Will Bhandan Yoga On 15th Dec. 2016 Trigger Tug Of War Between China and US

by astrodocanil

The Media News are Horrifying .Read Below the Sequence of Events Between US and China.

I had Posted this on my facebook as follows

As Mars coming close to Ketu and Neptune in Aquarius and Mars activating the Eclipse point of 15.15 degrees on the 1st Jan 2017 and degree conjunct with Ketu and Neptune at 11 degrees on the 25-26th Dec. 2016, Look what News take the head lines


Chinese Warship Seizes US Navy Underwater Drone In South China Sea


link http://www.ndtv.com/world-news/chinas-navy-seizes-american-underwater-drone-in-south-china-sea-1638766?pfrom=home-lateststories

The seized drone was deployed by an American oceanographic vessel. (Representational photo)



  1. Chinese Navy warship seizes oceanography drone in South China Sea
  2. The unmanned, underwater vehicle or UUV was seized off the Philippines
  3. The survey ship was about to recover the UUV when it was intercepted
 A Chinese Navy warship has seized an underwater drone deployed by an American oceanographic vessel in international waters in the South China Sea, triggering a formal diplomatic protest from the United States and a demand for its return, a US defense official told Reuters on Friday.
 The incident, the first of its kind in recent memory, took place on December 15 north-west of Subic Bay off the Philippines just as the USNS Bowditch, an oceanographic survey ship, was about to retrieve the unmanned, underwater vehicle (UUV), the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

“The UUV was lawfully conducting a military survey in the waters of the South China Sea,” the official said.

“It’s a sovereign immune vessel, clearly marked in English not to be removed from the water – that it was US property.”

The Chinese seizure will add to concerns about China’s growing military presence and aggressive posture in the disputed South China Sea, including its militarization of maritime outposts.


A US think tank reported this week that new satellite imagery indicated that China has installed weapons, including anti-aircraft and anti-missile systems, on all seven artificial islands it has built in the South China Sea.

 The seized underwater drone was part of an unclassified program to collect oceanographic data, including salinity, temperature and clarity of the water, the official added.

Such data can help inform US military sonar data, since sound is affected by such factors.

The United States issued the formal demarche, as such protests are known, through diplomatic channels and included a demand that China immediately return the underwater drone.

The Chinese have acknowledged the demarche but not responded to it, the official added

For the above I had written on the facebook as follows

The Reactions from US will only come after Saturn ingresses in Sagitarius on the 26th Jan 2017 and activates the Natal Sun for Both China and US. China Has Sun in Virgo and US has Sun in Gemini and the Bhandan yoga of the Day of the Drone being captured 15th Dec. 2016 will be activated in both the Charts and Can trigger Tug of War between the 2 Countries till 15th March 2017

China Holds First Live-Fire Drills With Aircraft Carrier, Warships In Bohai Sea: Report



I had written on the facebook as follows for the above.

This is Threatening Specially on the 15thDec.2016 when the American Drone was captured y the CHINESE and now this Drill can further add fuel to the fire for the relations between US and China , specially when the Bhandan yoga is in the fortnight from 14th Dec. 2016. China is Running te Dasha of Sat-Rahu-Moon and then Saturn-Rahu-Mars till 13-3-2017. The involvement of the 7th house owned by Moon and Mars debilitated placed in the 7th house is crucial in the Present scenario.US is running Mars-Venus-Moon and then Mars/Rahu till 12–4-2017 hence tensions can aggravate till this time .

Let us study the Horoscopes of China and US to evaluate the Situations arising and what they depict the future Relations between the 2 Countries



