Will Hardik Patel Disrupt The India vs South Africa 3rd ODI

by astrodocanil

As per NDTV  “Mobile Internet Blocked in Rajkot Amid Threats to Disrupt India-South Africa ODI ” link http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/security-increased-at-rajkot-stadium-after-hardik-patels-threat-1233396?pfrom=home-lateststories. Hardik Patel will be with the Patel Community in Thousands Present in the Stadium .

I have already written an article ”  “Is Hardik Patel spearheading an anti-reservation movement ?” Link https://www.astrodocanil.com/…/is-hardik-patel-spearheading…/.  If you go through this article you shall find Hardik has always selected a date and time in which Moon and planetary positions are adverse . Like Anna Hazare for whom I had written a couple of Articles who also selected wrong Muhurats for his agitation and landed with utter failure. Hardik will also land in similair situations . Let us evaluate what the Planetary positions have to say at the time of the start of the match today on 18th Oct. 2015 13-30 Hrs. when he will start his agitation to disrupt the match.

The Chart is Below 18th Oct. 2015 Cricket match

Pancha Pakshi

Panch Pakshi

The Analysis is with Reference to Hardik Patel Success or Failure for his representations for Reservations for Patel Community today using the Cricket Stadium where the Match is going to take place and Thousands will join to witness the match.

Panch Pakshi

The Birth Bird for Gujrat is Owl and at the time of the muhurat it is Sleeping state and at 13.34 hrs it is in Dying stage hence after 13.34 hrs there can be evil Results of the event till 15.53 hrs. for Hardik Patel  agitation.

Panchang of the Day 

Day is Sunday and the Lord is Sun and is Debilitated and neecho neech vargottam is not good, specially when at the time of the match it is also the 8th lord . Day lord should not be afflicted along with 8th house for a good Muhurat. Indicative of untoward happenings

Tithi Sp-5

Nakshatra Moola  A Teekshna  Nakshatra  Ferocious and Bitter . This Nakshatra is good for killing, Aggressive and Deadly deeds , Violence etc.

Yoga Shobana the Lord is Sun  and is Debilitated

Karna Balava Lord is Moon and Placed in the 12th house and in Gandantha.

DBA  Ketu-Ketu-Venus

Sun Rise 06-47 hrs 

Hora Sun

Yama  3rd Yama of Leo which is the 8th House of the Muhurat chart and the Lord is Debilitated  placed in the 10th house and has exchange with 10th lord who is placed in the 8th house is most malefic combination for untoward happenings and infact Failure of the event for Hardik Patel . 10th house is the Battle Field  of the Home Team Since in Cricket the Home Team is signified by Lagna

Moon is in Gandantha  in Moola nakshatra as mentioned above a ferocious and Bitter nakshatra . Yama Moon and muhurat Moon are in 6/8 axis   shows Failure of the Event

As per Panchak Rahita Viddhi it is a Roga Panchakam , and Evil for the Event and Failure for Hardik.

Trisul Chakra

Trisul Chakra

The Moola nakshatra number 19  should not be at the tip of the Tridents . in the above Chakra it is on the tip and Malefic for the Event.

Now Have a Look at the Sensitive Points of the Muhurat in the chart below

Muhurat 18th Oct. 2015


From the Above it is absolutely Clear on the Sensitive areas of the Muhurat Sankranti Kaal is Most malefic

  1. Evil Muhurta Yamaghata
  2. Roga Panchakam
  3. Moon is Gandantha
  4. Planetary war between Mars and Jupiter in the 8th house , We all know Mars is always the winner  and Planetary war in the 8th house and Mars and Saturn influencing the 8th is Most malefic for the Muhurat, Event concerning masses
  5. As mentioned above Hora is also of Sun a Malefic and generally indicates obstacles for Hardik Patel and Failures Pertaining to all Acts concerning the significations of Sun and the Govt. Hence A strict action may be taken against him
  6. Hence from the above Parameters it is Clear that Hardik Patel will meet utter failure and dealth with Strictly if he takes law in his hand and hence may be Arrested in all Probabilities. 

