What Stars Foretell For The Great Train Robbery In Salem- Chennai Express

by astrodocanil

“What Stars Foretell For The Great Train Robbery In Salem Chennai Express “

This is with reference to the News Item “Salem steal plan: Rs. 5 crore cash lifted from train to Chennai” link http://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/chennai/part-of-cash-consignment-goes-missing-in-chennaibound-train/article8964477.ece

In an incident that seemed right out of a heist movie, thieves broke open the roof of a parcel van attached to the Salem-Chennai Express and stole Rs. 5.78 crore cash, which was part of a consignment of soiled currency being transported by the Reserve Bank of India for destruction. The theft was detected several hours after the train that left Salem on Monday night arrived in Chennai Egmore early on Tuesday.

Incidentally, a team of armed police personnel, led by an Assistant Commandant, escorted the van and were in the adjoining compartment.

Police said a rectangular hole measuring around 2ft by 1.5 ft was drilled on the roof of the van that contained 226 wooden boxes of soiled but usable currency totalling Rs. 325 crore. The train, comprising 19 coaches, including three parcel vans, left Salem at 9 p.m. on Monday and arrived here at 3.57 a.m. The parcel vans were detached from the rake and moved to the yard. The theft came to light around 11 a.m. when workers entered the van after the seal of the compartment was opened by RBI officials in the presence of police personnel. Currency kept in four boxes was found stolen.

The Railway Protection Force registered a case and launched a massive investigation with the assistance of the Tamil Nadu police. Investigators have no clue as to where or how the theft took place. The possibility of the thieves drilling a hole in the moving train is not being ruled out, though the suspicion is that they made their way into the cash van before it was attached to the train at Salem Junction or after it was detached from the rake in Chennai Egmore.

“In case the suspects drilled a hole while the train was on the move, it would have happened between Salem and Vriddhachalam, a distance of 138 km, where there is no electrification of rail lines. It is also possible that they managed to sneak into the cash-laden coach before it was sealed for departure and used gas cutters to escape en route. We are probing all angles…surveillance camera footage recorded in Salem and Chennai Egmore railway stations are being perused,” a top police officer told The Hindu.

In this Article I am going to Analyse the situations arising from the Planetary positions using Prashna Jyotish  by Tamil Texts .

In Prashna Jyotish when any Activity is to be seen then  the Start of the event is most important . Hence let us have a Look at the chart of 8th August 2016 of

21-00 hrs when the Train Started from Salem

Train Robbery

Panchang of the Day

Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon  placed in the 7th house of Travel

Tithi is SP-6

Nakshatra  Chitra  Number 14th . The Missing Persons and Robbers can be known between 30 to 64 days generally speaking with lot of difficulty

Yoga  Sadhya

Karna  Taitila and the Lord is Placed in the 6th house with 10th Lord  and 7th Lord the Chor Graha   Mercury placed  with 8th Lord  Venus is indicating that missing Currency may not be Recovered

For Theft, Robbery , if Lagna Lord or 7th Lord is Placed in the 3,6,8,12 houses then The Prashna relates to Missing Articles or Theft Prashna (Chor Prashna )

Here in this Chart both the Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord are placed in the 6th  house therefore confirms the Chor Prashna

As Per Mook Prashna when a Planet is Placed in own Navamsha aspects own Navamsha   the Lagna , 5th and 9th house then the query is of the last stage and Jeeva chinta . Here in the chart Jupiter aspects own Navamsha Sagitarius and is Placed in Sagitarius Navamsha and aspects the Lagna , 5th and the 9th house of the Navamsha Lagna hence the query is also about the Missing Robbers a Jeeva Query

Nature of the Stolen Article

The  Only planet aspecting the Lagna is Moon placed in Kendra and is Vargottam, hence the significations of Moon have to be taken for the Stolen Article , since signifies  Money, Currency , The Missing Article is Currency. Moon is also Vargottam hence High Currency  and in 9th Navamsha  hence in Multiples of 9 and  surprisingly the Currency of 5.48 crores has been stolen .

Color of the Stolen Article

Since Pieces Lagna is rising therefore it will be light Blue(Old Currency is also of Light Blue color)

Chor Grahas

As per Classical Texts  the Chor Graha is the 7th Lord and Planets Posited in Kendras , who so ever is stronger . Here in the chart Moon is Vargottam placed in Kendra and 7th Lord is Exhalted in Navamsha , Hence the Chor Graha is Mercury . Since the Chor Graha is Mercury he is an outsider as well . Moon is also Vargottam , hence some well connected Person is also involved

Mode of Theft

Since the Chor Graha is Mercury the 7th Lord ,the classical texts indicates that  the Mode is by Breaking the Grills, walls,Cutting holes etc. and exactly matches the Robbery by Drilling Holes in the Top of the Van carrying the Currency as stated in the News


Time of Theft

Since Pieces is called Sarvabali it could be during the day as well at night. Thefy has taken place at night between the time when the Train was running on Diesel Engine and Not Electric.

Appearance of the Thief

This is most important parameter and can help in locating the Thief , since the Lagna is in 1st Dreshkanne of Pieces , the Thief is Male wearing gems and ornaments, holding vessels meant for worship, conch shells. good golden complexion, honey colored eyes . Fond of Pleasures and is intelligent .

