What Stars Foretell for Jammu-Kashmir‏ Under Mufti Mohammad Sayeed

by astrodocanil

In what may be called a great reconciliation between two Politically divergent ideologies divided on regional lines, Mufti Mohammed Sayeed on Sunday took Oath as the Chief Minister of Jammu-Kashmir along with Deputy Chief Minister Dr Nirmal Singh and 23 other ministers from both PDP and BJP.  Prime Minister Narendra Modi, BJP national president Amit Shah, former president Lal Krishan Advani, union ministers Murli Manohar Joshi, Dr Jitendra Singh, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar were among various dignitaries including senior BJP and PDP leaders leaders present on the occasion.

Soon after taking Oath, Chief Minister Mufti Muhammad Sayeed on  Sunday stoked a controversy saying Hurriyat, militant outfits and “people from across the border”, an oblique reference to Pakistan, allowed conducive atmosphere for assembly polls, drawing sharp reaction from NC leader Omar Abdullah who demanded that BJP clarify its stand. “I want to say this on record and I have told this to the Prime Minister that the we must credit the Hurriyat, Pakistan, militant outfits for the conduct of assembly elections in the state,” Sayeed said during a press conference here after being sworn in as head of the PDP-BJP government in Jammu and Kashmir.

The most important event in the coronation of the King is choosing  a right muhurta .  The signs rising in the Lagna should be Shirshodayo, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius should be preferred, in addition BV Raman also recommends Aries and Pieces Lagna .

Let us have a look at the Oath taking chart of 1st March 2015 11.15 hrs Jammu, which is below.Oath Chart of J and K                                                Panchang of the day  Day Sunday  Tithi SP-11  Nakshatra  Punarvasu    Yoga  Saughbagaya   Karna Visti .  As per Panchak Rahita Viddhi Good muhurat . Hora of  Saturn  malefic.                                 

Day Lord  Sun in   2nd   Yama of  Gemini and in the Muhurat chart Gemini is the 2nd House having Moon placed in it and aspected by Mars  and Lord is Mercury placed in the 9th house  having mutual aspect of Jupiter 8th and 11th lord  Jupiter.hence achievement with obstructions. Sun placed in the sign of Gemini and in muhurat chart 2/12 position  shows disagreement and differences in the Party due to  his working style.

Lagna is Taurus  12 .11 degrees  a fixed sign  in the nakshatra of Rohini and Lord is Moon placed in the 2nd house.  Prishtodayo Lagna and Prishtodayo planet Saturn aspecting the Lagna at close degrees is not good in the first instant since the Lagna is rising with the hind. The good part is   Lagna is aspected closely by Saturn a yogakarka for this Lagna ,. 10th Lord placed in the 10th from 10th house and Karka for Politics will stimulate the image of the Chief Minister, but will have to work very hard. 10th Lord is also in an inimical sign , hence will also face  opposition in his working.

Lagna Lord Venus is in Exhaltation and placed in the 11th house is extremely good, its dispositor is also exhalted and aspects the Lagna Lord , but since retrograde , The Chief Minister will have to do repeated efforts to bring changes  for betterment for the state.  Venus Lagna Lord is in close degrees  in Rahu-Ketu axis is not good .  There is Ishraaf yoga between Lagna Lord and 7th Lord and both in Rahu-Ketu axis, hence there will be strong opposition, fights  from the supporting party members also aspected by Jupiter from the 3rd house could give boarder tensions and intrusions from neighboring countries  , hence lot of struggle and strife. For Coalition Govt., Lagna Lord and 7th lord should not be enemies and placed well, unfortunately as explained above there is inimical ishraaf yoga , which can become a hinderance in the functioning of the Chief Minister.  For good muhurat chart Benefics in Kendra and Trikona and malefics in 3,6,11 are supposed to be good, here there are malefics in Kendra and only one benefic in 9th house.

Karka for Politics and Govt. related Planets Saturn ans Sun are both placed in the Kendra and Digbali. Saturn is the Planet acquiring a Special dimension since aspecting the Lagna at very close degrees and till Saturn is in Libra and Scorpio navamsha will give mixed results, but Chief minister will have to work very hard , When it goes in Sagitarius navamsha  or the Capricorn navamsha the navamsha sign of the 8th Lord Jupiter will offer lot of obstructions , but when it goes in Aquarius navamsha  the 8th Navamsah onwards it will start to give hinderances from all directions. Hence the first 2.5 years of tenure will give mixed results and Tensions as well  and the latter 2.5 years will give obstructions for all directions  . The eclipse on the 20th March 2015 over Pieces will escalate the Turbulence in the state in the Present Situations .  In the long run after  29th Dec. 2015 , there would be hinderances till 31st Jan 2016. there could be bickering in the Party workers .After Jan. 2017 Chief Minister  will face hinderances , when Saturn changes sign to Sagitarius.  Sun is a royal planet and related to Politics and is in  uttarayana and as per prescribed classical texts  It is placed well.

