Solar, Lunar Eclipses in 2016 Signatures Alarm Bells As Per Varahamihira

by astrodocanil

” Solar, Lunar  Eclipses in 2016 Signatures Alarm Bells As Per Varahamihira”

This article is in continution to my earlier Article “Saturn Stationary 3rd Time in Scorpio: Alarm Bells” link…ng-for-the-globe/

Astrology is a scientific study and application of the language of heavenly bodies. These heavenly bodies determined on the basis of astronomy and mathematics, are mapped in the form of a sky map called the Horoscope. At the time of birth  of a native the planetary configurations in the transit are freezed.The different Dasha which are dependent upon our previous karmas generate the heat to stimulate the different planets to give the results. The Transit planets add heat for the planets to be activated and stimulated.In this Article I am going to discuss the effects of the 2 Solar Eclipses  of 9th March and 1st Sept. 2016. 

At the time of Mahabharat old times each and every person had a knowledge of Astrology . Giving you the example of Karna who was a shudra but he had knowledge of Astrology. At  time of Mahabharat war  when lord Krishna went to Karna for Pandav support because Karna was brother of Pandavs at that time  Karna told Lord Krishna  Hey Krishna ! I am looking at a big change of the future  because Duration of the fortnight 13 days   and 2 eclipses were taking place one lunar and one solar  (A Pakh is of 15 days normally), so from this we got a clue for the eclipses, and knowledge of the old Shastras.

Now I am coming on the 2nd world war time .Our great astrologer PanditHardev Sharma Shastri, who lived in a small place Solan in H.P. and had predicted the 2nd world war.We can also see the importance of Astrology at the time of  division of India and Pakistan when PanditHardevsharma  and Pandit  B Surya N Rao played  great role  by fixing a good  muhurat . A crystal clear thing comes that Pakistan was formed on the 14thAug and India was formed on 15thAug 1947 and u can see the effects and goes without saying.

There are 2 kind of Eclipses one Lunar and second Solar, The Lunar Eclipses effects are seen immediately, where as the Solar Eclipse Effects are seen after some Months and are spread over longer Period of time and with greater magnitude.

According to Varahamihra, when the Lumanaries are set in Eclipse, there would be danger to autumnal crops as well as the Kings and the Queens, when these Eclipses are aspected by Malefics then the Effect is a malefic one  and in a Fixed sign the effects are for a long time . He also States that when in one month there is a Solar and a Lunar Eclipse then Kings will be destroyed as a result of a revolt and there would be bloody battles .

Solar Eclipse on the 9th March 2016 at 07.24 hrs New Delhi

Eclipse India March 2016

Map of the Eclipse


9th March 2016

The Solar Eclipse of the 9th March 2016  falls in the above  category discussed and is a Scary one . In Brihat Samhita The Eclipses in the Airy sign and Fixed sign  would set forth Cyclones and Disputes in the other states, In Airy sign , it can also cause Disturbances in the Air, Air Accidents  and Plane Crashes . Since the Eclipse of the 9th March 2016 is also taking place in a Human sign, it will adversely influence Human and Animals, aspected by Malefics there will be famine and pestilence all over the Countries who have Planetary positions influencing the Natal Chart as discussed in my article ‘Saturn Stationary 3rd Time in August :Alarm Bells

I have also written an Article “Will The Solar Eclipse of March 2016 Bring Decline in the Global  Economy” dated 24th May 2015 link…n-the-us-economy/

One of the most Crucial Parameter in the Eclipse of the 9th March 2016 is all the Planets are in Rahu-Ketu axis  and Mars and Saturn both Conjunct and placed in Kendra and aspecting the Nodes is a Explosive Parameter in this Solar Eclipse. In this Eclipse the Lumanaries are in the Airy sign  and in Earthy Navamsha . Jupiter badly afflicted in very close to Rahu and aspected by Saturn in close degrees . Mars the ammunation dump in cases of Eclipses and is aspecting the Eclipse point in Aquarius makes every thing crystal clear that the Malefic effects of the Eclipse will surface very soon again and again since Mars will be going in Retrogressionand aspect the sensitive point . See the degrees of the Lumanaries and the Nodes. in fact this Eclipse could be even worse than the 1932 eclipse . This Eclipse will be visible in the  South east Asia, Pacific and Indian Ocean, North east Australia. Saturn and Mars in Earthy Navamsha also indicate  major losses of lives and Property in the fortnight from 9th March 2016 with Cyclones, Tornodas , Tsunami followed by a Strong Earthquake.

As per the Paksha Kundali or the Solar Eclipse taking place in the 12th house of the chart , the following Parameters can sprout with magnitude.Note these Parameters between 19th March to 2nd April will be a critical Period and what ever will sprout will be for long and till the end of the year 

1.Foreign spies.

2.Underground movements,

3.Terrorist Attacks on the Govt.

