the Caliphate ?”

This is with Reference to my earlier Articles on the ISIS “What Stars Foretell For Countries Prone to Terrorism By ISIS ” link  https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/11/what-stars-foret…errorism-by-isis/ ‎ Also Read My articles on the Terrorism by ISIS on the Link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/11/what-stars-foretell-for-countries-prone-to-terrorism-by-isis/ are Proving 100% True as per my Predictions 

I am Reproducing the text for ISIS here . Below Map Of ISIS



29th June 2014 brought about a Catastrophic Formation of ISIS  when the Master  of the Arab World Abu-Baker–Al-Bagdadi announced that he is the Founder of the ISIS. He was not alone in his mission , but thousands of Terrorist were with him in his mission. He declared this information at 19-54 hrs. in the City of Mosul in Iraq.

ISIS Chief .On 11 October 2015, the Iraqi air force claimed to have bombed al-Baghdadi’s convoy in the western Anbar province close to the Syrian border while ISIS chief was heading to Kerabla to attend an ISIL meeting, the location of which was also said to be bombed. His fate was not immediately confirmed.There were some subsequent speculation that he may not have been present in the convoy at all.

Let us see the Foundation chart of the ISIS at this time below. 29th June 2014 19.54 Hrs iraq Mosul. The Chart is taken from the Shri Vishwavijay Panchang  Solan 2015-2016

The date is also confirmed by link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_State_of_Iraq_and_the_Levant

As Islamic State, 2014–present

On 29 June 2014, the organisation proclaimed itself to be a worldwide caliphate. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi—known by his supporters as Amir al-Mu’minin,

There is another  Horoscopes also of 9th April 2013  09-45 Syria , but I am taking the latest one when Abu-Bakr-al-Bagdadi announced that he is the Now the Founder of ISIS.

Chart of ISIS


The Lagna is Sagitarius a Codand Rashi  at 21.10 degrees in the nakshatra of Venus who is the 6th and the 11th lord placed in own sign in the 6th house . The Lagna Lord is Exhalted and placed in the 8th house with Moon who is also the 8th lord , indicative of Secret Mission . 4th Lord in 8th house with 8th Lord shows that what ever Territory they gain will be lost by them with time , The Conjunction is also aspected by Saturn from the 11th house who is in Retrograde Motion with Rahu. Saturn is also Marak and Connected to 8th house and the  Lagna Lord Jupiter along with 8th Lord Moon is a Malefic combination for the Longevity of the Organisation is definitely pointing out the fall of the Caliphate . Jupiter is Exhalted and also vargottam and is stronger then the 8th Lord , hence the ISIS group may sustain for some time frame . The aspect of  Fallen Mars and Saturn on the Lagna is showing the struggles and pains what the Founder and the Organisation will face due to militancy.

Mars as 5th and the 12th Lord  the planet of Wars is Digbali and Placed in the 10th house in its own nakshatra aspects the Lagna gives strength to Fight makes it war mongering as 12th lord and very close to the MEP of the 10th house but since Fallen may not be able to give the required Protection and rather being the 12th Lord Afflicted will give a fall  . 5th house has Ketu aspected by Saturn retrograde a marak. Ketu is also aspected bt Mars by 8th aspect, hence Ketu is badly afflicted in the 5th house of Thought Process and Poorva Janma Karka of the Organisation . Saturn also aspects the Lagna along with Mars makes the ISIS a War Prone Organisation . Lagna is also aspected by 9th Lord Sun  and 7th Lord  Mercury in Retrogression who is about to fall back in Taurus sign the 6th house of the chart . Sun and Mercury is a Rajyoga, but since Mercury is weak and about to fall is also showing the weakness. the 4th Lord in the 8th house and movable sign shows , the Founder will change his Working Place and Residence as time passes and is subject to Attacks. 4th Lord is also with 8th Lord Moon . All the 4  Parameter Lagna Lord , Moon, Mercury and the 5th house are afflicted badly shows the mental condition of  Abu-Baker-Al- Bagdadi at the time of announcement . Mars and Saturn aspecting the Lagna and Mars aspect on Herchel in the 4th house makes Mars Explosive for Wars, hence bloodshed is inevitable , more so after Mars transits over natal Mars after 3rd Nov. 2015 with  Venus and when Mars is Fallen in Transit in Libra and influences the Natal Mars By retrograde aspect between 17th June to 13th July 2016 . At this Time in Transit Saturn will also Influence the Natal Saturn by Retrograde aspect on the Natal Saturn will be the Crucial time for the Head of the Organisation .