Parameters crucial in the Present Scenerio

  1. From Moon and Lagna Mars Debilitated is Placed in the 7th house of Wars and Dasha of Saturn-Rahu-Moon and then sub sub dasha of Mars and Rahu till 13-3 2017 will be crucial for war type of activities and an aggressive stand
  2. Transit Mars has activated the Natal Moon and Mars till 1st Nov. 2016.
  3. Transit Mars has also  activated the Natal Saturn in the 8th house and will aspect degree wise on the 7th Jan 2017 at 19.59 degrees
  4. Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 over the Lagna Lord Saturn in the 8th house in Close degrees . Rahu was 18.37 degrees and the Luminaries at 15.15 degrees . The Eclipse point in Transit will be activated by Mars on the 1st Jan 2017 and can work as an ammunition dump by China
  5. Transit Saturn has activated the Natal Saturn by 10th Aspect already and after 26th Jan. 2017 Transit  Saturn will activate the Natal Jupiter and Sun , there by activating the Bhandan yoga of Sun and Saturn Conjunction in Transit on the 15th Dec. 2016 when the Drone of US was captured By China .
  6. The Transit of Saturn combined influence on the Jupiter and Sun is a very strong Rajyoga for Success, but activating the Natal Sun , Mercury and Ketu  is not good , more so since in Transit Saturn will also Aspect Ketu in the sign of Aquarius , when Sun and Mercury join there in Aquarius it will be worst  as seen in the Solar Eclipse on the 26th Feb. 2017 . Saturn aspecting  Sun, Mercury and Jupiter also in Transit , hence mixture of Results good and bad , specially till Saturn aspects Mercury in Transit till 11th March 2017, after which China may gain to some extent .
  7. In the Vedic Progression chart for the  running Year from Oct 2016 to Oct 2017 Rahu is the Most Prominent Planet placed in the 12th house and aspected by Mars the 8th house . In Transit Rahu is  over Natal Mars and Saturn in the 5th house in Leo .Dispositor of Rahu, Jupiter  is Debilitated in the 10th house.  In the subsequent Year it will be worst for the Country since it shows a status fall in the Country . This chart shows that till Saturn is there in Scorpio the Country may Progress but fall in the Subsequent year from Oct. 2017 to Oct. 2018  and from 26th Jan 2017 it may not be good for the Present Scenerio

Let me also take up the Chart of the Vedic Progression by Manu Smriti for the year Starting from Oct 2016 to Oct 2017 below


The chart above is making every thing crystal clear

  1. Aries sign rising which is the 4th house of the Foundation chart. Lagna Nakshatra is of Venus the Lord of the 2nd and the 7th house and placed in the 10th house with Debilitated Jupiter the 9th and the 12th Lord. The connection with Trik Bhavs shows the activities of the Houses concerned and since 7th house is involved the Country may be involved with other Countries and war like activities. It could also be with Neighbors and Hence India should also be alert . Now see this Media Report —-
  2. Letting Dalai Lama Visit Arunachal Will Damage Relations, China Warns Indiahttp://www.ndtv.com/india-news/dalai-lamas-arunachal-visit-will-damage-ties-china-warns-india-1585238 
  3. Also Read this —-China fumes at Dalai Lama meeting Prez http://www.tribuneindia.com/news/himachal/china-fumes-at-dalai-lama-meeting-prez/337743.html
  4. Also Read this —-China slams India over invite to Dalai Lama at Rashtrapati Bhavan http://www.thehindu.com/news/international/China-slams-India-over-invite-to-Dalai-Lama-at-Rashtrapati-Bhavan/article16861282.ece
  5. 16in_thvlr_dalai_pranab
  6. Mars and Saturn in the 5th house . 10th Lord from Lagna is Placed in the 8th house from 10th house and with 8th Lord from Lagna and Mars aspects the 8th house where Sun is Placed in the above Chart . Mars and Saturn first Transit in the 8th house and now Saturn and Sun Conjunction in Transit over the natal Sun is activating the Bhandan yoga.The 10th and the 8th Lord afflictions is notgood for the Country in general, more so the 3rd and the 6th Lord is in Gandantha hence Malefic happenings in the running year
  7. Mars aspecting Rahu in the above chart and in Transit Both Mars and Saturn influencing Rahu and Ketu . After 26th Jan 2017 Saturn will activate Ketu also
  8. Mars will activate the Eclipse point in the 5th house on the 1st Jan 2017 and Mars will be degree conjunction in Transit with Ketu and Neptune on the 25th-26th Dec. 2016
  9. Dasha of Sat-Rahu and Both afflicted by 8th Lord in the chart
  10. Navamsha of 8th house is rising
  11. Sun in the 8th house and in Navamsha again with Rahu and aspected by Saturn from the Lagna , where Transit Saturn is also there .
  12. 3rd and 6th Lord Mercury in the Dagdha Rashi and in Gandantha in the 9th house . 3rd and 6th House activities will sprout with dimension . China will be in aggressive mode for picking up fights