4. Labor Unrest .

5. Strikes and Representations with Anger 

6. All Type of Scams will Sprout.

7. Close aspect of Malefic Planets  on the Lumanries and the Benevolent Jupiter in Affliction is indicative of Economic meltdown and stagnation and nosedive between 9th March 2016 to Middle Oct. 2016 at least 2 times with Magnitude. I am not mentioning the dates specifically to avoid Speculations 

8. Eclipse in the Airy sign Cyclones , Earthquakes, since Earthy signs are afflicted

9. Mars aspects the Eclipse sign and when goes in Retrogression on the 17th April 2016 and in stationary position from 13th April to 21st April can be explosive along with when Mars aspects the Aquarius Sign in Transit Navamsha between the 3rd May to 16th May 2016, more so between 3rd May to 5th May 2016 , Explosive situations , Mercury will also be in Retrogression and Combust. Jupiter Stationary ansd aspected by Saturn degreewise and Jupiter aspecting Sun Degreewise and dispositor of Sun in the 8th from Sun in Retrogression.

10. 4 Planets in Retrogression, Mars and Saturn in 6/8 axis with Sun most Crucial Parameter for Earthquakes, Terrorism  and signification of planets Jupiter, Mercury, Saturn and Mars , damage to Kings and kingly Countries is on the cards along with Meltdown in Economy.

11.As Per Vypar Ratna when the Lunar Eclipse  takes place on the Wednesday  as the case of 23rd  March 2016, Gold, Silver and Metals will rise , all though as per Parameters of Gold it can also Take  hit, but this Parameter can hold good for some time  (Page 140) till it takes a hit. Please include this Parameter in the Article

12. Solar Eclipse taking place on the 1st Sept. 2016 is another Parameter which will escalate the Parameters of the 9th March 2016

13. Planetary cycles sprout their Results  with Magnitude finally when Jupiter and Mercury are in Virgo sign in the 1st week of Oct. 2016

14. The Demon Rahu will be in adverse motion in March 2016 Exceptionally .March 2016 is a Tricky Month, Rahu is in Adverse motion from 8th to 12th March , then 13th-14-15th Normal motion then again till 23rd Adverse motion and Saturn going in Stationary mode and aspecting Jupiter Degreewise and Rahu as well in Leo, Explosive Parameters after 19th March 2016 and then Till 2nd April 2016 and again Rahu Adverse from 2nd April to 6th April 2016. Every thing will become Volatile and More of Negatives then Positives . Rahu has the capacity to turn the tables upside down

The Total Solar Eclipse would be observed from Pacific Ocean. Palembang, Palu, Palangkaraya andTernate are few Indonesian cities to observe total Solar Eclipse. The partial Solar Eclipse would be visible from Australia, India, China, South Korea and Japan.

In India, the partial Solar Eclipse would be visible from most of the cities except some cities in western and northern India . New Delhi, Hyderabad,Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata, Guwahati, Nagpur, Bhubaneshwar, Noida, Gurgaon, Lucknow, Bhopal,Indore, Ujjain, Gwalior, Kochi, Coimbatore and Varanasi would observe partial Solar Eclipse.

Outside India, Kathmandu, Dhaka, Colombo, Colombo, Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta,Honolulu and Darwin are some of the big cities where partial Solar Eclipse would be visible.

The eclipse would not be visible in North America, South America, Europe, Africa and some northern and western countries of Asia. From Pakistan, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Afghanistan and Kazakhstan where none of the eclipse would be visible.

A Total and a ring-shaped Solar Eclipse

On March 9, there will be a “real” solar eclipse, in which the moon will cover all of the sun. It will be visible in a 150 kilometer wide stripe, reaching all the way from Indonesia through large parts of the Pacific. For four minutes, the moon will cover the sun completely and turn day into night.

In Japan, China, southeastern Asia, large parts of Australia and in Hawaii and Alaska, this will be visible as a partial eclipse. Since it passes the dayline, the eclipse will be visible in Hawaii and Alaska already on the evening of March 8th.

On September 1, the Moon will again move itself in front of the Sun. But it will be when it is at the farthest reaches of its orbit. That means the lunar disc is too small to cover all of the Sun. The event will thus appear as a ring-shaped eclipse and it will last for about three minutes.

Let us also have a Look at the Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 below 

The 2 Solar Eclipses taking Place on the 9th March and 1st Sept. 2016 will be crucial Since Mars and Saturn  Stationary Points will be 14.49 and 15.41 degrees in Scorpio and The Eclipse Point of 15.15  in Leo of  the 1st Sept. 2016 will be aspected by Saturn at same degrees, an Explosive Parameter , see the chart below

Eclipse of Sept 2016

When  Saturn , Mars, are Stationary at 22.00 or 15 degrees in Scorpio or about to come in Stationary motion for the  Countries mentioned in this article and Discussed earlier or any other Country where the Eclipses are taking Placed in the 1/7 axis or the 4/10 axis then there will be Earthquakes  followed by  Cyclones, Trunami with Magnitude. The Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Moon, Sun and the 8th house are also Explosive Parameters  . Mercury  Escalating its speed till 30th April 2016 will  give abnormal conditions in the Weather and Stock market Volatility  , Taurus-Scorpio axis  and Watery sign affliction in the  can give rise to Terrorism, War etc. as discussed in this article 

