What Stars Foretell For the Fear of Terrorism in Dwarkadhish Mandir in Gujrat

by astrodocanil

This is with reference to my Earlier Article “Planetary Positions Between 26th Sept. to 13th Oct. 2016  Bane or Boon”  link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/09/planetary-positi…016-bane-or-boon/ Dated 26th  Sept. 2016 05-00 hrs Posted early Moring  since I knew the Pakistan Surgical Operations like activity will take place.

Let me Reproduce the Predictions here Below  the Important Text along with the Paksha Kundali of the 1st Oct. 2016  of 5-41 hrs

This is with reference to my various Articles written on my webpage for the Terrorism, Untoward Happenings , Earthquakes and the Stock market .

The Planetary Positions are becoming Explosive for all the above Parameters in the above Time Frame due to the following Reasons

  1. Rahu in adverse motion from 26th Sept to 29th Sept 2016 in Leo sign and Virgo Navamsha critical For Stock Exchange also
  2. Jupiter the most Benefic  Planet  in Total Combustion in Virgo and Pieces Navamsha
  3. Mercury Totally Eclipsed by Rahu in Leo till 3rd Oct 17.58 hrs . Mercury the Dispositor of Sun and Jupiter is Fallen and totally Eclipsed by Rahu in Forward Motion
  4. Mercury Joining the Sign Virgo with Jupiter and Sun a Bearish sign and an Earthy Sign and Behind Sun
  5. Jupiter rising Helically when Mercury will also Cross the Retrogression mark of 4.58 degrees on the 7th Oct. 2016 
  6. Venus Joining Saturn in  Scorpio on the 13th Oct. 2016
  7. Sun, Jupiter  in Earthy signs and Mars and Rahu in Earthy Navamsha till 28th Sept. 2016 Explosive for Untoward Happenings and Earthquakes , more so Rahu will be in Forward motion till 29th Sept 2016  , these Parameters are Explosive for An Earthquake with intensity
  8. Mars in the 3rd Navamsha from 28-29th Sept. 2016 will be activating the Natal Mars of the India Foundation chart  in the rashi and Navamsha charts , Unfortunately Saturn will also be in Sagitarius Navamsha . This Parameter is also Explosive for India since Mars is Transiting in the 8th house of the Foundation chart and is the 7th and the 12th Lord and most malefic for Espoinage by Foreign elements and Terrorist in the Country , Mars will cross the 3rd Navamsha on the 4th Oct. 2016 and then Become Debilitated in navamsha and will also influence the 8th from the 8th house of the India Foundation chart , I mean the 3rd house of the chart where there are 5 Planets , will be most Explosive Period till 9th Oct. 2016 , There could be Rail and Air Accidents and Boarder issues with Pakistan , Needless to write on this issue and the Tensions with Pakistan can aggravate during this Time Frame .
  9. Rahu in adverse motion from 9th Oct. to 14th Oct .2016 most Explosive for  Terrorism  with magnitude
  10. Paksha Kundali of the 1st Oct 2016 of 5.41 hrs is also not an good one . Let us see the same to evaluate further the Effects of the Planet in the Time Frame mentioned above


Panchang of the Day . Since the Paksha Kundali is of the Before sun rise the Day Lord is Venus and Placed in the 8th Yama of Pieces the 7th house of the Paksha Kundali . 7th house is opponents, Foreign relations and House of War

Tithi  Krishna Amavasya . It is said that the first Part of Amavasya is not Auspicious

Nakshatra Haste

Karna Naga  A malefic Karna and the Lord is Mahesh and the Lord of the 7th house .