The Most Critical factor in the chart of the ISIS foundation chart is that Mars is a fallen Planet in the 10th house Digbali and Most Malefic being the 12th and the 5th Lord It has the Capability to bring about warlike conditions for the Group itself and for the World , But it has been observed that such a Planet causes more harm to others , Mars was in Airy sign and has fallen in Earthy sign , hence It will create WLr on the Earth and Air. In Libra it was with Rahu and Saturn . Hence Mars will create havoc when with Rahu and Saturn in Transit  and in the sign Libra where it had conjunction with Rahu and Saturn   .

Navamsha and Dashamsha  Jupiter lagna Lord of Rashi Chart  is strong in both the charts , 10th Lord of Foundation chart is strong in Dashamsha along with 10th lord od Dashamsha , hecne the ISIS will fight with Strength , irrespective of the Outcome, Since they will produce disasterous conditions in the globe and Financial Recession, Escalation in the Prices of Petrolium Products and Blood shed is on the Cards .The 1/7 axis of the Navamsha with 8th Lord Moon of the Rashi chart opens the mission the ISIS may have . I have already written a separate Article on the Financial Stagnation in the globe after the 9th March 2016 Eclipse.

The Dasha at the time of Formation of the Organisation is of Saturn who is Exhalted, Retrograde, Marak and with  Rahu indicates the Future and their mission. The Dasha at the time of  Foundation is Saturn-Venus-Mercury, Mercury the Sub Sub Dasha Lord  Mercury with Sun the 9th Lord shows the Mission  for  the War . Dasha of Sat-Sun, Sat-Moon, Sat-Mars and Sar-Rahu  and then Sat-Jup till 24-12-2023 ,but the Periods of Sat-Sun till 27th Nov. 2015 and then Sat-Moon from 27th Nov. 2015 will be crucial for the Globe since there will be Bloodshed in this Period , which is likely to be continued till 6-8-2018  a Period of Sat-Mars from 27-6-2017 to 6-8-2018 will be worst. In fact when Mars Transits Libra on the 24th Dec. 2015 could bring about more terrorist activities by the Group. A Period till Mars is over natal Mars could also be a Period of Blood shed by the Organisation .Mars transit in the sign of Scorpio from 20th Feb. 2016 for a Period of 211 days could also escalates the war like situations  specially when it becomes Retrograde and fall back in Libra over Natal Rahu and  Saturn .The Eclipses in March 2016 and Mars Activating the Eclipse point again and again , since in Retrograde motion and then in direct motion will prove fatal for the Globe and specially between the Shia -Sunni Countries . Needless to mention the Countries . 

US, Russia and Nato Powers should soon find a solution for elimination of this Organisation from the roots else it will prove very heavy for the powerful countries of the world and Terrorism will sprout  these countries and warlike situations will emerge . Unfortunately the year 2016 is Durmukhi as per Vedic astrology and seems US and Nato will not be able to destroy these Terrorist Groups emerging with strength, specially during the period after Mars will in ingress in Libra on the 24th Dec. 2015. 

