What Stars Foretell For Countries Prone to Terrorism By ISIS

by astrodocanil

 Fear  for Terrorism is Looming over the Countres, in wake of the recent massive  Terrorist Attacks on Paris.

In the shadow of the recent attacks in Paris, Prime Minister Narendra Modi underscored the importance of countering terrorism in southeast Asia at the ASEAN summit today on the 22nd Nov. 2015

NModi at 27th Asean Summit

Terrorism is no longer a peripheral problem for the region, he said his address at the 10th East Asia Summit that’s being held in Malaysia.

“The barbaric terrorist strikes in Paris, Ankara, Beirut, Mali and on the Russian aircraft is a stark reminder that its shadow stretches across our societies and our world, both in recruitment and choice of targets,” link http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/terrorisms-long-shadow-stretches-across-world-pm-modi-1246091

I have already analysed the Possibility of Terrorism by the Event Charts of G20 and 27th Asean Summit.  For India I have also analysed the situations arising from the Vedic Progression method by Manu Smriti which show negative results. Let me analyse what could emerge  for the Countries Prone to Terrorism by ISIS or by its Allies in the Globe By Varshphala Method for Terrorism and Blasts employed in Mundane Astrology.The countries Prone are US, Russia, France, Brussels,  Syria, Libya, Israel,Egypt., Libya, London and India. Although other countries also cannot be ruled out but the Probability is mainly in Europe, Russia, USA and India. There may be stray cases in other countries as well.The Countries on high Alert are France, Brussels , US , India and Europe

In this article I shall only be discussing the Possibility of Terrorism, Blasts and War like situations by the Varsh phala Charts for Russia,US, India, and Brussels together with the chart of ISIS  taken from the Shri Vishwavijay Panchang Solan of 2015-2016. needless to consider the charts of Countries already attacked by ISIS in the Present Scenerio.In this Article I will only Discuss the the basic concepts of Samhita Branch of Astrology  for the my analysis .

Astrology is amazing . In my article Dated 1st Oct. 2015 https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/10/syria-crisis-what-stars-foretell/  I had mentioned

“Countries with Virgo Lagna/Pieces Lagna will be worst influenced those Supporting the Shai and Sunni regimes  till 9th Jan 2016 and after Mars Ingresses Scorpio on the 20th Feb 2016 and in the Present Scenerio when Mars activates once again activates  the Eclipse point of 10.35 degrees in Pieces on the 20-21st Nov. 2015 by 7th aspect. On the 12-13 Nov. 2015 Rahu and Mars will be degree conjunct could also prove Disasterous for all such Countries. The following are Countries with Virgo, Pieces Lagna, Moon and Sun signs   liable to be victim of the Lunar Eclipse of the 28th Sept. 2015  and Mars, Saturn Conjunction on the 20th Feb 2016”.

The Country name was not mentioned but the Foundation chart of France is with Pieces Lagna and the above Prediction in the above article came out True 100 %. The Formula in The Book Nehru Dynasty of the Eclipses  , Rahu Sub Dasha and Mars Activation of the Eclipse Point Proved 100%

For War,Terrorism and Blasts,Related to Mundane Astrology,the following Parameters are important.

1.Houses important are Lagna,3rd,4th,6th and the 8th house and their Lords under affliction. Needless to explain the reasons .

2. Malefic Combinations of Mars with Rahu-Ketu or Saturn

3. Malefic influence of Mars,Saturn , Rahu-Ketu on Moon

4. Malefic influence of Mars, Saturn, Rahu-Ketu on Sun

5. Weakening of Jupiter and Venus

6. Placement of Muntha in the houses 4th, 6th,7th, 8th 11th and 12th house of the Varsh Phala chart

7.Placement of the Lord of the year in the 6,8 and 12th house

8. Placement of the Lagna Lord in the Trik Bhavas.

9. In Transit affliction to the 8th house most crucial, since it house of mass happenings .

10. Planets Acquiring 6 states of Malefic stances , speciallythe malefics Saturn, Mars, Rahu andKetu.

11. Mars will be Fallen for 25 days after it ingresses in Scorpio on the 20th feb. 2015 after reaching at 3.28 degrees will be most malefic in the Future Scenerio. For Those countries where in the Varsh Phala chart Mars is the 8th Lord or the Lagna Lord will be most malefic and Venomous. USA has Scorpio Lagna in Varsh Phala , ISIS has Aries Lagna ,and India has Virgo Lagna , hence Maximum Influence on these Countries together with ISIS. Those 25 days will be disasterous when Mars will be in Libra in June  2016.

