Will Arvind Kejriwal Harping “House Tax Will Be Abolished If We Win” Bring Him Any Mileage

by astrodocanil

Arvind Kejriwal is trying his level best and offering baits to Voters for the forthcoming MCD Elections in Delhi . He is announcing that he will wave of the House Tax.

Will he be successful in his Bait Oriented Election Message  ? link http://indianexpress.com/article/india/if-we-win-will-abolish-house-tax-arvind-kejriwal-4585829/

Let us have a close look at his Birth chart and the Dates 23rd and 26th April 2017

The Birth chart of Arvind Kejriwal is Below of 16th August 1968 07-30 hrs Bhiwani.

Arvind Kejriwal has Leo Lagna  and Lagna Lord Sun and the Yogakarka Debilitated Mars  conjunct in the 12th house and in the 4th from Moon , Both are in Sarp Dreshkanne. This Parameter alone Sun and the Lagna Lord in Sarp Dreshkanne brings Emotional Hurdles in life along with Poor Forsightedness.

The Moon in his chart is also in Ayudh Dreshkanne . Moon should not be in Ayudh dreshkanne  then Suicidal tendencies  and on top of this Moon is with Saturn in the 9th house and aspected by 5th and the 8th Lord Jupiter . Shastra says such a Person can meet an unnatural untoward happening in his life .

YogaKarka Planet Mars

In the Chart of Arvind ejriwal the Yoga Karka Mars is Debilitated and in Sarp Dreshkanne . 9th Lord in Sarp Dreshkanne can have benefit from Foreigners , he may follow his religion as per his own choice . Mars is Not Connected to Venus the 10th lord hence mars is not a Poorna Yoga Karka , also they are in 2/12 axis

10th Lord from Lagna is Venus and 10th Lord from Moon is Saturn and Debilitated

Garbshishta Planets

The 5th Lord in Lagna with 10th Lord and the 2nd and 11th Lord Mercury is definitely good but are they Placed well from the Garbshishata is the main Concern in the horoscope

The Present Dasha is of Jupiter-Venus till 10-10-2018 is not condusive to give good Results  since both are ill Placed from the Garbshishta Planets Sun-Rahu in the Rashi Chart. Garbshishta Planets are the seeds of our life and what ever happens in our life these Planets must activate the Event.

Dashamsha Chart

The Dashamsha Chart is making clear that the Dasha Lords are ill placed and Connection of 2 Debilitated Planets with Dasha Lords Jupiter and Venus

Rudramsha Chart

In the Rudramsha Chart Jupiter is well placed from the 10th house, 10th Lord Mercury and Sun for granting a Position , but Venus is ill placed in this chart from the 10th house and Sun

We all Know Arvind Kejriwal became the chief Minister of Delhi when the Dasha of Jupiter- Mercury was Running and Mercury is Lagna Lord of the Rudramahs a chart along with the 10th lord and Placed well in the 5th house and Sun Placed in the 10th house . In the Present Scenerio the anter dasha Lord is ill placed for him to grant a Position , also as per the Transit Venus the 10th Lord will be in his 8th house in Pieces and in the 12th from Moon Natal

Vedic Progression chart as Per Manu Smiriti

Year August 2016 to August 2017

The Malefic Parameters in this Chart

  1. The Garbshishta Planets are ill placed from the Dasha Lords Venus and Jupiter
  2. The Garbshishta Planets are badly afflicted in the Chart , Sun totally Eclipsed with Ketu and both Rahu and Ketu are Poison since in Forward motion
  3. The Dispositor of Moon is Saturn and Fallen and aspects Sun and Ketu
  4. Fallen Saturn is Most Venomous in the Chart and Transit Saturn will acquire a Status of Fallen Planet between the 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017
  5. Saturn will be Retrograde in Transit on the 6th April 2017 and will be aspected by the natal Saturn from Pieces  and the 11th from Moon.

From the above it is Clear that Arvind Kejriwal may not get any Mileage from the MCD Elections in Delhi on the 23rd April 2017

The Chart Rising on the Day of Elections 23rd April 2017 is below

As Per the natal Chart Venus in Transit will be in the 8th house aspected by 8th Lord Jupiter , Dasha Running Jup-Venus

Jupiter and Venus both ill Placed from Garbshishta Planets Sun-Rahu

As Per Progression chart the Sign rising is the 8th house of the Progression chart and the 10th house of the natal Chart

From the above it seems Arvind Kejriwal has very little or no chances of Attaining any Position in the MCD Elections to be held on the 23rd April 2017. Hence his Harping HouseTax will be abolished if he wins will not play any Trick in the Elections

anil aggarwala BSc.Engg. P.E.C Ch.

Date 26.3.2017  20-30 hrs

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 Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

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