What Roman God Saturn, Red Planet Mars, North Node have Up their Sleeves From 20th August to 8th Sept. 2017

by astrodocanil

The Planetary Positions are taking an Explosive Turn . Saturn is at Stationary Point , I fear writing any thing here . Mars Ingress in Leo in the Lagna of Trump and US and in the 10th House of N Korea Foundation chart and the 7th house of Kim Birth Chart May Trigger the Brawl between Trump and Kim till 9th Sept. 2017 and specially between the 28th to 8th Sept. 2017 when Rahu is adverse . Needless to mention that I have written N number of Articles for US-N Korea Brawl , India-China , ISIS , Gulf War Natural, Unnatural Disasters  

The Twin Eclipses in the month of August 2017  and the Total Annular Solar Eclipse on the 22nd August 2017 will be of concern and Mars Joining the Sign Leo will be Catastrophic, since it will work as Ammunition dump when it Activates the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse on the 2nd Sept. 2017. I have already written more than 2 dozen Articles on the Planetary positions but as I have already mentioned that After 20th August 2017 what these Planets have up their sleeves may cast an evil shadow, hence it is all the more important to see what could be the effect of these planets on the Global events and specially the Brawl Between the US-North Korea, India-China, ISIS,  and Gulf War . It is needless to mention here that Natural, Unnatural , Manmade Disasters , Earthquakes of High Intensity , Explosions, Fire, Volcanos can be ruled out  

The Following Parameters are of Concern after 20th August 2017.

1.Saturn Attains a Status of a Stationary Planet in Scorpio at 27.04 degrees in the nakshatra of Jyestha , extremely bad for Politicians . Since it is fallen and Stationary it will Review and give the Results in this Position with 3 times the Strength between the 20th to 30th August 2017

2. Rahu North Node is in Forward Motion till 24th August and then from 28th to 8th Sept. 2017  could prove explosive since it has the Capacity to turn the tables upside down and specially around the Eclipses 

3. 25th August Saturn becomes direct at 17.36 hrs  at 27.04 degrees in Scorpio. Turning Point in the Global events , specially the Surge in the Financial Markets 

3. Mars Ingress in Leo on the 27th August 08-30 hrs.  and Degree conjunction with True Rahu and Both in Gandantha  and Moon in the Swati nakshatra is most malefic. 

4. 28th August 2017 at 13.32 hrs. Moon in Debilitation with Saturn Fallen Stationary and having Aspect of Mars who is conjunct with Rahu and about to Activate the Eclipse Point of 4.46 degrees in Leo on the 3rd Sept. 2017 and in the Same Navamsha on the 2nd Sept. 2017. When Ever Moon is Influenced By Saturn and Saturn also Influences the Dispositor of Moon it is in most Malefic Condition and hence the aggravation of the events can take place . Unfortunately on the 28th  Rahu Turn Direct and Stationary  and Can be Most Explosive  and as mentioned is Capable to give unexpected Results  and can turn the tables upside down.

5. Have a Look at the chart below of the 28th August 2017 13.32 hrs. IST

The Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon and Reaches its Debilitation sign and Degrees the same day and Influenced by Both Mars and Saturn

Moon will be in the Yama of  Leo where the Sign Lord Sun is Placed with Rahu , 8th Lord Mercury in Retrogression and Mars the Lagna Lord aspected By Stationary and Fallen Saturn, what could be worst then this is any bodies Guess in Astrology if you read the Tamil Explanation of these Planetary positions.

Moon will Pass through the nakshatras of Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury before leaving the Sign Scorpio. Jupiter is Placed in the 11th house and the dispositor is Influenced By Mars, Rahu , Sun and Stationary Saturn Fallen and Rahu in Adverse Motion , from this Parameter it can be derived that the Financial Markets will be influenced with intensity . The Connection of the 8th Lord and 11th Lord Mercury in Retrogression and with Adverse Rahu and having aspect of Stationary Fallen Saturn will be responsible for the same . Moon when compared to Saturn can also be called a mini Saturn since the Cycles of Moon and Saturn are almost same Numerically. Saturn stays in a sign between 2.25 to 2.5 years and Moon stays in a sign for 2.25 days , Moon completes its Journey in the Zodiac in more than 27 days and Saturn in 29.46 years.

6. Let us Have a Look at the chart of the 30th August 2017. 

The Day is Wednesday the Lord is Mercury and Moon is also in the Nakshatra of Mercury and Degree conjunct with Fallen and Stationary Saturn aspecting the Mercury. who is the 5th and the 8th Lord 

There are 7 Planets in the Kendra and Mercury in Retrogression and connected to Moon . Dispositor of Moon and Mercury are in Rahu-Ketu axis . Strong Untoward happenings , Natural, unnatural, Terrorism, Fights, Earthquakes with intensity, Brawl Between the Countries taking an aggressive stance 

The  Ascendant Signs of US, North Korea, Kim, Trump are afflicted by Planets in the 1/7 axis  and in the chart of India in the 4/10 axis and in the chart of China in the 2/8 axis 

7. On the 3rd Sept. Mars Activated the Eclipse Point of the Annular Solar Eclipse of the 22nd August 2017 

See the chart Below of the 4th Sept. 2017 below

The Day is Sunday and the Lord is Sun and Placed in the sign of Leo where Rahu in adverse motion , in gandantha  with Mars at Eclipse Point  and with Mercury Retrograde and degree conjunction aspected by Fallen Saturn at Lagna Degrees 

Jupiter 2nd and 11th Lord in the 8th house having Ithasla with Saturn Fallen and Dispositor of Saturn and Jupiter both Influenced By Rahu adverse , Hence Most Unpredictable Events are expected and More so Untoward  as explained above 

From the above we can say the Planetary positions from the 20th August are not good  till 8th Sept. 2017 and to be more specific till 4th Sept. 2017 and as per the 3 Dates discussed in this Article for the Global Events . Saturn continues to be in Scorpio  till 26th Oct. 2017, hence we cannot rule out the events effects till this date .In Nut shell from the 20th August to 26th Oct. 2017 will be a period of Political Tug of war, untoward happenings with dimension, Brawl Between the Countries taking highest Degree  specially till Conjunction of Mars and Rahu in Leo till 9th Sept. 2017

Nut Shell

Mars and Rahu Conjunction from the 27th August to 9th Sept. 2017 , Rahu in Adverse motion for a Long Period, Saturn Stationary and Turning Direct on the 25th August 2017 and Mars Activating the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse of the nd August 207 may be Crucial for Global Events, Financial markets , Brawl between the Countries, Tug of War in Politics . The Conjunction of mars -Ketu and Saturn -Ketu in Transit is worst . In the Present Context it is Mars -Rahu, hence of a lesser intensity and indicates Explosions, Fire , Chemical War, Army Related Wars and Intrusions for a short while . A Strong Earth Quake cannot be ruled out as mentioned in the Article


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
19th August 2017 2017  19.10 hrs
Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail:
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