What Stars Foretell For Make-Or-Break Syria Truce Tests Russia-US Cooperation

by astrodocanil

This is with Reference to the News Item on NDTV ” Make-Or-Break Syria Truce Tests Russia-US Cooperation” link http://www.ndtv.com/world-news/make-or-break-syria-truce-tests-russia-us-cooperation-1281399

 Now Read  this WASHINGTON:  After five years of bloodshed and hundreds of thousands of deaths, Syria is less than a day away from an unlikely ceasefire that could make or break international efforts to end the war.

In Washington, it is hard to find anyone who believes the guns will truly fall silent on Saturday, and US officials portray the truce as a test of Russia’s true support for the peace process.

But, despite Secretary of State John Kerry’s talk of a mysterious “Plan B” if the peace is shattered or talks on a political transition fail, the US has little leverage over a confident Russia.

Under a deal laboriously agreed by Presidents Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin, the unlikely co-sponsors of international peace efforts, a ceasefire is to come into effect early Saturday.

But, with confusion on the ground between the “moderate rebels” backed by the US, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, and the “terrorists” that all parties agree are still fair game, will the truce hold?

“The cessation of hostilities that will take effect at midnight tomorrow is a potential step in bringing about an end to the chaos,” Obama said on Thursday

Also News Item on NDTV United Nations Security Council Set To Endorse Syria Ceasefire link United Nations Security Council Set To Endorse Syria Ceasefire

Now Read this Russia and the United States have set a deadline of midnight Damascus time (22:00 GMT) on Friday for “the cessation of hostilities” between President Bashar al-Assad’s regime and non-jihadist rebel forces.

Let me analyse the situations arising from the Date above mentioned  by the chart below


The Day is Friday  The Lord is Placed in the 3rd house with Merucry the 8th and the 11th Lord  of the event scheduled and aspected by Saturn in very close degrees  , Day lord Venus  is afflicted , in the above  chart as well the Navamsha chart

Day lord is placed in the 6th yama of the Day in the sign of Sagitarius and its Lord is Placed in the 10th House with Rahu totally afflicted by Rahu and by aspect of Saturn . The most Malefic Parameter at the time of Ceasefire is Rahu in adverse motion and Poison, what ever is scheduled it will turn the Tables. The Day Lord Venus and the Yama Lord Jupiter of the day are placed in 6/8 axis and also at the mouth of Rahu and when it turns Direct and Stationary on the 5th May to 13th May 2016 will be crucial and worst and will be totally Eclipsed again for the 2nd time since 9th Jan. 2016 on the 21st June 2016 and will also be in the same navamsha from 6th June 2016 to 3rd July 2016. 

Tithi  KP 4 Rikta Tithi

Nakshatra  Chitra

Yoga Gandha

Karna  Balava Lord is not connected to Lagna Lord or the 10th Lord and about to go in the 12th house  , hence proper Fructification of the Event will not take Place  is indicative that the Ceasefire will be Practically defeated

DBA Planets  Mars-Sat-Mars  malefic and donot give any indications for Ceasefire

Let us see the Parameters for reconciliation and Compromise.

There does not seem to be any Compromise as per the chart above , Rather Defeat of the Cease fire due to the following Parameters .

7th house has no Benefic Yogas.

7th Lord Venus with 11th and 8th Lord Mercury are aspected by Saturn , Close aspect of Saturn on Venus and Mercury.

7th Lord Venus is stronger than Mars the Lagna Lord , hence Reconcilaition and Cease fire may be defeated .

Lagna, Moon and 7th house are in Movable signs, here , Lagna is Fixed, 7th house is fixed and Moon in Dula sign, but Lagna is in the first half of the sign and Moon about to go in a Movable sign are good, but Saturn Placed in the Lagna in the 2nd Part of the Sign and aspecting Venus is  indicative of  Ceasefire violations.

Mars and Saturn in the Lagna the Cease Fire Violations will take place.

Lagnesh and Moon are not related , hence dispute will Prolong and since Mars is Posited in the Lagna and lagna afflicted by Saturn the 211 days will be crucial.

Since Lagna is towards Movable sign since in the initial degrees and Moon about to go in the movable sign there will be another date and meetings for the Ceasefire violations  and since Rahu in adverse motion  is Placed in the 10th house nothing conclusive will take place on the next meeting.

Since Russia and his ally are Defendant, the houses 9 to 2nd are houses of the Plantiff and houses 3rd to 8th are of Defendant and Benefics are in this sector and with less malefics, hence defendant will rule and continue his actions irrespective

10th House from the 7th house has Sun Digbali Strong

10th house from Lagna has Jupiter and Rahu and Rahu in adverse motion , weak

Hence the battle field of the Opponents violating the ceasefire will be stronger than those Trumpting for Ceasefire

The worst combination is the Scorpio Sign the 8th house of the natural Zodiac and the Lord mars placed in it and in Debilitation in the Navamsha . Mars over stay in this sign and Lagna for 211 days is indicative of violation of the Ceasefire and Fierce fight  in the Region  and no respite. The Worst is the 8th house is aspected by Mars as the 6th Lord and Saturn aspecting in close degrees the 8th Lord Mercury and both are also opposing each other in Navamsha .

Eclipses taking Place in the 4/10 axis Starting from 9th March 2016 and 1st Sept. 2016 will be crucial and a Fierce fight may take place and violation of the Ceasefire .

Read my article on the Mars and Saturn conjunction https://www.astrodocanil.com/2016/02/prolonged-stay-of-red-planet-mars-and-saturn-conjunction-in-scorpio-crucial-211-days/ for the Crucial dates mentioned in this article specially when both Mars and Saturn are placed in the Ascendant for 211 days from 20th Feb. 2016 and in square Position from the Nodes, Sun and Jupiter afflicted badly, hence no respite what so ever.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 26th Feb. 2016 22-30 hrs 

Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Party of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate Taking any action according the Predictions made in this article. The writer will not be responsible in any case thereof.

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