What Fate Awaits The Rape Convict Ram Rahim? Fallen Stationary Saturn Mars Conjunct Rahu, Bolt From The Blue

by astrodocanil

Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Held Guilty in 2002 Rape Case, Punishment to be Decided on Aug 28 http://www.india.com/news/india/gurmeet-ram-rahim-singh-held-guilty-in-2002-rape-case-2426407/ The Time as per the Media is 14.30 hrs 

Ram Rahim convicted: How an anonymous letter alleging rape started it all http://www.hindustantimes.com/punjab/ram-rahim-verdict-today-how-an-anonymous-letter-alleging-rape-started-it-all/story-jRYgnB21EgeNGZW554t5zI.html

The three-page letter typed in Hindi, a copy of which is in possession of HT, narrates the ordeal of a dera sadhvi (woman follower) who charged Ram Rahim with sexual exploitation of the sadhvis in the dera. Sources said the investigating authorities once attributed the letter to a former sadhvi in Bathinda but she refuted their claim.
The letter, which was received by the high court by post on May 5, was also addressed to Union home ministry, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), and the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) besides media offices seeking intervention into wrongdoings in the dera.

Rape Case Against Ram Rahim: Story of Nameless Letter, 2 Murders https://www.thequint.com/india/2017/08/24/rape-case-ram-rahim-dera-sacha-sauda

Meanwhile, the killings of DSS member Ranjit Singh on 10 July 2002 and journalist Ram Chander Chattrapati on 23 October 2002 made the case even murkier, with Ram Rahim named as an accused.

“Multi-Layered Security Near Rohtak Jail Where Dera Chief Ram Rahim Is Kept  “ http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/multi-layered-security-near-rohtak-jail-where-ram-rahim-is-kept-1742497?pfrom=home-lateststories. My Predictions for this Dera chief have been on Dot for the Court Verdict

Multi-layered security arrangements have been made near Rohtak jail where Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh has been kept after being convicted in a 15-year-old rape case on Friday. The 50-year-old self-styled godman will be sentenced on Monday.

The Dera chief, who was convicted by a court in Panchkula of raping two of his women followers at his ashram in 2002, was flown in a government helicopter to Rohtak and has been kept in a special cell at the District Jail at Sanoria, about 10 km from Rohtak.

The roads that lead to the jail have reportedly been fortified with huge security presence along the stretch Border Security Force (BSF) and Haryana police personnel are stationed in the vicinity of the jail. A total of 28 paramiliatry companies will be stationed in the town; a senior cop told NDTV that army is also on standby in the area.
Dera Verdict: Family Of Journalist Shot Dead For Exposing Ram Rahim Hopeful link http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/dera-verdict-rekindles-hope-for-justice-for-chhatrapatis-family-1742441


  1. Rape cases against the Dera chief were revealed by the journalist
  2. The journalist Ram Chander Chhatrapati, was allegedly murdered for this
  3. Mr Chhatrapati was based out of Sirsa in Haryana

Anshul Chhatrapati, son of the killed journalist, welcomed the verdict and said they were now hopeful of getting justice too. “Notwithstanding the pressure, the CBI judge by his verdict on Dera head has sent a clear and loud message that fraud seers cannot walk scot-free. The common man has now reposed his faith in judiciary,” he said.

Mr Chhatrapati ran a local daily Poora Sacch. He was shot dead a few months after he published an anonymous letter narrating how women were being sexually harassed by Dera chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim at the Dera headquarters in Sirsa.
The three-page letter, written by a former sadhvi, was addressed to then Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee, Chief Justice of the Punjab and Haryana High Court and others, accusing the Dera chief of sexually assaulting them, Mr Anshul said.
“The letter explained how the Dera chief was sexually exploiting his women followers at the sprawling Sirsa ashram on account of ‘purity’,” he said.
The High Court had ordered the CBI to register an FIR in the case on November 10, 2003.


“Our father’s case is also being heard by the same judge. The hearing is slated for September 16,” he said. Mr Chhatrapati, who had exposed the sexual exploitation of sadhvis (women disciples) at the Dera headquarters in Sirsa, was shot dead from point blank range at his residence on October 24, 2002.

The 36-year-old son of the journalist also hailed the two women disciples for standing firm on their testimonies against the Dera chief despite “numerous threats”. In January 2005, Anshul Chhatrapati had filed a petition in the Punjab and Haryana High Court for a CBI inquiry into the death of his father.

