What North Node Rahu and Fallen Mercury Foretell About Fed Rattling The Market ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

993 Predictions and Articles in just 52 month from April 2015

Mercury and Jupiter Nakshatra Exchange and both Fallen Rahu Adverse Most Malefic Parameter on the 31st July and 1st August 2019 for Stock and the Financial Markets

I just went through the media news “Here’s how the Fed could rattle the market instead of calm it down ” https://www.marketwatch.com/story/heres-how-the-fed-could-rattle-the-market-instead-of-calm-it-down-2019-07-31?mod=mw_theo_homepage

It’s finally here — the day that U.S. interest rates get lowered for the first time in a decade.
According to Bespoke Investment Group, it has been 3,878 days since the Federal Open Market Committee last cut interest rates. That 10 ½-year streak is the second-longest on record, behind only the 4,115 days with no such move in the 1950s.
Not everyone is thrilled with the expected rate cut that’s been repeatedly flagged in Fed speeches and long priced into markets.

Also Read this “Get Ready for the World Economy’s Biggest Week of 2019” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-07-28/the-world-economy-s-biggest-week-of-2019-as-fed-prepares-cut

There will be no chance of a summer break for investors or policy makers in coming days as they brace for what might be the busiest week for the world economy this year.

The highlight is Wednesday’s decision by the Federal Reserve with markets and economists virtually united in predicting Chairman Jerome Powell and colleagues will cut interest rates for the first time in more than a decade.

Today is Wednasday and the Day Lord is Mercury and in most Venomous condition since it has fallen from the sign Cancer to Gemini and in Rashi Gandantha apart from being fallen it is with Rahu and also Stationary since it has to become direct on the 1st August 2019. This parameter is most important in the present context . Rahu with a Fallen Planet Rahu becomes strong and has the Capacity to turn the tables upside down and Rahu is adverse, hence unexpected happenings connected to the stock and the Financial markets more so Mercury is the Karka for Stock and the Financial Markets, our Physocology and when Retrograde we often take wrong decisions . Mercury is in the nakshatra of Jupiter and Jupiter in the nakshatra of Mercury and both the Planets are again Fallen . Rahu is in the nakshatra of Jupiter Hence it will not be a surprise if the FED reduces the Interest rates and Rattles the Stock and the Financial Markets in a big way.

This is a Research Article and if My Predictions go wrong dont take the Failure of Astrology . Our Stalwarts have not written in detail about the Stock and the Financial Markets and No good Text is available other then Vypar Ratna, which does not write any thing about the Rahu Adverse and Mercury Fallen Status. In the Natal Astrology Both these parameters are extremely venomous and donot give good results. On the 4th August 2019 there will be exchange of Moon and Mercury houses another Malefic parameter for the Stock Markets besides the minimum Longitudnal distance of Venus and Mercury.Hence 1st August 2019 will be the Key Date in the Present Scenario for a big Roller Coaster and a dip in the Stock and the Financial Markets between the 1st August to 4th August 2019 and even unexpected results can occur , on the reverse side they could also surge for which the possibility is very bleak but not ruled out


Date 31st July 2019 15-00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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