Yoga Bhram Inauspicious

The Day Lord Venus is Placed in the 8th Yama of Pieces the 7th House of the Paksha Kundali and as per the  Naga Karna it is owned by the  Lord Mahesh is the most malefic component in the Paksha Kundali

The Results of the 7th house will be prominent in this fortnight and specially during the first 7-8 days  hence till 8th Oct 2016 the Period could be most agonizing  pertaining to the 7th house significations, more so the 7th Lord Jupiter is afflicted badly and placed in the Lagna , the 7th house from its sign and a Bhadak for the 7th house. The 7th House is also afflicted by 4th aspect of Mars from the 4th house  who is the  3rd and the 8th Lord . A crystal clear of the Neighbors and Boarder tensions

The Lagna is the 6th house of the natural Zodiac , an Earthy sign  and a Bearish sign for the Stock Market .  The Lagna Lord Mercury is in Fallen State and has been in this state from the 9th Sept. 2016 when it fell back in Leo from Virgo. Lagna Lord Mercury is afflicted by Rahu in the 12th house . Rahu in the 12th house is not good specially its Dispositor is Placed in the Lagna and Lagnesh and the 12th Lord and Sun have Exchange  and with Jupiter the 7th Lord alonf with Moon the 11th Lord . This combination is not good  as explained above

Luminaries in the Earthy sign and Earthy Navamsha , Significations of the Earthy signs will be more prominent. Needless to mention that Earthquakes  could surface Prominently.

The Direction which is Prone to Terrorism asper the Paksha Kundali as per Tamil Texts is  North West , since as Per Tamil Texts The Day Lord Venus is Placed in the 8th Yama of Pieces and From the completed Number of Hours from the Sun rise are also 23  and Counting from the Mount of Lord Shiva  the Sign is Pieces and the Lord Jupiter is Placed in the North West Direction , Hence  This Parameter is Explosive since Ahmedabad Is Located in the North West Direction of India  and The Significators of the Temple are Placed in the Lagna and the Dispositor is Fallen  and Placed with Rahu . As Already Explained in my Articles a Fallen Planet is Most Venomous and like a Snake Bite  and Having Exchange with Sun. Lagna Lord Mercury  Fallen and Placed in the 12th house with Rahu is Explosive for this Paksha Kundali and May Sprout  Terrorism with Magnitude  by the Neighboring Countries as already Predicted in the above cited article.  Hence the Security agencies should take full care for Terrorist  Plan for Violence and Explosions  in the Dwarka dhish Temple and also other Parts of the North west Direction  of the Country  from Watery Areas and Rivers during the Time frame from 7th Oct to 14th Oct. 2016 and to be specific from 9th to 14th Oct. 2016

india_gujarat_location_map-svg North western Area and the Area Near the Rivers since Pieces sign is Important in the yama chart and is a Watery sign

Navamsha sign is Aquarius which is the 6th house of the Paksha Kundali and the Day Lord Venus is Placed in the Lagna of the Navamsha  and is the Lord of the 9th house of the Paksha Kundali . In the navamsha the Luminaries are Placed in the Sign of Taurus  the 9th house , hence the 9th house activities will be more Predominant in the 2nd Half of the Paksha Kundali

Mercury Joining the Lagna on the 3rd Oct. 2016 at 17.58 hrs will Escalate the issues  pertaining to the above Happenings specially after 7th Oct. 2016 when it crosses the Earlier Retrogression Mark . The Dates Most crucial are 9th Oct. 2016 and then 13th Oct. 2016

These dates are also explosive for The Stock Market of the Indian Markets

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala Date 6th Oct. 2016 18-00 hrs

Email   astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

For Financial Astrology Specialised  Teaching Please contact me on +918527884764

Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing  according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein by the investers . The Predictions may not hold true hence the Risk is totally of the Invester and not the Writer . This may Please be noted. The Prediction may or may not come True. My website also has a Note for  Disclaimer on all Articles posted on this website , Facebook or any other Social media, This also applies to all the Social media where my articles are displayed. This is only astrological analysis and not my Personal Opinion , if anybody takes any Decision on the above Predictions then he will be doing at his own risk and Fancies . The Disclaimer Clause is applicable .

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