What Star’s Have Up Their Sleeves For ‘DUBAI EXPO 2020 & COVID-19’ As Per Progression Chart ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1243 Articles and Predictions in just 59 months from April 2015
Solar Eclipses over the Natal Mercury the 22DK Lord and Mercury the 6th Lord in the Progression chart and in the 8th house of the Ashtamasha Chart of Chronic Diseases may pose issues after 23rd April 2020 to 10th August 2020 and in a broader spectrum till 20th Sept 2020. In fact the Country is already reeling in pain due to the Virus
Let us Study the Foundation Chart of Dubai for the Coronavirus Crisis and the for Expo 2020 . The chart is of 2nd Dec. 1971 12.00 hrs Dubai which is below as per Book Of World Horoscopes

Unfortunately The Chart also has Dridra Yoga and a Kemdum yoga in the 4th house . Saturn and Moon form Dridra Yoga and Moon has no planet in the 2nd and the 12th from Moon. Daridra yogas or Nirdhanta yogas along with Kemadruma yoga and Shakat yoga, are certain exceptional ava-yogas or unfavourable planetary combinations that indicate poverty. The word, Daridra (Sanskrit: दरिद्र) means poor, needy or deprived, and the word, Nirdhanta (Sanskrit: निर्धनता) means poverty, poorness or indigence. Ava-yogas indicating poverty basically involve an affliction to the 2nd house or bhava and/or its lord, and to Jupiter and the lord of the 11th. Kemadruma yoga is also caused when the Moon is in the 2nd or in the 12th house and no planet occupies the bhavas either side the Moon; The good bad effects of Daridra yogas are felt during the adverse dashas or planetary periods of the afflicted lords of wealth and gains, and certain Daridra yogas operate from birth till death. There is an ancient dictum that reads – If the Moon occupies either the 6th or the 8th from the lagna and Saturn occupies the 7th house then all that one possesses will soon be lost.

Here in the chart above Saturn and Moon Forming the above yogas are also connected to the 2nd and the 11th Lord Jupiter who is Combust . Unfortunately the Dasha of Saturn has Started on the 29-4-2018. . This Dasha is most enigmatic one since with Moon forming a vish yoga more so Saturn aspects the 6th house with 6th Lord Moon
The Most sensitive Parameters for the analysis of virus and diseases are as follows
22DK Sign Virgo the Lord Kharesh Killer is Mercury
64 N is Leo and the Lord is Sun
Sun and Ketu in Sarp Dreshkanne

The Eclipses over the Natal 22DK Lord Mercury and Venus the 9th Lord is not good after the 26th Dec. 2019 since the Venus is at 10 degrees in Sagitarius and the Eclipse point is 9.58 degrees
Now Again the Solar Eclipse on the 21st June 2020 and the Eclipse point is 6 degrees and in 1/7 axis of the 22DK Lord Mercury. The Transit Mercury will also be retrograde and in Gemini where the Eclipses are taking place.
The Dasha of Sat-Sat-Moon is not good till 21-4-2020 since Moon is also the 6th Lord and Ill Placed in the chart with Saturn forming a Vish Yoga and Even the Dasha of Sat-Sat-Mars from the 21st April 2020 will be bad since both the plants have return aspect and Saturn and Mars will be conjunct in the 12th house from the 22nd March to 4th May 2020 in transit over the natal Rahu. The Transit of Mars and Saturn over the natal Rahu degree wise on the 11th April 2020 will be most enigmatic since in Transit also after 23rd April 2020 Rahu and Ketu will be in the the Navamsha of Scorpio and Taurus and over the Natal Ketu and Rahu as per Navamsha in Transit this Parameter till 10th August 2020 is most malefic one .

D6 Shashatamsha Chart
Diseases and Virus
Moon and Saturn are ill placed from Ketu hence this present dasha is also not good

D8 Ashtamasha Chart
There are no combinations for Lingering disease


Moon In the Nakshatra of Rahu and Eclipsing the Sun and Dasha of Mercury and Mercury ill placed from Ketu in the D6 chart and Mercury placed in the 8th house in the D8 Chart of Chronic Diseases may pose troubles in Dubai in the Dasha of Mer-Mer since ill placed in the Progression chart , more so Mercury is the 22DK Lord in the Foundation chart
Dubai also seems to be in Hotwaters for the Expo which has to Start from the Oct 2020.
According to the above the Country seems to be in Trouble due to Saturn Dasha aspecting the 6th house in the natal chart where Ketu is placed and with the 6th Lord forming a Vish yoga
The Current year therefore is an Enigmatic one for the EXPO 2020 and the COVID-19 the Country has to take care in all respects to handle the COVID-19 since the Progressionchart shows that COVID-19 may brong issues for the EXPO 2020 Till Dec 2020 after which there may be some relief and the Virus may create anguish and pain till 10th August 2020 and in a broader spectrum till 20th Sept. 2020
Fortunately Next Year Dec 2020-Dec 2021 will be better then the Running year till Dec 2020 and specialy till 10th August 2020 most enigmatic one


Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner
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