The Transit of Mars and Saturn in the sign Scorpio will Prove a turning Point for the Caliphate and specially when Mars and Saturn Influence the Lagna after 28th Jan 2017 m when Saturn Transits the Lagna and Mars Transit in the Lagna after 18th Sept 2016 and then Mars Transit in the 2nd House from 1st Nov. to 11th Dec. 2016. The Dasha Presently  Running is of Saturn-Moon till 27th June 2017 after which the Dasha will be of Saturn-Mars  which could be disasterous when Mars reaches the Sign Gemini and the 8th House After 29th May 2017  See the Chart below


Showing what could be the fate of the Caliphate  . I need not explain the above Lagna and Lagna Lord influenced by Mars and Saturn and shows th fall of the Calipahe with Magnitude though they will keep on their mission and lot of Bagdadi type of people will take over the Caliphate . Hence the Time around the May-June 2017 will be disasterous for the caliphate Fall 



Varshphala chart of ISIS 30th June 2015 02-04-56 Mosul Iraq till June 2016 

Varsh Phala ISIS

Afflictions as Below.

1. Lagna Lord Mars in the 3rd  house Combusted

2. 3rd house has Mars and Sun the 8th from the 8th house

3. 4th house has Jupiter and Venus in Planetary war and Jupiter losses in the war is strong negative for the ISIS

4. 6th house has Rahu aspected by Mars from the 3rd house

5. 8th house has Debilitated Moon and Saturn Retrograde

6. Malefic combinations of Mars and Rahu

7. Sun and Mars together in the 3rd house

8.Moon debilitated and placed in the 8th house with Retrograde Saturn .

9. Year lord is Jupiter in the h house in Planetary war.

10. Muntha in the 10th house and4t the Lord Saturn retrograde and placed in the 8th house

11. Lagna lord Mars will be Fallen for 25 days  on the 18th June 2016 after Mars ingresses in Scorpio and becomes retrograde at 3.28 degrees . Mars in fallen State after 18th June  2016  will be most damaging for ISIS in all respects The Period also when Mars and saturn both will be retrograde in the 8th house of the Varsh phala chart.

Mars entering back as fallen Planet in Scorpio on the 12th July 2016 could also prove explosive for the Globe, since Mars will work like a Painting Brush and repeat the events when it was in Scorpio. Mars is Known for its significations and I need not eloborate the same .  The Lunation charts of 4th July and 20th July 2016 are also not condusive to give good results rather Repeat of Terrorism, Bloodshed, Natural and Unnatural Disasters,Political Turmoils , specially when it aspects the Lumanaries in Transit in Gemini Sign and Gemini Navamsha till 16th July 2016.What ever happened when Mars Ingressed in Scorpio on the 20th Feb.2016 could be repeated after 12th July 2016 and till it crosses the Retrogression mark on the 22nd August 2016. US, Paris, Europe, China, Britain, Pakistan,Istunbul, Bagdad Could Suffer due to Significations of Mars Fallen .ISIS and Terrorist Organisations will be most active  during this Transit and can Prove disasterous and Explosive  for the Globe 

From the above it is crystal clear that the Organisation will be involved in Terrorism, BloodBath and war the complete year and major losses for them selves .

When Mars Transits the 8th house for 211 days be the be worst  Period for ISIS for 211 days from 20th Feb 2016 to 21st Sept. 2016, there will be a Fierce fighting between the Powerful Countries and ISIS, there will be Mass killings during this period . The Calipahte will start Losing the Territory Grabed after Mars is Fallen in Transit after 17th June 2016  and By June 2017 they may lose grounds for their Mission .

Now read this

 Islamic State Readies For Fall Of ‘Caliphate’

Link http://www.ndtv.com/world-news/islamic-state-readies-for-fall-of-caliphate-1430803?pfrom=home-lateststories

My Predictions as per my articles on my webpage  and link https://www.astrodocanil.com/?s=Terrorism+by+ISIS are Proving 100% True

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

13th July  2016 10-20 hrs. New Delhi 

Website :www.astrodocanil.com

Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Video on Planetary cycle on https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q

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