12. Sensitive Periods when both Mars and Saturn will also be in Retrogression .

Saturn becomes Retrograde on the 26th March 2016 at 22.19 degrees till 14th August 2016 when it will be 15.41 degrees .

Mars will become Retrograde on the 18th April at 14.49 degrees and will fall back in Libra on the 18th June 2016 for 25 days .

Mars will become Direct on the 30th June , it will remain in Libra as a fallen Planet for 25 days and Ingresses in Scorpio on the 13th July 2016. , Hence Mars and Saturn will both be Retrograde in Scorpio  between  18th April to  30th June 2016 in Scorpio Mars and Saturn will be degree conjunct on the 24th August 2016 at 15.36 degrees is crucial time for terrorism and Untoward happenings . In Mundane Astrology , Scorpio sign is a critical sign and also denotes the South  West Direction , hence India is also Prone to ISIS terrorism till 9th Jan 2016 and around the Eclipses and the Dates when Saturn and Mars are retrograde as mentioned above. Other Countries also discussed in this Article are also prone in these Periods  from  ISIS

It has been observed that these Parameters when Activated then there is Destruction for the nation

In the Book The Nehru Dynasty by K.N. Rao the Astrological Inevitability  The Theory is when Ever there are Eclipses on the Lagna, Moon Sign and Sun signs in the 1/7 axis and Sub Dasha of Rahu is Running and Mars has activates the Eclipse point then there is Fall in the Life of the Individuals and the nations. I shall also use this Parameter in analysing this Parameter to reach my conclusions, but before this there is a very Important Parameter which K N Rao has given in the Paper Produced in Oct. 2010. Mars Placement in the 3rd, 6th, 7th and the 12th house or connection with their Lords in the Foundation chart of the Country makes the Nation War mongering, due to Terrorism with in the Country or with the neighboring Countries.

In the Present Context while taking up the charts of the Different nations , we have to keep in mind the Eclipse point of 10.35 degrees in the sign of Pieces for the Lunar Eclipse of 28th sept. 2015 has been activated by  Mars on the 19-20th Nov. 2015 and at the time of Paris Attacks Mars and Rahu were degree conjunct in Virgo at 6 degrees aspecting the Eclipse point . We also must keep in mind that Mars starts giving the results when in the 1st dreshkanne from 0-10 degrees. In the Present Context it is Crucial till it crosses the 13.20 degrees , since it will be in the same navamsha of the Eclipse point  till 26th Nov. 2015

In the Month of March 2016 there are Eclipses and Mars and Saturn both are activationg the Solar and Lunar Eclipses in the Aquarius and Leo signs respectively. Mars Prolonged stay in Scorpio for nearly 211 days and Becoming Retrograde and Falling in Libra for 25 days and aspecting the Eclipse point again and again will add fuel to the Fire  for Terrorism, Bloodshed and War with Highest magnitude, since a malefic in Retrogression is 3 times stronger than a normal planet since it behaves like a Painting brush, going forward, then Back ward and then again going forward and Painting that area 3 times.

Sign Scorpio will be afflicted since both Mars and Saturn will be transitting in this sign together for almost 211 days as mentioned above from 20th Feb. 2015 to 21st Sept. 2015  .

Map of ISIS ISIS Map

29th June 2014 brought about a Catastrophic Formation of ISIS  when the Master  of the Arab World Abu-Baker–Al-Bagdadi announced that he is the Founder of the ISIS. He was not alone in his mission , but thousands of Terrorist were with him in his mission. He declared this information at 19-54 hrs. in the City of Mosul in Iraq.

ISIS Chief .On 11 October 2015, the Iraqi air force claimed to have bombed al-Baghdadi’s convoy in the western Anbar province close to the Syrian border while ISIS chief was heading to Kerabla to attend an ISIL meeting, the location of which was also said to be bombed. His fate was not immediately confirmed.There were some subsequent speculation that he may not have been present in the convoy at all.

Let us see the Foundation chart of the ISIS at this time below. 29th June 2014 19.54 Hrs iraq Mosul. The Chart is taken from the Shri Vishwavijay Panchang  Solan 2015-2016

The date is also confirmed by link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_State_of_Iraq_and_the_Levant

As Islamic State, 2014–present

On 29 June 2014, the organisation proclaimed itself to be a worldwide caliphate. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi—known by his supporters as Amir al-Mu’minin,

There is another  Horoscopes also of 9th April 2013  09-45 Syria , but I am taking the latest one when Abu-Bakr-al-Bagdadi announced that he is the Now the Founder of ISIS.

