What Star’s Have Up Their Sleeves For Future Of Crude Oil Prices ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1046 Articles and Predictions in just 54 months from April 2015

Mars and Saturn return aspect and Saturn Degree conjunction with Ketu and Rahu entering Ardra Nakshatra are Crucial Parameters for Global Economy and drop in the Production of Oil. This is a Research Article Please note this

“Currently, Brent crude oil is trading around $60 per barrel and West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil (a grade treated as a benchmark in oil pricing) is trading at $54.80 per barrel. Due to this attack, Brent crude may rise to $65-70 per barrel

Fuel prices in India are broadly linked to international crude oil prices. “The price at which it (crude oil) is imported will impact the Indian economy,”

The Significator for Crude oil is Saturn and since Liquid Venus and Moon also come into play. Note the Day when the the Prices of the Crude oil have started to surge all of a sudden. Venus Went in debilitation on the 9th Sept. 2019 and receives a strong aspect by Saturn Retrograde who is with Ketu.
It has has been observed in the past when Malefics are there in Conjunction, Opposition or in Square of Saturn then there is surge in the Prices of the Crude oil since then the Production of the Oil is hampered

Presently Saturn is conjunct Ketu in the fiery sign Sagitarius in the nakshatra of Venus who is in debiliataion and recieves the aspect of Saturn. On the 14th Sept. Moon is also afflicted in the sign of Aquarius the Sign for Crude Oil and receives the aspect of Saturn and Mars. The Future of the Crude Oil Prices may surge beyond expectations since Mars will ingress in the sign Virgo and aspect Saturn, in this position there will be return aspect between them and they will be in square position.
On the 20th Sept. 2019 Saturn and Ketu will be degree conjunct and in the same Navamsha this will further curtail the Production of the Oil and the Prices may further see an upward trend . The Roller Coaster Rides cannot be ruled out in this period till Saturn and Mars are in Square position andhaving retrurn Aspect . Mars will remain in Virgo till 10th Nov. 2019 hence this Period till 10th Nov. 2019 the Prices of Crude oil may remain high thereby influencing the Economy adversely specially after the 5th Nov. 2019 when Jupiter also joins Saturn in the Sign Sagitarius. The Prices of Gold as predicted will surge it so seems . When Saturn ingresses in the capricorn on the 24th Jan 2020 there will be decline in the prices of Crude Oil and when Mars and Saturn jointhen the Prices may become volatile after the 30th March 2020 . When Jupiter also falls back in the sign Sagitarius will be the worst time for the Oil to fall and loose grounds after the 15th May and then after the 30th June 2020

The Oil Production in the Country influenced by the drones may star production twith in a weeks time and hence the prices may again rise, but what action does the Saudhi Arabia takes against the culprit and then again Caos is not ruled out after the 24th Jan 2020 specially. Hence there could be roller coaster rides in the prices of crude oil
This is a Research Article and if My predictions go wrong Please donot blame me. The Question arises what will happen when Saturn and Mars join after the 22nd March 2020 and there is planetary war between the Mars and Saturn between the 30th March to 4th April 2020 This may decide the future of the Stock and the Financial Markets it so seems after a Break in the Financial Markets after Saturn ingress in Capricorn broadly speaking

Date 16th Sept. 2019 17.30.00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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