Who Is Delhi’s Boss? Top Court Verdict : Stars Foretell No Mileage For Arvind Kejriwal

by astrodocanil

As per media news “Who Is Delhi’s Boss? Top Court Verdict Today In AAP vs Centre” link https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/newsindia/who-is-delhis-boss-top-court-verdict-today-in-aap-vs-centre-10-facts/ar-AAzy9Bq?li=AAaeRVN&ocid=spartandhp 

The top court’s constitution bench headed by Chief  Justice Dipak Mishra will pronounce the Verdict at 10.30 am .The other judges on the bench include Justice AK Sikri, AM Khanwikar, DY Chandrachud and Ashok Bhushan.

As the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) had decided to give another push to its demand for full statehood to Delhi with a door-to-door public campaign, a five-judge bench of the Supreme Court is set to take up a PIL filed by the Arvind Kejriwal government today at 10.30 am. After reserving its decision on it in December last year .The AAP government is constantly at loggerheads with the bureaucracy and the Lieutenant Governor (LG) over matters of governance in the capital .


Let us have a look at the chart of the 4th July 2018 at 10-30 hrs to see what could be the Verdict of the Supreme Court.
The Day is wednesday and the Lord is Mercury placed in the 12th house in close Rahu-Ketu axis and the house where Mercury debilitates . The day Lord is ill placed from the Lagna and the Lagna Lord Sun .The Day Lord Mercury is also placed with 10th Lord Venus in Gandantha  going from the watery sign to Fiery sign. The Day Lord is also placed in the yama of  Gemini and Sun the Lagna Lord is Placed there but again ill placed from the 10th house and the 10th Lord Venus and also the Day Lord . The Yama Sign Gemini and Sun is also aspected by Retrograde Jupiter the 8th Lord . These Parameters donot give any relief to the Native who has gone in the Court 
As per Prashna Jyotish the Fixed Lagna rising at the time of the Query is not good for good change. Also for the sign Leo is rising in the Lagna  Shastra says the Results are reserved already and the Querist will not get good results. The native may keep on trying  for the object which will jump like a frog and he may not be able to catch it. Hence the efforts of the native will go invain.
Unfortunately the Court  on the 6th Dec. 2017 the Judges had made it clear that they would only decide the larger issues on “law and princople” on the Status of the national capital under the Constitution. In its verbal observations during the hearings, the court had indicated  that Delhi’s Lieutenant  Governor or LG appeared to have primacy under the Constitution but had to operate with in some red lines. Under the Constitutionand the law,the city govt. does not have any control in the matters of land, bureaucracy and the police. In all other states , the LG has to be guided by the aid and advice of the elected govt. as happens in all states . The following parameters acquire an important dimension for the Verdic t by the Court .
1. The Day is wednesday and the Lord is Mercury placed in the 12th house in close Rahu-Ketu axis and the house where Mercury debilitates . The day Lord is ill placed from the Lagna and the Lagna Lord Sun .The Day Lord Mercury is also placed with10th Lord Venus in Gandantha  going from the watery sign to Fiery sign. 2.The Day Lord is also placed in the yama of  Gemini and Sun the Lagna Lord is Placed there but again ill placed from the 10th house and the 10th Lord Venus and also the Day Lord . The Yama Sign Gemini and Sun is also aspected by Retrograde Jupiter the 8th Lord . 
3. In the Prashna Kundali above Lagnesh Sun and Moon are not related hence the dispute raised by the AAP will prolong
4. Lagnesh is aspected By malefic Saturn and Malefic Saturn placed in the 5th house , court favours the opponent and not the Querist and hence the AAP loses in the battle.
5.Lagnesh is aspected by 8th Lord and dipositor of Lagnesh is placed in the 12th house with Rahu .
6. Rahu and Ketu are in adverse motion and hence the Native may not be able to gain any mileage in the PIL filed by the Arvind Kejriwal government .
7. The navamsha is movable and has Rahu and Mercury in the Lagna crystal clear indicates that there will be no success  for the PIL filed by Arvind Kejriwal
8. The Lagna is Dagdha hence no favourable results
9. The Lagna Falls in the Mrityu Panchak till 11.04 hrs
10. Moon has isfraag yoga with 8th Lord Jupiter 
Have a Look at the chart of Arvind Kejriwal below and the Transit today
Arvind Kejriwal is running the Dasha of Jup-Venus-Mercury  See the Rashi and the Dashamsha Chart and all will be clear Jup and Venus placed in the 12th house of Dashamsha . 
Transit 10th Lord Venus in Gandantha over the natal Sun in Gandantha in the 12th house 
Transit Mars the Yoga Karka Retrograde in capricorn with Ketu and have a look at the degree of the Planets of Mars in the natal chart and the Transit both connected in the 1/7 axis and also at the same degrees and unfortunately the Lagna Lord and the mars in the natal chart of Arvind Kejriwal is in Sarp Dreshkanne and hence the 10th Lord Venus is also in Gandantha and Sarp Dreshkanne will not arrtibute any success to him
Please read my Article ” Arvind Kejriwal In Hot Waters As Per Oath Taking Chart and Vedic Progression Charts” link  https://www.astrodocanil.com/2018/03/arvind-kejriwal-…ogression-charts/   
Read the last para which is being reproduced here 
As Per Yama chart and the Panch Pakshi  , Simhasan Chakra and Muhurat Parameters , he will get into troubles at every stage , he takes an aggressive stance and highly malefic  and may play with his tenure as a Chief minister
The Vedic Progression charts for the Running year and the Next year show Struggles at every stage and hence may get into hot waters after 7th March 2018 for 244 days since the Eclipses are also taking place in the 1/7 axis of the Natal Sun and the Natal Mars in affliction and specially when Mars is Retrograde and at the natal degrees of 13.00 in Transit in Capricorn in July 2018 and specially around the Eclipses on the 28th July 2018
Hence in a Nut shell Arvind Kejriwal and the AAp govt. will not get any mileage from the PIl filed by them in the Supreme Court  and the Court can even pass adverse remarks . The Prashna Predictions are as per the Time given 10.30 am and Predictions may change if the Court does not start the case at this time this may please be noted but the Oath Chart and the Natal chart in any case donot indicate he may get some mileage from this PIL  

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 4th July  2018  08.00 hrs 
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