Chart of ISIS

I need not reproduce the text and analysis of the Foundation chart of ISIS here. The same can be read in details on the link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2015/11/red-mars-activates-eclipse-point-and-terrorism-sproutes-in-paris-as-predicted/


Varshphala chart of ISIS 30th June 2015 02-04-56 Mosul Iraq

Varsh Phala ISIS

Afflictions as Below.

1. Lagna Lord Mars in the 3rd  house Combusted

2. 3rd house has Mars and Sun the 8th from the 8th house

3. 4th house has Jupiter and Venus in Planetary war and Jupiter losses in the war is strong negative for the ISIS

4. 6th house has Rahu aspected by Mars from the 3rd house

5. 8th house has Debilitated Moon and Saturn Retrograde

6. Malefic combinations of Mars and Rahu

7. Sun and Mars together in the 3rd house

8.Moon debilitated and placed in the 8th house with Retrograde Saturn .

9. Year lord is Jupiter in the 4th house in Planetary war.

10. Muntha in the 10th house and the Lord Saturn retrograde and placed in the 8th house

11. Lagna lord Mars will be Fallen for 25 days  on the 18th June 2016 after Mars ingresses in Scorpio and becomes retrograde at 3.28 degrees . Mars in fallen State after 18th June  2016  will be most damaging for ISIS in all respects The Period also when Mars and saturn both will be retrograde in the 8th house of the Varsh phala chart.

From the above it is crystal clear that the Organisation will be involved in Terrorism, BloodBath and war the complete year and major losses.

When Mars Transits the 8th house for 211 days be the be worst  Period for ISIS for 211 days from 20th Feb 2016 to 21st Sept. 2016, there will be a Fierce fighting between the Powerful Countries and ISIS, there will be Mass killings during this period In ISIS teritory with Magnitude 

Foundation chart of Russia 12th June 1990 13-45 hrs Moscow, Taken from Paper Produced By K N Rao 


Mars is Placed in the 7th house  and as per the Paper Produced by K N Rao the Country is War mongering  and there is Possibility of the nation getting involved in war like situations  by other Countries or by the Country it self. The Country is running the dasha of Rahu-Mer-Jup and Rahu-Mercury will be upto 14-8 2016. The Dasha is self evident for the War Mongering Tendencies. Eclipse has taken place in the 1/7 axis and over the 8th Lord Mars in the 7th house on the 28th Sept. 2015. In Transit Rahu, Venus and Mars are in Lagna opening the story of the Attacks on Syria on ISIS.

Sign Scorpio will be afflicted since both mars and saturn will be transitting in this sign together for almost 211 days as mentioned above .

The Varsh phala chart of  Russia of 12th June 2015 19.34.55 is below 

Varsh Phala Of Russia

Malefic combinations are as below.

1.Here in the Varshphala chart the Lagna lord is placed in the 8th house  a malefic connection.

2.Muntha is placed in the 11th house and the Lord  Venus is Placed in the 8th house with Lagna Lord .

3. Sun under the malefic influence of Mars and Saturn in the 6th house

4. 4th house has Malefic Ketu.

5. 6th house has malefics,8th house has Jupiter and Venus making them weak.

6. 3rd lord Saturn  placed in the 12th house and in Retrogression.

7. Year Lord Venus is Placed in the 8th house

 Hence majority of the above Parameters  are afflicted , now as per the Transits of Planets Sun is afflicted in the 12th house by Saturn and when  Sun goes in the Sagitarius sign on the 16th Dec. 2015 will be aspected by Mars till 24th Dec. 2015, . Venus is placed in Virgo at Present and when it goes in the sign Libra it will be in Paapkartari yoga and aspected by Moon 8th Lord , Saturn is already over Saturn , hence till 24th Dec. 2015 will be most crucial for Terrorism in the country or by the Countrygetting involved in war like situations .When Mars goes in Libra on the 24th Dec.2015 it will aspect Sun and Mars by 8th aspect till 20th Feb 2016 and then Mars and Saturn will be conjunct making the conjunction Prone to Terrorism. When Sun joins Taurus after 15th May 2016 will be most Prone Period till July 16th 2016 and even after that Mars will aspect Sun in Gemini also by 8th aspect. It therefore looks that as per my previous predictions by other methods also the time from 3rd Nov. 2015 to 1st Nov. 2016 will be a Period in which Terrorism will sprout with magnitude . Hence Russia will Pounce on ISIS will magnitude till Nov. 2016 and it seems Russia also may have terrorism in these Periods mentioned above.

