When Would China Invade Taiwan ? Astrological Analysis

by astrodocanil

“When Would China Invade Taiwan ? Astrological Analysis”

 This is with Reference to my n number of Articles in which I have Predicted that the brawl between China and Taiwan will take an ugly shape and China will be in a Aggressive stance and invade Taiwan. 

Broadly speaking China will be in aggressive stance from the 27th Feb. 2022 ONWARDS WHEN ITS DASHA IN OPERATION IS ALSO OF MERCURY-KETU -KETU The Rashi and Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra crystal clear indicates Brawl between China and Taiwan may take ugly dimension  from the 24th Sept. to 13th March 2023 and in the fortnight starting from the 1st August 2022 when Mars and Rahu degree conjunct in Bharini forming angarak yoga in the sign Aries . The sign Aries is the 4th house of China and the 8th house of the Taiwan in their Natal charts. This Transit is most crucial for Taiwan since the Transit of Mars and Rahu degree conjunct will fall over the Natal Saturn and Moon almost degree conjunct 20-22 degrees when Mars and Rahu will be at 24 degrees in the same house and in the same Star which is the Star of the Lunar Eclipse of the 8th Nov 2022

The Chart of the Republic of China  Tai-Pei is of Virgo Ascendant and Transit of Mars and Saturn  being the 8th and the 6th Lord in the sign Aries and Capricorn respectively  will trigger the events and Taiwan will be invaded during the above time frame.   Precisely speaking  the Vedha of Mars and Saturn in the Nakshatra Sanghatta chakra between the 24th Sept. to 15th March 2023 will be explosive in this concern. Mars and Rahu Degree conjunct in the 8th house of the Taiwan will Threaten the peace betwen the China-Taiwan and China US also 

Look  at the Charts of the People’s Republic of China of the 1st Oct 1949 15-15 hrs Peking and Republic Of China of the 1st Jan 1912 00-00 hrs Tai-Pei below

As per the Foundation chart of China on the left side the Dasha in Operation is of Mercury-Ketu and I have already Predicted in my Earlier Articles before any Astrologer Predicted that this Dasha may be responsible for China to be involved in Disputes due to the following reasons .

  1. Mercury is totally Combusted Retrograde and eclipsed by Ketu . The Lagna Lord Saturn in the 8tyh house and aspected by Fallen Jupiter from the 12th house as the 12th Lord  who is 22DK Lord also. This indicates always planning for some thing to gain by odd means 
  2. Anter Dasha Lord Ketu is Avyogi  extremely bad for the Economic condition of the Country
  3. As per South Indian Techniques when a Planet is placed in one sign it losses the Lordship of the other house .Here Mercury owns the 6th house and is placed in its own house in the 9th house , hence it loses the Lordship of the 6th house hence the Country may enter into lot of Disputes, Debts and Diseases as can be seen what all is happening is the Country is crystal clear 
  4. Transit of Mars and Saturn as explained above in Aries and Capricorn  respectively  and Mars and Rahu over the  Natal Moon and Saturn may be the Time when China will be in aggressive stance from the 1st August  2022 onwards . Mars may spoil the Peace between the countries  
  5. True Nodes have already ingress in the Aries-Libra and the 4/10 axis of the China Foundation chart and the 2/8 axis of Taiwan.
  6. 14th April Saturn and Jupiter both will activate the 7th house of Wars and the Natal Mars in the 7th house of the China Foundation chart and the Future seems to be war between China and Taiwan.
  7. Saturn in Fallen state from the 12th July 2022 in the sign Capricorn the Lagna and aspect on the 7th house of war where Mars is placed  will put the Country at daggers drawn with Taiwan till Saturn remains in Capricorn. 

Now Look at the right hand side the Horoscope of Tai-Pie of Virgo Ascendant

The Parameters acquiring special dimension are as follows 

1. With Virgo Lagna the Mars and Saturn acquires the most important dimension since the 8th and the 6th Lord respectively . The Transit of Mars and Saturn therefore become  most important for the Country specially when Mars and Rahu Transit over the Natal Saturn and Moon in the 8th house  specially after the 1st August when Mars and Rahu will form a strong Angarak yoga at 24 degrees in Bharini over the Natal Saturn and Moon at 20-22 degrees in Bharini 

2.  The Solar and Lunar Eclipse in the 2/8 axis  and degree-wise Lunar Eclipse on the Saturn and Moon in the 8th house in the Bharini Star will be explosive for the Country . The Solar Eclipse falls on the 25th Oct and Lunar Eclipse falls on the 8th Nov. 2022

3.. Dasha in operation will be of. Venus-Sun -Mars from the 23-4-2022 can prove to be explosive for the Country . Venus with 7th Lord Jupiter in the 3rd house of Boarders and Sun the Lord of the 22DK these 2 Dasha Lords can give anguish and pain for the Country  from the 1st August 2022 onwards .

Now see the Nakshatra and Rashi Sanghatta chakra which open the secret of wars




This is only Astrological analysis and on the bases of the earlier happenings .  This Can Have an Adverse impact on the Stock and the Financial Markets and The writer does not hold himself responsible if any person invests according to the above Predictions. He shall be doing at his own whims and Fancies . The Writer of the Article is Not at all Responsible for any bodies loss note this

BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch

Date 23rd March  2022 14.00 hrs 
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Anil Aggarwala” 

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