The Lagna is Prishtodayo  and aspected by Prishtodayo Saturn who is also avyogi in the Muhurat  Chart . Lagna is also in the nakshatra of Sun the 8th Lord who is Placed in the 10th house and is Debilitated and  has exchange with 10th Lord Venus who is Placed in the 8th house where there is Planetary war . The house also suffers where the planetary war takes place , specially when Mars and Saturn are connected to the 8th house and there is return aspect and also connection with Sun Debilitated as there is excahnge with Venus. This is clearly pointing his Failure to achieve his motives .

I have already pointed out in my earlier article mentioned above that Hardik will always take up the his Reservation agitation when Planetary positions are adverse and cause Violence , Roits and Damage to Public Property and Like Anna Hazare who also took up all his events when Moon was afflicted connected to Ketu , Debilitated and around the Eclipses and Failed Miserably in his mission , Hardik will also land up in a similair situations . He is Bound to be arrested for causing and inciting the people,creating tensions leading to Roits, Violence and Damage to Public Property . Today event of the Cricket match can trigger untoward happening since there will be large crowd to witness the Match between India and South Africa. In all good Cause for the Public the Govt and Enforcement agencies should make sure there is NO UNTOWARD HAPPENING.

Navamsha is Vargottam and Capricorn a malefic sign and Prishtodayo and the Lord is with Ketu in the 9th house in the sign of Virgo, Lagna is aaspected by Mars and Both Mars and Sun debilitated placed in the 10th house and exchange of the 10th and 8th is intact and indicates the Govt. will also take strict action on the Hardik Patel agitations if he takes the law in his hand . The Planetary positions suggest that there can untoward happening as well . Moon in Gandantha  and the 7th lord shows that the Match can be held in between due to disturbances to the Players by the agitation which will be taken up by the Patel Community under the Guidance of Hardik Patel

As per the Letter H for Hardik Patel it is signified by Moon in the  Earthy sign . Today Moon is Placed in Fiery sign and Earthy signs are Afflicted , Hence He can have evil  Results and Befall .. He is liable to face Failure .

As Far as the Patels are concerned P is signified by  Air and Saturn and Saturn is ill placed in inimical sign . Saturn is Placed in watery sign is good but in Earthy Navamsha is again not favourable for them since in Rahu-Ketu axis and Neutral Results.

In a Nut shell it seems untoward happenings can take place,if  Hardik tries to disrupt the match. The Govt. Agencies will deal with him Strictly. The Event is failure for Hardik Patel agitation  , this is what the Planetary positions are indicating .

As Far as the Match is concerned the Time of the First ball will decide the  Match . I will give my analysis after the Match is Started using the time of the First ball.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 18th Oct. 2015 10-00 am 

Predictions about the Match Added at 13-30 hrs 

Adding the Cricket March Analysis at 13-30 hrs since the first ball has been bowled at 13-30 hrs , Between the Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord Saturn is Stronger than Moon .

Lagna is represented by India and the 7th house by South Africa

In all the 3 Varga charts Rashi, Navamsha and Dashamsha  Saturn is placed well,where as Moon is weaker than Saturn the Lagna Lord

10th Lord Venus and 8th Lord Sun have Exchange , there may be some obstacles in the Judgement and the decision of the Empires . Sun the Karka for Judge is weak and has connection with 8th house . Hence Investigations in the play may be difficult at some point . The Lord of Appeal Mercury is Strong .

In all Probabilities it seems India will do Better than South Africa and May win the Match . 


Disclaimer : This is only Astrological prediction and not my personal Opinion and the Writer does not hold him self responsible for any eventuality arising out of it . Any untoward happening is an Alert for the Public and the Organisers to be vigilant to keep the Tranquality and Peace

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