Moon is placed  in the 2nd house but aspected by Mars the 7th Lord and the 12th lord .   Moon is in the nakshatra of Punarvasu a movable nakshatra is not very good , since a fixed nakshatra is considered better.

Longevity of the Govt. There is no malefic aspect on the 8th house or 8th lord and Lagna Lord is stronger then 8th Lord   . 8th house is also vacant is good.   As per book By Lt. Col.  RajKumar  10th house should be stronger than 4th house , here the Bhav bala of 4th house is stronger than 10th house , hence oppositions will creating hurdles.

Navamsha Aries Navamsha and rhe 12th house is rising  and aspected by Malefics Saturn and Mars , Hence Role of Saturn is immense in the Chart.

Dashamsha  Vargottam Lagna Taurus and 10th lord is exhalted but Lagna Lord in 12th house and in Rahu-Ketu axis.

Uday Lagna is Taurus, Arudha Lagna is Capricorn and Chaitra Rashi is Libra, although Shirshodayo, but not placed well from Uday Lagna. Arudha  Lagna is the strongest amongst  , hence 9th house role will be most prevalent in the tenure of the Chief Minister , like Law,Justice, Religon etc.Embassies,   Good Features of the Muhurat chart are the 6,8, 12th house are vacant.

Let us see the placement of the planets in the Simhasan or Panch Nadi Chakra below.   It is like the seating arrangement  at the Kings Court, where the King sits at the highest pedestal or throne. Placement of  Moon in this chart is very important to give powers to the King and should be placed in the higher nadis, Here in the chart it is placed in the Patta nadi hence limited powers to the King. Saturn the planet of democracy and people  should be placed well in this chart, but unfortunately it is in Assan nadi withMars , Ketu and Venus is not at all good for the functioning of the King and is a dreaded placement  and the King can even be destroyed or can have a downfall.. Placement of Jupiter in the Aadhar nadi is also not good for the protection of the King. In the Muhurat chart also Moon is aspected by Mars is not good for a good tenure of the King . Hence from the above it is clear that the Muhurat chart is not condusive to give a smooth sailing to the Chief Minister and will face obstructions  in the functioning.  Saturn transit in Sagitarius navamsha and  could be harmful for the Chief Minister as mentioned above.  Solar Eclipse influencing the Lagna lord , 7th Lord in the 11th house could bring turbulence in the state  around Eclipse time 20th March 2015.

Let us see the Foundation chart of Jammu -Kashmir Assension.  The Chart has been given by our Teacher Shri K . N Rao                                                                                                                                                           Kashmir Assension   27th Oct. 1947 Time 13-21.43 hrs Place Srinagar India  74E48 34N06      Ther main feature of the Horoscope is it is amovable Lagna and not good for the stability of the state . The Dasha in operation is of Moon-Mercury from 20th April 2014 to 19th Sept. 2015.  Moon is the 7th lord and placed in the 3rd house of neighboring states , 7th house is house of war, Sex and out of state affairs affairs, . Dasha of Moon is not favourable for the Capricorn Lagna, more so since the dispositor of Moon is also aspecting it and is in Rahu-Ketu axis . This Jupiter Lord of the 3rd and the 12th house is also aspecting the 7th house . 7th House connection with Mars and Saturn further escalates the situations . Mars is also Deblitated . Lagna Lord placed in the 7th house with Deblitated Mars shows the situations in the State crystal clear.and is self explainatory for the extreme situations in the State. The Anter Dasha lord is Mercury and is a fallen planet , although forming a Rajyoga in the 10th house as 9th lord but with 10th lord and also 8th Lord Sun is not condusive to give stability in the Govt. Also There were eclipses in the 4/10 axis , and since the eclipse also took place in the 10th house over the 10th lord and Sun , the Omar Govt. lost shine and its decay started . Further more the Solar Eclipse of the 20th March 2015 is falling over the Natal Moon and the 7th Lord .  As per my Research principles when ever malefics transit over the 8th house/Lord/ Navamsha lord /Navamsha sign then there will be untoward happenings in the Country or State, Here  in the Present condition Saturn is transitting over the 8th Lord Sun as per the Navamsha transit of Saturn in Libra, Mars will transit over the 8th Lord Navamsha sign of Capricorn on the 10th to 14th March 2015 will be a critical period for tensions in the boarder of Kashmir and there could be intervention of the neighboring countries Pakistan or China. Another period Crucial for the state will be from 18th April 2015 to 26th June 2015. Hence from the Above Oath taking Chart and the Foundation chart of  the State does not show stability , rather a Coming Period with Turbulence and Aggression by Neighboring Countries. The Chief Minister role acquires a greater magnitude to handle the Situations which can shortly arise.

anil aggarwala Jyotish Acharaya  30th March 2015

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