The Country is running the Dasha of Mars- Mercury  till 11-4-2016 . Mars is connected to the 7th Lord Saturn of international affairs and Wars. In fact there is retrun aspect of Mars and Sarurn and Mercury is in the 12th house of Lasses in War in Rahu-Ketu axis. In the Month of March 2016 the Eclipses will take place in the 1/7 axis of the lagna and also in the 1/7 axis of Moon and Mars in Transit will aspect the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse in Aquarius . The Country is also War Mongering by the Placement of Mars .

Let us see the Varsh phala chart USA of the completion of the 239 years below of 8th July 2015 16-30 hrs

Varsh phala chart USA

Let us Calculate the Muntha placement in the Varshphala chart the year completed are 239 and the lagna is Leo in the Foundation chart hence 239+5=244 and dividing by 12 the remainder is 4 hence muntha will be in the 9th house of the Varsh phala chart and the lord moon will be placed in the 5th house

As per the Parameters mentioned above , The following are the afflictings in the Running year from July 2015 to July 2016  for USA

  1. LagnaLord Mars is placed in the 8th house  is an affliction and Mars is also Combusted , it is also with 8th Lord Mercury.
  2. 3rd Lord Saturn is Retrograde and Placed Lagna . 3rd house is also aspected by Mars 6th Lord
  3. 4th house is Aspected by 12th and 7th Lord Venus and 4th Lord is also Retrograde and Placed in the Lagna
  4. 6th Lord Mars is placed in the 8th house
  5. 8th Lord is placed in the 8th house
  6. Mars is aspecting Rahu in the 11th house .
  7. Sun is with Mars and the 8th lord and in the 8th house .
  8. Moon is with Ketu in the 5th house afflicting Moon.
  9. Muntha is placed in the Sign of cancer and the Muntesh Moon is in Rahu-Ketu axis
  10. As per the above combinations and In Transit when mars is over Rahu till 24th Dec. 2015 will be a critical period since the Natal mars of the varshphala will also aspect the Transit Mars and Rahu, when Mars reaches 15.31 degrees of the Varshphla Chart could be critical on the 29th Nov. 2015 . Also the Critical period could also be when Sun Ingresses in Sagitarius on the 16th Dec. 2015 then the Natal Mars will influence the transit sun along with Transit Mars, Hence from 16th dec. to 24th Dec. 2015 could be critical for USA, when there could be warlike situations and Terrorism may Sprout in the Country . On the Day of Terrorism Moon will also be in Rahu-Ketu axis
  11. Mars will be Fallen for 25 days in April 2016 and will be most damaging for USA in terms of Terrorism, Bloodshed and War

Foundation chart of India of 15th August 1947 00-00-01 hrs  is below.

Varsh Phala Chart 68th year completion

India is Running the dasha of Moon who is the 3rd Lord with 4 more Planets aspecting the 9th house along with Mars by 8th aspect . Religion and Casteism could sprout with magnitude during this period. Transit Saturn in Stationary State Activated the 7th house of the India Foundation chart along on natal Ketu at 5.44 degrees in the same Navamsha   on the 2nd August 2015 and Now Mars will Transit this sign over natal Ketu on the 20th Feb. 2016 and Mars will remain in this Sign for a Period of 211 days over the natal Ketu will be most malefic and Prone to War like conditions in the Country . Mars will be on Ketu along with Moon and Saturn on the 1st March 2016 and  Moon, and Mars will be in the same Navamsha asthe natal Ketu , also Mars and Saturn will also be opposing each other in Navamsha in Transit , could Sprout Warlike conditions, Terrorism, Blood shed , since this conjunction will be in the 7th house of Wars. and International affairs. At this point  India will also be running the dasha of Moon-Moon-Saturn and then Moon-Mars-Mars from 10-7-2016 till 8-2-2017 could be Crucial periods and Prone to Terrorism by neighboring Nations.

Let us see the Varsh phala chart of India after completion of 68th year on the 15th August 2015 at 10-12-17 hrs New Delhi below 

Varsh Phala India 68th yr completion

Let us see the afflictions the chart has in respect of Terrorism and Blasts and war like situations

The Country is not war mongering , hence there will be no aggressive action by the Country it self, but there are possibilities that there may be terrorism by outside agencies and by ISIS of the allies of this Group in Pakistan .

