What Fate Await’s Kamal Nath In Anti-Sikh Riots 1984 ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1041 Articles and Predictions in just 54 months from April 2015

Saturn-Jupiter Dasha till May 2020 may put him in Hot waters. Saturn at the time of Oct 1984 aspects the Saturn Transit in the 10th house and 26th Nov. to 3rd Dec. 2019 May. The Transit of Nodes in the 4/10 axis and in own nakshatras from the 27th Sept. 2019 to 22nd April 2020 may Prove most Venomous and bring a down fall for him since in Navamsha the Sagitarius sign is rising having Ketu and the 7th house Gemini having Rahu. The Degrees in the navamsha are also very important and the Transit Rahu and Ketu reaching these degrees are on the corner at 18.44 just months away on the 11th Oct. 2019. Hence the Transit of Rahu and Ketu in the 4/10 axis and asper the Navamsha may be most crucial for him and may bring a down fall for him it so seems
“Kamal Nath may face trouble as SIT reopens seven 1984 anti-Sikh riot cases ” https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/newsindia/kamal-nath-may-face-trouble-as-sit-reopens-seven-1984-anti-sikh-riot-cases/ar-AAH2eXF?ocid=spartandhp

Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Kamal Nath is likely to face fresh trouble as the Home Ministry Monday decided to reopen an investigation into seven anti-Sikh riot cases of 1984 where the accused were either acquitted or the trial closed. In one such case, it is alleged that Nath had given shelter to five accused.

As per https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamal_Nath The Birth details are of the 18th Nov. 1946 Kanpur and Time of Birth through reliable sources is 15-00 hrs and the chart is below

Native is Born on the Monday U Phalguni Nakshatra Dashmi Tithi but in the Krishna Paksha. The Karna Lord is Vishti and Saturn. The Garbshishta Planets indicate that since the Jupiter the Anter Dasha Lord In Operation till 13-5-2020 will give malefic results since the Midcusp Lord of the 10th House Mars is ill placed from the Anter Dasha Lord Jupiter in his chart and also The Miscusp Lord Mars is ill Placed from the 10th house and the 10th Lord Jupiter in the above chart. The 5 Planets placed in the 9th house are strong but the MidCusp Lord ill placed from the Anter dasha Lord Jupiter at Birth and also the Anter Dasha Lord Jupiter in Operation is most malefic Parameter. Presently he is running the Dasha of Saturn-Jupiter till 13th May 2020

The Most Crucial Parameter in the Present Transit is the Gemini-Sagitarius Axis since it will be influenced adversely in Transit by Rahu Ketu after 27th Sept. 2019.
The Chart is of the Pieces Lagna and Capricorn Navamsha . Rahu and Ketu are Transitting over his 4/10 axis and also asper the Navamsha in the same axis as per his navamsha and in the Vedic Progression chart below the Lagna is in the Ardra Nakshatra and Moon in Ketu Nakshatra are most malefic parameters for the immeduate future
Mars is the Midcusp Lord of the 10th house and in Rahu-Ketu axis is the Most Crucial Parameter in his chart. In Transit Mars is totally Combusted in the sign Leo the 6th house of the Cahrt and the 12th from Moon . In the year 1984 Saturn was transitting in the 8th house over the natal Jupiter the Lagnaand the 10th Lord , Now Saturn is in the 10th house where the Saturn at the time of the 1984 Riots was aspecting the 10th house from the 8th house by 3rd aspect . At the time of the Sikh-Riots Saturn was 24 degrees with Sun in Librs the 8th house of his chart over the Natal Jupiter the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord
See the Transit Chart of the 31st Oct. 1984 as per his Pieces Ascendant of 20.16 Degrees

This Transit opens the secret and what awaits his fate . Saturn the planet of Discipline will be activated by the Saturn at the time of the 1984 at 24 degrees after Saturn become direct in Transit on the 18th Sept. 2019 and will reach these degrees on the 3rd Dec. 2019 and will activate the Saturn in Taurus Navamsha from the Scorpio Navamsha .At the time of the Sikh- Riots Rahu was in the Aquarius Navamsha with Sun opposed by Ketu and Jupiter In Leo

Now when Rahu in in the Aquarius Navamsha and Ketu and Sun in the Leo Navamsha in Transit he may be Brought to Book after Rahu Enters the Aquarius Navamsha after 27th Oct. 2019 to 23rd March 2020.

He is under going the Dasha og Saturn -Jupiter till 13-5-2020. It seems he is in for Trouble till this Time Frame The Dasha Lords Saturn and Jupiter will meet twice and in Rahu-Keti axis from the 5th Nov. 2019 to 30th March 2020 in the 10th house and then again both will meet in the 11th house and the Sign of the Navamsha Lagma after 30th March 2020 till 4th April 2021. These time frames are most malefic for him and seems he is in hot waters.

Let us also see the Veeic Progression chart of the Year Nov.2018 to Nov. 2019 what it Foretells?

Moon is in the Nakshatra of Ketu and with Jupiter the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord of the Natal chart and in the 6th house with Venus the 5th and the 12th Lord and Rahu in the 12th house . The Lagna Lord of the Chart is in the 8th house with Sun and Mars aspected By Saturn from the 2nd House and at 180 degree’s’
Lagna is in Ardra Nakshatra and the Lord is in the 12th house makes every thing crystal clear more so Moon is in the Ketu Nakshahtra and the Transit of Rahu-Ketu in the 1/7 axis may put him in deep trouble. The Navamsha rising in this chart is of Sagitarius hence when Rahu goes in the Sagitarius Navamsha may be the worst time frame for him from the 23rd March to 22nd April 2020 although from the 27th Sept. 2019 when Rahu eneters the Ardra Nakshatra the troubles may start with dimensionin the Sikh-Riots Case of the 1984 and the effect of the same in his current career .It can prove to be a Bolt from the Blue specially after Sun enters the sign Pieces and Saturn aspects it after the 15th March 2020
Next year from Nov. 19 to Nov.2020 Moon in Venus Nakshatra and in Gandantha and the 8th Lord of the Naytal chart hence he may face the Consequences of the ill Karma then.


Date 10th Sept. 2019 5.30.00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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