From the above Media Reports

The Following dates are important for the Prediction of the event tomorrow and the Case of the Journalist Murder

  1. Journalist Murdered on the 24th Oct. 2002
  2. Case Registered on the 10th Nov. 2003
  3. Verdict on the 25th August 2017at 14.38 hrs.
  4. Verdict By Court regarding the Punishment on 28th August 2017
  5. Murder Case on the 16th Sept. 2017

The Journalist was Shot dead on the 24th Oct. 2002 when Saturn was in Gemini Retrograde at 5.02 degrees , which has been activated by Saturn after 14 years on the 6th April 2017 when Saturn was at 3.41 degrees and Stationary in Sagitarius and was in the same Navamsha , Saturn was Fallen in Taurus on the 8th Jan 2003 and was again Stationary in Taurus on the 23rd Feb 2003 at 28.14 degrees which has again been activated by Saturn on the 25th August 2017 at 27.04 degrees , Now The Gemini Saturn at the time of the Murder will be activated after 1st Dec. 2017 when Saturn will cross the Retrogression point on the 1st Dec. 2017 of 3.4 degrees and reach 5.02 degrees on the 13th Dec. 2017 and 16th Dec. 2017 Chosen as per the Dwadamsha Sign of Sun in Transit will therefore Be a Bolt from the Blue for this Dera Chief Ram Rahim. A Capital Punishment is not ruled out for the Murder. For this I will write a Separate Article using the Date 16th Sept. 2017

The Time of Verdict for the Rape case tomorrow on the 28th August 2017 is 14.30 hrs as confirmed by NDTV.

Mars is the Planet Acquiring a special dimension and is in the Sign of Leo where it has just entered on the 27th August 08-30 hrs. and hence acquires a special dimension. Hence the Punishment for such a Person will be according to Mars and the Sign Leo and the Rays of these 2 Parameters. Amazingly it is 7 Hence 7 Years of Punishment . ASTROLOGY BY TAMIL TEXTS IS AMAZING
Read My Articles on this already Predicted and on Dot. for the 25th August  2017 Verdict and the Untoward happenings 
https://www.astrodocanil.com/2017/08/fallen-stationary-retrograde-roman-god-saturn-on-the-wheelfate-of-dera-chief-ram-rahim-hanging/ Dated 25th August Written before the Verdict.
Also Read this one https://www.astrodocanil.com/2017/08/verdict-on-dera-chief-ram-rahim-what-stars-foretell/ written on the 24th August 2017 Before the Verdict which came on the 25th August 15-00 hrs. when the Scorpio Lagna was changing to Sagitarius Lagna and in Gandantha and indicates the Person will be in Bhandan yoga

Let me now open the chart of the 28th August 2017 of 14.30 hrs.

Panchang of the Day

The Day is Monday and the Lord is Moon and Placed in the 12th house in Debilitation and with Fallen and Stationary Saturn and the Dispositor of the 12th house is Mars  in Gandantha with Rahu also in Gandantha and in Forward motion. Fallen Saturn aspects Sun, Mercury, Mars and Rahu in the 9th house of Justice.

The Benefic Planets are more in the group of the Plaintiff then the Defender Dera Chief . Jupiter Placement in the 10th house gives a Fair Judgement  

The Day Lord is Placed in the yama of Leo which is influenced by Fallen Stationary Saturn is the Most malefic Component at the time of the Verdict  as explained above

There is complete Ithasla of Moon and Mars

Moon has also just entered the Sign and hence Moon also acquires a special dimension  and is Afflicted Badly by Fallen Saturn and Mars in Gandantha by 4th aspect and Mars is with Rahu Jail

Karna Lord is Venus and placed in the 8th house shows the Activities of the 8th House regarding the significations of Venus 

The Planets Acquiring Special dimension are as Follows 

.1. Lagna In Gandantha  shows the Native will be in Bhandan for which the Verdict has to come 

2.  Fallen Saturn Stationary in the 12th house house with Debilitated Moon 

3. Moon has Just entered the 12th house  hence Moon acquires a special dimension and since in the 12th house the Rays of the sign are most Important  Moon has Rays of 21 . The Sign Scorpio  and Saturn has Rays of 4 Hence this Parameter suggests that the Sentence could be for 4 years . 

4. Mars the 12th Lord has also changed sign on the 27th August 08-30 hrs also acquires a special dimension and has the Rays of 7

The Navamsha Lord is Mars and Placed in the Lagna with Rahu hence the Jail can be for Maximum 7 years / 4 years and a Maximum of 21 Years . The Event chart of the 25th August is most malefic and the Lagna Rising is the Dwdamsha of Sun  indicates Life time Imprisonment also .

Mars is connecting the 3rd, 12th and the 4th is Most malefic specially when there is return aspect of Saturn  and Mars with Rahu Conjunct in Forward motion. There can be Problem of Law and Order it so seems and  needless to mention here that the Conjunction of Mars and Rahu in Forward motion which has the aspect of Stationary Fallen Saturn from the 12th house is any bodies guess for Explosions , Fire , Roits with Magnitude  it so seems as per the Planetary positions . The Govt. should make necessary arrangement for the same in the Concerned States and the Capital as well to avoid Arson and Damaging the Govt. and Public Property 

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
27th August 2017 2017  18.10 hrs
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