What Stars Foretell For Kulbhushan Jadhav’s case in ICJ Hague on 18th May 2017 12-02 hrs.

by astrodocanil

This is with reference to my Earlier Article “Fate of the Kulbhushan Jadhav’s case in ICJ today at 15:30 hrs” dated 18th May 2017 Posted Early Morning from Singapore .

Since the time of the Procedings have changed I am here by Giving My Predictions as per the Exact time of 12-02 hrs Hague and 15.32 Hrs IST on the 18th May 2017 since As I had mentioned in the Article that after few minutes the Navamsha will change. In this Artilce I will only Discuss the Impact of the Navamsha Changing to Pieces from Aquarius in just 2 minutes of Time Difference . My Rest of the Predictions have been on dot.

Read this link http://www.news18.com/news/india/kulbhushan-jadhav-case-live-international-court-of-justice-stays-execution-1404471.html

May 18, 2017 3:34 pm (IST)

Judge Ronny Abraham is reading out the verdict in Kulbhushan Jadhav case. The 11-judge bench will pronounce the verdict.

May 18, 2017 3:32 pm (IST)

Judge Ronny Abraham is reading out the verdict in Kulbhushan Jadhav case.

May 18, 2017 3:29 pm (IST)

Judges arrive at the International Court of Justice. The verdict on Kulbhushan Jadhav case shortly.

The Court Preceding as per the Media started at 15-32 hrs. and not at 15-30 hrs.as specified earlier therefore the navamsha changes. Hence the Predictions will change never the Less, Some Major Predictions are on Dot.

1. Dispute will Prolong
2. Kulbhushan has been Granted Bail like Verdict. Stay
3.Lagna Bhava is the Strongest among the Uday Lagna, Arudha Lagna and Chaitra Rashi, hence the Present cameout Favourable . I would have Given better Predictions if the Exact Time was Known, since the Navamsha has changed and the Predictions have changed
4. One Thing is clear that the Tensions between the 2 Countries will escalate as per the time mentioned by me
5. On Getting the exact time of the Hearing I will now Predict the Future of the Kulbhushan Jaydav more Precisely
6. On the face of It Now since the Navamsha changes to Pieces  and both the Rashi and Navamsha are Shirshodayo and Benefic the Court Gave Stay for the Case and asked Pakistan not to Proceed with Hanging Kulbhushan till ICJ gives the Final decision.
The Chart as per the Hearing is Below of 12-02 hrs Hague on the 18th May 2017
The following Parameters acquire special dimension
1. As Per the Earlier chart of 12-00 hrs the Lagna was 6.24 degrees Virgo and hence Aquarius Navamsha , Now as per new Timing of 12-02 degrees is Pieces since the Lagna is Virgo 6.45 degrees and hence Pieces Navamsha
2. The Lagna is very close to Gandantha navamsha
3. Since the Sign Pieces is rising in navamsha and Pieces has Venus in Exhaltation in the Rashi chart it is strong to give the Results in the favor of India for Stay, Earlier the Aquarus was rising a Malefic Sign and having Ketu in the Rashi chart was strong Negative for India
4. The Navamsha Lagna Lord of Aquarius is Saturn and Debilitated in Navamsha and Now the Navamsha Lagna is Pieces and the Lord is Placed in the 4th house in a Friendly sign hence the Navamsha Lagna is also strong.
5. Both Uday Lagna and the Navamsha Lagna are Benefic signs and both are shirshodayo and Ubhodayo respectively and strong benefics  for Success in the Verdict by ICJ in the Present Circumstances , since the Uday Lagna denotes the Present .
6. As Per Earlier Time of 12-00 hrs Saturn is the navamsha Lagna Lord and aspects the Rashi Chart also and since the Lord of the Chaitra Rashi was strong negative for the Future , although the Future of the Case is not good since the Chaitra Rashi remains the same and the Lord Saturn placed in the Kendra aspects the Lagna and Jupiter
7. 7th house of the Rashi chart is rising which is the Bhadak Sthan for Virgo sign hence there will be some constraint in the Verdict
8. The Present is extremely benefic since the Lagna is aspected by Exhalted Venus , Lagna, Navamsha Lagna and Benefics Placed in the Lagna are extremely good for the Present Verdict by the ICJ and as I had mentioned in my earlier Article  the Bhav Bala of the Uday Lagna is extremely strong
9. Future is seen from the Chaitra Rashi and in the absence of the ICJ Judge  Facing the Direction at the time of Verdict we have to depend upon the Arudha Lagna by Calculations and Tamil Texts say they are only Rough, the Direction the Person is Facing is one of the Most important Parameters as per Prashna Jyotish , although there is no mention of this as per Parashar Prashna . Since as per Calculations the Arudha Lagna is Scorpio  and therefore the Chaitra Rashi is Aquarius is Extremely bad and a Malefic one having Ketu is supposed to be the Most malefic Parameter in the Event chart and I have already mentioned this in my earlier Article  
10. Benefics aspect the Lagna , hence the Plaintiff is innocent and hence India is not at Fault
11. 7th Lord is Retrograde hence the Opponent is weaker than the Plaintiff
12. DBA Planets are Mars-Sat-Ketu shows Immediate Victory and after Mars -Mercury Dasha may not be good after 11-2-2018 for the Future between India and Pakistan
13. The Present is Extremely Strong for India, Past was Bad and Future is Extremely bad it so seems between the 2 Countries and Pakistan may not adhere to the ICJ Verdict
Timing of the Court Case
Since the Navamsha Lagna is of Jupiter the Court case in ICJ will take another 6 months and to be exact any time after  16th Nov. 2017
As Per Moon upto 12th Dec. 2017 the Court Verdict will there be Between 16th Nov to 12th Dec. 2017
As per Sun Between the 17th August to 17th Sept. 2017 Hearing in the Court again
As Per Mars Reaching the Leo Sign on the 27th August 2017
Final Decision will come when Moon is in the Pieces Sign and hence the Dates Accordingly
Future of the Case Between India and Pakistan will take Explosive shape when Saturn and Rahu Join in navamsha after the 5th June 2017 and between the 21st June to 26th Oct. 2017 when Saturn the Lord of the Chaitra Rashi will be fallen in Scorpio the Arudha Lagna
When Moon Transits the Arudha Lagna after 5th June 2017 on the 8th June 2017 Pakistan may become aggressive to hang Kulbhushan and take an action desperately . At this point Moon will be debilitated and will be in the 1/7 axis of Sun and Mars of the event chart. Jupiter stationary and Arudha Lagna Lord  Mars will be placed from Moon. 23rd June 2017 could be most explosive for taking a decision to hang Kulbhushan Jadav
Most Explosive shape between the 2 Counties on the 30th April 2019. Not only for this but For other Reasons as well the tensions between the 2 Countires will be on knife edge.

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 18th May 2017  Time 22-00 hrs . Singapore.
  • Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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