Why ‘Stocks’Are Vulnerable To A Pullback As Coronavirus Looms Over Asia Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1135 Articles and Predictions in just 56 months from April 2015

Rahu-Ketu Transit over the Fallen Jupiter the 12th Lord and Mercury 6th Lord of China degree conjunct with Ketu Disease Karka vunerable till 22nd April 2020 Spread after 2nd Feb to 26th Feb 2020 most prone specially after 12th Feb 2020 when Ketu goes in Moola Nakshatra the Nakshatra of the Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019 and Rahu over the Punurvasu Nakshatra of the 11th Jan 2020 after 22nd April 2020 could also be enigmatic one for the Virus, but the saving is Mars in Fiery sign from the 8th to 15th Feb. 2020 may give some relief to the affected since then Mars will be in Fiery sign in the D6 Chart well placed from Ketu and Mercury. As far the Virus is concerned it may spread fast since the 6th Lord is Mercury and walks fast and has crossed the 15 degree mark.Hence the virus is in its full strength.
At Least 56 Dead, More Than 2,000 Cases of Coronavirus Confirmed
The novel coronavirus spread to a 15th nation on Saturday as Canada confirmed its first case. China also reported a surge in deaths as the nation’s president stepped in to speed the response.
Hongkong to close schools over the Coronavirus spread
Read My Articles and I had mentioned most malefic Planetary positions till 24th Jan 2020 when Rahu will also be adverse and Saturn also ingressed the same day and we can see for ourselves the Cornovirus break out takes place exactly on the 24th Jan 2020

The spread of China’s coronavirus is providing stock-market investors with another reason for caution as major U.S. equity benchmarks trade near all-time highs, offering a potential trigger for a near-term pullback.

“Conditions in the broad market are ripe for a pause as sentiment measures and overbought conditions are at extreme levels. However, the missing ingredient to temporarily halt the advance in the market has been a catalyst.
Let us have a look at the Foundation chart of China to see what the planetary positions have up their sleeves ?
The Chart of the 1st Oct 1949 15-15 hrs Peking is Below

Some Notable featerues of the Horoscope and most Venomous in the Present Scenario for the Corono virus
1.12th and 3rd Lord Jupiter is a Fallen planet placed in the 12th house is the most Vunerable parameter when the Transit jupiter is also Transitting over the same House with Ketu in close degrees . The Degree conjunction took place on the 10th-11th Jan 2020 at the time of the Eclipse taking place in the 1/7 axis of the Jupiter a Fallen planet
2.Rahu Transitting in the 6th house and in adverse motion influenced by 8th aspect of Mars and Saturn Transit in the 12th house over the natal 12th Lord with Ketu and Saturn reaching the Degrees of Jupiter in Transit activated the natal Fallen Jupiter on the 23rd Jan 2020 when the out break took place
3. Sagitarius sign the 12th house of the chart is also the sign of the 22DK and Transit of Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu over this sign is most venomlus for the outbreak of the disease when Rahu is also influenced by these planets in the 6th house and Eclipse taking place in the 6/12 axis specially on the 11th Jan 2020 when Transit Jupiter and Ketu were degree conjunct
4. 6th and the 9th Lord Mercury is placed in the 9th house degree conjunct with Ketu in virgo. Ketu is Disease Karka and Transit of Ketu in the 22DK with Jupiter over the Natal Jupiter is most venomlous for the out break of the virus
5. Dasha in operation for China is Mercury from the 24th Sept. 2019, but the Dasha of Mer-Mer-Ketu statrted from the 24th Jan 2020 when the Sub dasha of Ketu started and the Transit of the Lagna Lord Saturn entered over the janma Moon which is supposed to be most enigmatic for the coming 10 months for Capricorn sign. This enigmatic dasha will continue till 18-3-2020
6. As per Nadi Classics of Astrology when a Planet is placed in own sign then it loses the ownership of the other sign and in the case of China Mercury loses the lordship of the 6th Lord and Rahu Transit will be responsible for the outbreak.
7. Transit of Sun the 8th Lord , Mercury and Saturn in the sign Capricorn aggravated the situations in the present scenario for the Virus on the 24th Jan 2020
See the chart below of the 26th Jan 2020 Transit and the Foundation chart along with the D6 and the D8 Charts

In the D6 Chart the Lagna Lord of the Foundation chart Saturn and the Lagna Lord of the Dreshkanne Chart Venus both are ill placed from the 6th Lord Mercury and Ketu posing difficulties for good cure . The Lagna od the D6 chart is of Jupiter who is a Fallen Planet placed in the 10th house with Debilitated Venus the Dreshkanne Lord .
8. In the D8 Chart there is no affliction to the 6th Lord Mercury by Saturn or Rahu-Ketu is a Saving and no lingering disease is seen hence after the Transit Positions improve and Dasha of Ketu ends on the 18th March 2020 there may be relief. Unfortunately the Next dasha is of Venus and wealy placed in the D6 hence the disease may continue till Sun Subdasha till August 2020 in a Nut shell but till March 2020 the disease may acquire grim situations in the Country
9.China is running Sadesati and Janma Shani is most venomous. The First 10 months it will be in Mrit Avastha and the next 10 months it will be in Yuva avastha and then 10 months in bal avastha , hence the coming 20 months for China are enigmatic one specially when Mars,Saturn and Jupiter will Transit over the sign Capricorn on the 30th March 2020 over the natal Moon.
10. Ketu will enter in own Vanshatra from the 12th Feb and Rahu and Ketu both will be in their Nakshatra from the 12th Feb to 22nd April 2020. This Time Frma e seems to be most Crucial for this Virus

The above parameters are detremental for this Virus as mentioned above and till 22nd April 2020 will be time of Caution it so seems

This may adversely influence the Stock and the Financial Markets of the Globe it seems as per the time frmaes mentioned above
Read My Article “Mars Entry In Jyestha Nakshatra Escalates Tensions As Predicted 3 Rockets Hit Baghdad’s Green Zone Near US Embassy Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2020/01/mars-entry-in-jy…r-anil-aggarwala/
Mars in the Jyestha Nakshatra is termed as most malefic and Mars is also the Planet which fives cure from Diseases , in the Jyestha nakshatra it is not supposed to be good at all for healthy cure . After Mars goes in the sign Sagitarius then there could be a Cure for the disease and a Vaccine may be devolped for the same it so seems from the Planetary positions
Read the Nut shell of the above article below
Hence from the above Mars seems to drive the world in a most unexpected state OF Fire , Explosions Terrorism , Political Tug of War.Spread of Virus and Diseases These significations cannot be ruled out specially in Feb. April and June 2020 and can prove most violent months for the Globe in a nut shell. Mars Activates Eclipse points in Feb and June 2020 Ammunition Dump.
Dates 2nd Feb , 22nd Feb to 26th Feb 2020 most Prone for the virus to take ugly shape
The Stock and the Financial Markets will therefore be influenced adversely as already predicted by me in my earlier Articles with these time frames mentioned in this article


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch
Jyotish Acharaya from BVB New Delhi
26th Jan 2020 5-00 hrs
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Link EXPRESS STAR TELLER https://www.starteller.com/article7.html
My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link http://www.astrologicmagazine.com/ammunition-dump-mars-rom…/
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