The Chart is Below


Parameters acquiring an Important dimension

  1. Present Dasha of Mars-Venus-Moon  and then Sub sub dasha of Mars and Rahu till 12-4-2017 is crucial
  2. The combinations of Mars and Saturn return aspect and Mars forming  War mongering Tendencies are Crucial Parameters more so since there is Exchange of Mars and Saturn till 20th Jan 2017 in Transit
  3. Saturn aspects Sun in the natal chart and Sun and Saturn Bhandan yoga till 15th Dec. 2016 when the Drone in the South Sea q]was captured by China .
  4. Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the Lagan and Moon, but not in close degrees with Moon and Lagna will not influence the Country so much in the Present circulstances but the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Feb. 2017 is close to Moon  but again not very close . The Solar Eclipse of the 21st August 2017 is definitely Crucial for the Country since will be in very close degrees to the Moon in the 7th house
  5. The Planets in the 11th house aspected by the 6th and the 7th Lord Saturn will be crucial more so since the Transit Saturn will activate the Natal Saturn in the 2nd House
  6. Transit Saturn Aspect on the Jupiter and Sun is Rajjyoga and better than China definitely , since it does not aspect Ketu and Mercury as the case of China
  7. Mars and Venus both aspected by Saturn the 7th Lord of Wars.
  8. Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 does not have that effect as in the case of China. The Effect on US will be more after 26th Feb. 2017 Solar Eclipse and the 21st August Solar Eclipse in close degrees of Natal Moon

The Vedic Progression chart of US for the year 2016-2017 below is an Enigmatic one , Mars the Dasha Lord in Vish Ghati and Anter Dasha Lord Ketu with Fallen Mercury, Moon Debilitated , Lagna Lord Venus  aspected by Mars and Saturn and in Transit Mars and Saturn both aspect Lagna and Lagna Lord today  , Lagna at the Stationary degrees of Mars and Saturn and Eclipse of 1st Sept 2016 over 1/7 axis of Sun and Sun Natal aspected by Mars degree wise at the time of Eclipse , The Dasha Lords are afflicted ,  Vedic Progression chart Mars , Saturn aspects the 8th house along with 8th Lord Jupiter . Saturn aspects Rahu in the chart and Saturn also aspects Rahu, are some Explosive Parameters for US, If Trump Takes over US, it could Prove correct what he is Trumptting now and Explosive One, Dasha of Rahu for US from Oct. 2018 will in any case Put the Country in Doldrums , since Placed in the 12th house of Losses and the Dispositor Moon in Mars Nakshatra the 7th house of War. Lets see what happens in the Elections in Nov. 2016 The Month of 9/11.Dasha Lord Mars Fallen from 17thJune to 14th July 2016 and also at the time 4th July 2016 the Day of the Foundation chart and Ketu over the Sun in Degrees in Aquarius in the Vedic Progression chart are Most Explosive Parameters for US

Vedic Progression chart of US for 2016-2017

DPYH US 2016-2017

Parameters acquiring an important Dimension

1.As Per the above chart  The dasha Lords Mars and Venus are ill Placed from the Lagna and the 7th house .

2. Transit Saturn over the Debilitated Moon in the 7th house who is the Nakshatra Lord of the Lagna  

3. Mars and Saturn both aspecting the 8th house

4. Mars and Mercury both are fallen Planets and Crucial , since Mars is the 7th Lord here and aspects the 8th house and also the Lagna Lord Venus . This Parameter is most Critical for the Country , since the 12th and the 7th Lord is Fallen and aspects the 8th and the 12th house , it also aspects the 6th Lord Venus, hence the Country may be involved in War mongering activities in the Current Year till July 2017

From the above it is obvious that the 2 Countries may get into Tug of War after Saturn Transit in Sagitarius and activates Natal Sun in both the Foundation charts of China and US.

The Most Critical Periods will be when Saturn will be fallen between the 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017. Also the Solar Eclipses of the 26th Feb. 2017 and 21st August 2017 can be like adding Fuel to fire between the 2 Countries . In Totality China Aggressive actions may prove to be a bane for the Country itself . India Has to Be alert from China since he could also be instrumental in agonizing or a Espionage against India together with  Pakistan.

At the time of writing the Article I am in Singapore and the Thunder of the Clouds and since not of magnitude and  is a shakun for these malefic happenings signified by Mars the Red Planet of War, Terrorism, untoward happenings more so the Mars in the Progression chart of US is fallen the Fight may not be with magnitude , but will linger on since the clouds were thundering after intervals .

Nut shell the Relations between the 2 Countries may take an ugly shape and China will be More aggressive it so seems in the Present Context and the Problems will linger on between the 2 till they Take an ugly shape around the Solar Eclipse of the 21st August 2017 , till this time there will be brick bating between the two and tensions will aggravate after 26th Jan 2017 as explained above in the Article

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

Date 14th Dec. 2016 10.00 hrs. Singapore

Mobile Singapore From 4th Dec. 2016 till 1st Jan. 2017 +6582078002

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

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Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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