The Arudha Sign is Capricorn and the Lord is placed in a Malefic sign Scorpio, hence the Residence of the thieves is in the Localities of nilechhas and the house will be dirty and unclean

Caste of the Thief

Since the Lagna Lord is Jupiter the Thief is Brahmin

Sex  and Age of the Thief

The Navamsha Lagna Lord is Sun hence the thief is a Male with Significations of Sun  and since placed in the 5th house and counting from Lagna anticlockwise the Age of the Thief is 9×6=54 years  From the significations of Mercury the Thieves could be young Boys . The Master may be of 54 years and rest of them may be young

Direction of the Stolen Money and Thieves

The completed number of Hours from Sunrise are 14 and counting from the Mount of Lord Shiva the sign is Gemini and the Lord of Gemini is Placed in the South East Direction in the Yama chart hence the Thieves have gone in the South East Direction, Another method to find the Direction of the Stolen Currency is since Sun is placed in the 5th from the Uday Lagna we have to count from the Mount of Lord Shiv 5 houses and hence Virgo and Virgo has Moon Vargottam, hence Moon has to be seen in yama chart which is West Direction, The Probability is more in West then the South East

Distance Travelled by the Thieves and Distance from the Stolen Place

Since the Lagna is in the 2nd Navamsha the Distance of the Currency is at the same Place with in 13 Kms. Since the Chor Graha is Mercury and its Ray is 9 hence with in 9 Kms of  Chennai. Since the Leo sign has 7 Rays , the total number of People involved may be 7 and the Currency stolen can also be in the Multiple of 9, and almost matches with the currency missing 5.48 Crores , It may be 5.49 Crores

Place of the Currency

Place near water like ocean, lakes, house of lonely man, a Brahmin,,Temple, Place of worship, Centre of pilgrimage. Hidden in a Container Made of Dhatu

The Container will be kept in the entrance of the Places mentioned above , it could also be placed in the Room where Slokas are read in the Temple. Since the Uday Lagna is Pieces and Arudha Lagna is Capricorn, the Currency is kept under water Tank

Who is the Thief

Since dual sign is rising in the Lagna a Person who visits the Railway station and the Bank periodically.

Since Moon is aspecting the Lagna the Thief lives with an influential person  and lives closeby the Bank or the Railway station in Salem.

since Jupiter is aspected by Saturn the Thief is known for his criminal history. Since Moon and Mercury are associated by position and Mercury being the 7th Lord and aspected by Saturn the thief is also a Hypocrite.

Since Moon is placed in the 7th house , the thief has round  and Attractive body, very beautiful and round eyes, effective in sweet conversation.

Since the 7th Lord is in own navamsha the Person is the Family member. Meaning either from the Bank or the Railways and is an insideralong with outside people the job has been done

Color of Clothes worn by the Thief

Since the thief is signified by Mercury the Color of the Clothes of the Thief are green and dirty and  may be also of white

Whether the Thief will be caught

Lagna Lord aspects the 2nd house and will shortly aspect the Lagna on the 11th August 2016 evening  and 7th lord will come in Lagna on the 19th August 2016, then there are possibilities of the Thieves being caught only with in 3 days else there are remote possibilities of the Thieves being caught. This 3 days I am Taking a Positive Perspective only for which there are weak possibilities  .

Since the Moon is in the Last degrees and about to go in the 8th house  and Lagna Lord and 7th Lord associated with 8th Lord Venus the chances of recovering the Thieves and the Currency are remote . There is also malefic influence on the 4th house by 8th aspect of Mars hence the Currency may not be recovered . Although there is relationship of Lagna Lord and the 7th Lord but has the malefic influence of Rahu and Saturn in close degrees the recovery of the Property may be difficult. Day Lord Moon  is ill placed from 8th house 8th Lord , hence the Property may not be recovered .

As Per Tamil Texts if Malefics are placed in the 4, 8 or the 12th house or placed in the 5th or the 9th house , there will be total loss of the Articles missing . In the chart above 12th house has Ketu and 5th house has Sun and 9th house has Mars and Saturn and Saturn is in Stationary position, hence it seems there will be no recovery of the Currency missing , more so since the Karyesh and Bhavesh are afflicted in the above chart, specially the 7th Lord is Eclipsed.

The Uday Lagna is Pieces and the Arudha Lagna is Capricorn and the Chaitra Rashi is Gemini and since 4th from the Uday Lagna stolen Articles will not be recovered , more so it is aspected by Mars a Malefic  and also Chaitra Rashi is 6th from the Arudha Lagna , hence as per the above chart the only Parameter available for the Start of the Train there will be no recovery of the Lost Currency . The aspect of Aprakashit Graha on the Uday Lagna is further euthenticating that the Lost Currency will not be recovered .

Moon Shifting in the 8th house and Jupiter coming in the 7th house shows Non recovery of the Theft of  currency after 13th August since Saturn is also Stationary and Taking a Positive perspective only after 28th Jan 2017 some information can be known of the Robbers .

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

10th August 2016  18.00 hrs. New Delhi 

Website :www.astrodocanil.com

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Video on Planetary cycle on https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q

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