  1. Lagna Lord Mercury is placed in the 12th house of losses and aspected by 6th lord Saturn from the 3rd house  . Lagna is in Rahu-Ketu axis .
  2.  3rd house has Saturn and the 3rd Lord is also Debilitated in the 11th house with Sun and aspects the 6th house
  3. 4th Lord Jupiter is Placed in the 12th house aspected by 6th Lord Saturn
  4. 6th house is aspected by Mars the 3rd and the 8th Lord Mars
  5. 8th house is aspected by Jupiter the 4th and the 7th Lord.
  6. Moon is in the 12th house aspected by Saturn the 6th Lord
  7. Jupiter in the 12th house aspected by Saturn
  8. Sun with Debilitated Mars in the 11th house
  9. Venus Retrograde totally combusted and Fallen in the sign of Cancer where Mars is also placed
  10. Muntha in the 5th house aspected by Mars, Sun and Saturn .
  11. 8th Lord Mars Fallen after 18th June 2016 will be crucial for India  for Terrorism amd War like situations.

Transit  Mars Transit in Virgo Over Natal Rahu will be critical till 24th Dec. 2015  and Specially when Sun goes in Sagitarius on the 16th Dec. 2015, then Mars will also aspect Sun in the 4th house . Before that Venus in the sign Virgo till 30th Nov. 2015 and then when Venus is afflicted in the 2nd  house  till 25th Dec. 2015 .Hence the Prone Period is from 16th Dec. 2016 to 25th Dec 2016 in the Present Scenerio, not forgetting that till 30th nov. 2015 is also a Period of being alert from Terrorism, Blasts and war like situations from the neighboring countries pakistan where the Allies of ISIS are active  There after Mars and Saturn in the 3rd house being the 8th from 8th will be critical after 20th Feb 2016 for 211 days till 21st Sept. 2016


Country is not War mongering , but the Eclipses have taken place in the 1/7 axis of Sun and the Lagna lord Mars . The country is Running the dasha of Jup-Rahu till 27-12-2017. The Sub dasha Lord is malefic and prone to Fall for the country . Let us see the Varshphla chart after completion of the 185 th year  on the 6th Oct 2015 22-06 hrs  below.

Varsh phala Brussels

The Afflictions are below

1.Lagna Lord is Mercury Retrograde, Combusted and Eclipsed with Rahu  in adverse motion, hence mercury is badly afflicted in the 4th house .

2. 3rd House has Mars and aspected by Saturn , Both mars and saturn are 6th and 8th Lord respectively.

3. 4th house is afflicted as explained above for the lagna Lord .

4. 6th house has 8th Lord Saturn

5. 8th house aspected by 8th Lord and 8th Lord afflicted by 6th Lord Mars

6. Venus and Jupiter both connected to Mars and Saturn

7. Sun with Rahu-Ketu , when Rahu and ketu are also in adverse motion Sun is afflicted .

8. Muntha  calculations  the Country has completed  185 years and the Lagna is Scorpio hence adding in 185= 193 and then dividing by 12 the Remainder is 1 hence the Muntha is in the 11th house  a malefic stance and the Lord is placed in the 3rd house aspected by Saturn . this will add to the destruction of the country in this running year till Oct 2016.

9. Jupiter and Venus with Muntha Lord Mars in the 3rd house aspected by 8th lord Saturn.

Present Transitof Mars over Rahu and Sun till 24th Dec. 2015 and the Mars Transit on Saturn on the 20th Feb 2016 and transit for 211 days will be crucial, Muntha Lord will be fallen in the 5th house for 25 days after 18th June 2016 will be crucail for the country , In the Present Context there are chances of Terrorism till  Venus in Virgo till 30th Nov. 2015 and then till Sun is there in Scorpio till 16th Dec. 2015, specially on the day when Moon will be in Rahu-Ketu axis on the 22nd -23rd Nov. 2015 . 26th and 27th Nov. 2015 also Prone to Terrorism in Brussels 


In a nut shell, it seems that aperiod till 30th nov. 2015 in the present Scenerio and then from 16th Dec. to 25th Dec. 2015 will ba a period of Blood shed, Terrorism and War with ISIS. The Magnitude of the Fighting Terrorism will escalate after 20th Feb. 2016 to 21st Sept. 2016 when there will be mass killing in the Territory of ISIS and also the other Countries involved in the Fierce fighting . I have only discussed Russia, USA and India,the other countries which may be trapped are Pakistan, London, Brussels etc. As per the vedic Astrology the year 2016 is a Durmukhi and not good for the globe in totality .

For Pakistan I have already written an Article that the transit of Mars and Saturn from 20th feb. 2016 to 21st Sept. 2016 will be most damaging and there will be mass hapenings in this period and like a civil war in the country and Navaz Shariff may have to step down due to Military Coup. and Terrorism.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 22nd Nov. 2015  11-00 am

Disclaimer ; this only astrological prediction only and not the personal opinion above , the writer does not hold himself for any consequences if any  arising out of the above analysis .


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