What Stars Foretell For Sun and Saturn Conjunction in Solar Ingress Chart of Scorpio

by astrodocanil

The Solar Ingress in Scorpio took place on the 16th Nov. 2016 at 06-18 hrs. Sun  Joined Saturn and Mercury in Scorpio  the 7th house of the India Foundation chart and the 2nd House in the Solar ingress chart of Libra rising .The Chart is below


Panchang of the Day

The Day is Tuesday since the Ingress is taking Place before the Sunrise and the Day Lord is in the Yama of Pieces and the 6th house of the Ingress chart. The Yama Lord is Placed in the 12th house as the Lord of the 3rd and the 6th house and aspects the 4th and the 8th house making things vunerable for Terrorism and Fights from the neighboring Countries Pakistan and China . The Solar ingress has also taken Place 30 minutes before the Sunrise . and 24 minutes before the Sun rise is Din Ratri Sandhi.

Adding the Chander Kanal Chakra showing the malefic Combinations at the time of the Solar Ingress


Rohini Nakshatra is afflicted. All Planets are Malefic , No Planet is Benefic as per the above Chakra


Pertaining to Demonetization of Currency


Now Read this as per link http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/in-joint-warning-mamata-banerjee-and-arvind-kejriwal-set-3-day-deadline-on-notes-ban-1626680 what Arvind Kejriwal says “Take back this decision in three days… Don’t test people’s patience. Otherwise, there will be a ‘bhagawat’ (revolt) by people,” said Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal at Delhi’s Azadpur Mandi, the country’s biggest wholesale hub.
” Now Read my Article “https://www.astrodocanil.com/…/rahu-demon-becomes-most-veno…/” I have mentioned the Dated 21st to 22nd are most Explosive in the Present Scenerio,since Mars reaches the Eclipse point of 15.15 degrees and aspects Rahu as per Solar Eclipse of 1st Sept. 2016, Unfortunately Venus the 10th Lord of Arvind Kejriwal is placed in the Leo Lagna at 15.44 degrees and Transit Rahu is Exactly over Natal Venus where the Solar Eclipse has taken Place at exact degrees . On the 21st to 22nd Nov. 2016 Rahu will be Most malefic and like a snake bite and can bite him aswell due tohis ill Karmas. Unfortunately Narinder Modi has Venus in Leo in the 10th house as the 12th and the 7th Lord at 15.4 degrees in Leo,which shows Espoinage against him on the 21st to 22nd Nov. 2016 , hence the 20th to 22nd Could be explosive days for Arvind Kejriwal and the Espoinage against Our Prime Minister efforts to Remove the Black money. I advise the People of India to be calm and not get into all this what these People are planning ,else things may go worst and Rahu may Prove again to be a snake Bite between the 20th to 22nd Nov. 2016 if some agitation is started against the Demonetization of Currency. Goct. Liable to take more Harsh Steps to Curb the Black money circulations

Coming back on the ingress chart

Day Lord Mars is Exhalted and Placed in the 4th house will aspect the Eclipse point of 15.15 degrees in Leo and Rahu on the 21st to 22nd Nov. 2016  when Rahu will be in Adverse motion . At this Point Saturn will also aspect Rahu , making Rahu as a First Rate Malefic in the 11th house of Legislations . The Govt. therefore will come out with more methods to curb the Black Money used in Landed and Built-up Properties  

The Ingress is taking the shape of strong Bhandan yoga in the 2nd House and hence the Ingress of Sun will be crucial in Scorpio

Scorpio sign is also of Delhi and the agitations taking Place in the Capital . Strong Earthquakes , Fire , and untoward happenings cannot be ruled out specially on the dates crucial in this Article . Pakistan can be active and try to make hay while agitations in India pertaining to Demonetization and become aggressive in Terrorism, Infiltration at the LOC

Narinder Modi has to be alert in respect to his Health and Security , 10th Lord in the 8th house aspected by Sun, Mars and Saturn after 11th Dec. 2016 could be explosive and specially the Dates 20-22nd Nov. 2016, 11th Dec., 26th Dec 2016 and the 1st Jan 2017  for Earthquakes, Terrorism, Infiltration, Agitations in the Country by Political Parties for Demonetization of Currency

These dates are also not good for the Globe and those countries where Planets are placed in Aquarius or Leo at 15.00 degrees  specially if the Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 has taken Place in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Sun, Moon or the 8th house , it could Prove explosive

Now see the Most malefic Combinations on the 21st Nov. 2016 when Rahu can Prove like a snake bite . See the Chander Kanal Chakra which indicates the Most malefic Combinations, All Planets Malefic except , Venus and Jupiter . Rahu will attain the status of a First Rate Malefic as on 8th to 10th Nov. 2016 . Rahu here is also aspected by Mars and Saturn .