Eclipse in a fixed and Fiery sign on the 1st Sept. 2016 , will influence more on the animals and 4 legged , vehicles, those who work on Fire , hunters , People living in Mountains, Leo is also Eastern direction and the nakshatra is Bharini governed by North East Direction. Hence Nepal, Sikkam,Bhutan,Arunachal Pradesh, Tibet, China and Burma, being the 8th house of China and Kashmir will be a Sensitive Time Frame

Image of 1st Sept. 2016 Solar Eclipse


The path of annularity for this eclipse starts in the South Atlantic Ocean, crossing central African regions of Gabon, the Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania and Mozambique before passing over Madagascar, the small island of Reunion before ending in Indian Ocean

Let us see the Charts of Countries Prone to war and in the Present Scenerio could Trigger the War Parameter, which have not been discussed in my Earlier Article

Pelistine chart 


We are all aware of the activities of Islamic State of Iraq ISIS and the Danger caused to Israel to Librate Pelistine , since it is a Part of Islamic State campaign. All terrorist Organisations are also Threatening Israel for the dire consequences if it does not Liberate Pelistine

The Current Dasha of Rahu in the 7th house in the sign of aquarius and aspected by Saturn from the 5th house is indicative of a War for liberation . The Anter dasha Lord is with Debilitated 7th Lord Sun  from Rahu is condusive for a War like situations in the Country, the same is confirmed in the navamsha since rahu has gone in the 7th house with Debilitated Mercury and the 7th Lord Jupiter

In Transit Rahu and Ketu over the 1/7 axis and the Navamsha combinations are activated in the 1/7 axis of the Foundation chart since the Eclipses are taking place in the 1/7 axis . The sub dasha lord Mercury is also indicative of  Territorial War in the Country for Libration . Mars and Ketu in the Navamsha Lagna confirms the same with aggression

Let me also take up the chart of Israel  14th May 1948  16.00 hrs TelAviv as Below


Note the Significiant  important Parameter Mars Placement  in the chart of Israel in the 12th house. As per K N Rao Mars Placed in the 12th house makes the country WAR MONGERING, prone to Terrorism either by the Country itself or Involving themselves in War like activities with the neighboring Countries . The dasha of Mars -Mercury and Mars -Ketu is liable ountry getting involved in a War with neighboring Countries 

Some significiant parameters from the above chartsof Pelistine and Israel the Planets Placed in Aquarius -Leo Axis at 17 degrees in both charts and the Crucial Eclipse Point of 15.15 degrees in Leo for the Eclipse Point of 1st Sept. 2016  and connecting to the Eclipse of the 1st sept. 2016 Eclipse Point and Eclipses taking Place over the 1/7 axis of Pelistine at exact Degrees of Rahu-Ketu and the MEP of Lagna will be the Mosrt sensative Parameter for war sprouting with magnitude after the Dates mentioned in August from 23rd to 28th August 2016 even before the Actual eclipse on the 1st Sept. 2016 is Speaking Loud and Clear that both the Countries will be involved in War .

  1. In case of Palistine the Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna at the MEP of Lagna and Rahu in the MEP of the 7th house will be activated by Transit Mars and Lagna by Saturn almost at Exact degrees  is a Explosive Parameter
  2. In Case of Israel the Eclipse is taking place in the 1/7 axis of 8th Lord mars in the 12th house and Natal Mercury Lagna Lord  aspected by Transit Mars at exact degrees at the time of Eclipse along with Sun

Planetary cycles of all planets will be completed when Jupiter and Mercury will be both in Virgo on the 4th Oct. 2016 and Jupiter Rises Helically on the 7th Oct. 2016 could Sprout very strong Parameters for the Kingly Country and the Globe as per my earlier Article “Saturn Stationary 3rd Time in Scorpio: Alarm Bells”  link…ng-for-the-globe

Significations of the Sign Virgo, Pieces the 6th and the 12th house of the natural Zodiac ,Jupiter and Mercury will sprout  Loudly. Economy Meltdown, War , Untoward happenings , Political Turmoils and significations will sprout as per the Predictions mentioned against Each Country. US banks could also be responsible for the Economy Melt down. Weather changes as indicated by me are also on the Cards along with Cyclones, Earthquakes , Tsunami

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 17th March 2016 10-20 hrs New Delhi


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

For Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing  according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein by the investers . The Predictions may not hold true hence the Risk is totally of the Invester and not the Writer . This may Please be noted. The Prediction may or may not come True. My website also has a Note for  Disclaimer on all Articles posted on this website , Facebook or any other Social media, This also applies to all the Social media where my articles are displayed. 




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