Rahu is again Adverse on the 3rd to 5th Jan 2017 .  As a Matter of Fact till Sun joins the Pieces sign on the 14th March 2017 there would be untoward happenings as explained above and Sun will be under affliction

Again coming on the ingress chart and the Panchang

Tithi  KP-2

Nakshatra  Moon is Placed in the 8th house in the nakshatra of Rohini in Taurus sign which is the Lagna of the Foundation chart, making things more vunerable to the 8th house significations

Yoga Shiv Inauspicious

Karna  Gar The Lord is connected to the 4th, and 8th house since placed in the 16th house , It has no connection with 10th house and aspects the 10th Lord in the 8th house is the Most Malefic Combination in this Ingress of Sun since Jupiter is also the Yama Lord of the Day

Hora  The Horesh is Venus who is also the Lagna Lord Placed in the 3th House in Paap Kartari yoga

All the Planets are placed in the invisible half hence the Results will be experienced slowly and the Agitations may escalate bringing the Country to a halt, but some people may bear the Burnt  as explained above and Hence Arvind Kejriwal

Lagna Lord Venus is also Placed in a Dagdha Rashi is also a malefic Parameter , specially related to the neighbors and Pakistan infiltration and Terrorism

Have a look at the degree of the Planets  Saturn, Moon, Jupiter , they are extremely close to the MEP of Lagna at 23.27 degrees

Ketu is Degree conjunct Neptune in Aquarius are some Parameters which are of Concern

Since Sun is Placed in the sign of Scorpio the 2nd house of the Chart the Significations of the 2nd house will be felt in this ingress and the Reserves of the Country . Sun and Saturn Combination with Mercury in Paap Kartari yoga who is the Lord of the 2nd Houseand the 5th house of the Foundation chart and Placed in the 2nd House and afflicted badly also points out what is happening in the country pertaining to the Demonetization since Sun is the 11th Lord as well .

The Combination of these 3 Planets is not a good one and shows first a Bhandan Yoga  of Sun and Saturn and then Mercury also in Paap Kartari yoga

This Combination is Taking Place in the 7th House of the Foundation chart and on the Lagna and the Moon of Narinder Modi with Scorpio Lagna  is Bad since the Mercury is 8th Lord and in Paap Kartari yoga  formed by Sun and Saturn in the Lagna which it self is also a Bhandan yoga , hence this Ingress may not be good For Narinder Modi till 16th Dec. 2016 and More so when Sun and Saturn are degree conjunct on the 10th-11th  Dec. 2016. Unfortunately on the 11th Dec. 2016 at 18-56 hrs Mars will Join Aquarius sign where Ketu and Neptune are Placed . Mars in this Position will aspect the 8th House as the 2nd and the 7th Lord . Hence after 11th Dec. 2016 Mars , Saturn and Sun will aspect the 8th house which is a Explosive Parameter . Mars will reach the Eclipse point of 15.15 degrees on the 1st Jan 2017 , at this point it will be degree conjunct with Neptune at 15.00 degrees , Before this Date Mars will be degree conjunct with Ketu on the 26th Dec. 2016

Navamsha rising is the 8th house of Taurus and Rahu-Ketu are Vargottam, hence will act as a Bouncer and Snake bite when in Adverse motion. Sun, Jupiter and Moon also afflicted by Mars and Saturn in navamsha along with Venus the Lagna Lord and the Navamsha Lord of Lagna

Since Venus has just entered the  4th Navamsha  45-60 Days from 16th Nov. 2016 will be most Explosive .till 16th Jan . 2017 

Hence the Dates 20-22nd Nov. 2016, 11th Dec., 26th Dec 2016 and the 1st to 5th Jan 2017 will be Explosive  for Earthquakes, Terrorism, Infiltration, Agitations in the Country by Political Parties for Demonetization of Currency and Pakistan taking Aggressive stand after 11th Dec. 2016.

Please also Refer to My articles listed below since the dates mentioned in the above article will also Influence other Parameters such As The Stock markets adversely

Rahu Demon Becomes Most Venomous Like Snake Bite in Nov.-Dec. 2016

Fate of the Stock Markets in Nov-Dec. 2016 A Research Analysis

Planetary Cycles of Slow Moving Planets


Rahu Gives Results Like a Strong Bouncer As Predicted. What Stars Foretell for Paksha Kundali of 14th Nov. 2016

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

17th Nov. 2016  22.00 hrs. New Delhi 

Website :www.astrodocanil.com

Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Video on Planetary cycle on https://youtu.be/YpD2jMWCO_Q

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