What 5 Planets In The Sign Sagitarius Have Up Their Sleeves On 1st Jan 2020 ? Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1114 Articles and Predictions in just 56 months from April 2015

Cluster of 5 Planets in the sign Sagitarius the 8th house of the India Foundation chart is prone to malefic events specially when the 8th Lord is also Combusted
The Year Starts at 00-00-01 hrs on the 1st Jan 2020 Let us see the chart of the same below

Cluster of Planets in the 4th house and the Lagna is Virgo and the Lord in the 4th house . The 4th house has Hamsa Yoga due to Jupiter in own house but is combusted , hence the year will be full of Turmoils but success ultimately due to Jupiter in own house. Lagna Virgo and the Lord Mercury also the Day Lord and forming a Amruta Yoga of the first order the Amruta Yogas Falling on the 53 Wednesdays will be very Potent Benefic ones in the year 2020

The Sun rise Takes place at 07-17 am on the 1st Jan 2020. The Chart is Below

The Day is Wednesday and the Lord is Mercury placed in the Ascendant of Sagitarius with 4 more planets .
There is Amruta Yoga considered to be most potent yoga due to the Combination of the Tithi and the Day
The Following parameters acquire an important dimension and are most Malefic

1. Mercury is placed in the yama of Taurus the 6th house of the chart and the yama lord is Venus and Placed in the 2nd house of the Financial Condition and the Economic Condition of the nation. It is ill placed from the 5 planets in the Lagna is definitely a concern
2.The Day Lord Mercury is ill placed from 6th house 6th Lord Venus and also from the 12th house and the 12th Lord Mars. Hence the Significations of these houses would suffer in the year 2020
3.The Yama Moon and the Event Moon are in 6/8 axis most malefic parameter
4.Ascendant Lord Jupiter is in Total Combustion and also eclipsed
5.The Nakshatra is P Bhadra and the Lord is Combusted
6. The Yoga is Vyatipata and Considered to be most potent malefic one, since the Lord is Rahu and in most malefic state
7. The Sun in the Lagna as the 9th Lord is Eclipsed By Rahu the Lord of the Yoga Vyatipata and Rahu is in Forward motion till the 6th Jan 2020 is most malefic parameter on the 1st Jan. 2020. Sun in the sign Sagitarius and this yoga is most potent malefic combination
8. The Uday Lagna is Sagitarius and it is also ther Arudha Lagna and the Lord of Both is Eclipsed and in Combustion.The Arudha Navamsha is Leo and also having malefics , it is the 9th house of the event chart hence the 9th house significations will be more prominent in the year 2020. Law Supreme Court etc.
9.Sun and Moon both are afflicted the life giving planets
10. Jupiter and Saturn both Combusted
11. As per per Numerology the 2020 total is 4 and indicates the Role of Rahu and Rahu will be most prominent till Sept 2020 in the sign Gemini the 7th house of the Chart and as explained above since the Lord of Vyatipata eclipsing Sun and other planets and in Forward motion is most potent to give negative results of the 7th house .
12. The Total of the digits is 6 and signifies Venus and is placed in the 2nd house as the 6th and the 11th Lord hence the Significations of the Economy of the nation will be seen in the year 2020. The Karka Jupiter will be also in affliction in the year 2020.
13. The Navamsha Sign is Leo and the Lord is Placed in it and afflicted again , hence the significations of the 9th house wiull be more predominant in the year 2020 the Supreme Court will be seen taking more decisions in the year 2020
14. The Lagna Lord and the Arudha Lagna Lord will go in debilitation on the 30th March 2020 and will become Retrograde on the 15th May 2020. It will fall back in the sign Sagitarius as a Fallen Planet on the 30th June 2020 till 21st Nov. 2020. This Time Frame is most malefic for the Economy of the Country since it will be Debilitated in the 2nd House of the chart and then become Fallen in the Lagna

1.Amruta yoga . The Tithi si SP-6 Is most Potent . The Day is Wednesday and in the year 2020 there will be 63 Wednesdays and out of which 53 will be Amruta yogas most potent yogas
2.The Lagna Lord is Exhalted in Navamsha
3. The Dispositor of Sun is Exhalted
4. The Dispositor of Moon Saturn is Vargottam and in Pushkar Navamsha
5. The Lord of Arudha Lagna is Exhalted is some relief

The Year 2020 starts with 5 Planets in the Sign Sagitarius. Specially the Saturn and Jupiter with Sun and in combustion. This Phenomena occured 60 years back in 1960 when Jupiter Venus Saturn and Mars were together in the Sign Sagitarius. Sun had just left the sign Sagitarius on the 14th Jan 1960 and Jupiter Ingressed in Sagitarius on the 22nd Jan 1960. I googled the 1960 events and found that The Sixties dominated by the Vietnam War, Civil Rights Protests, the 60s also saw the assassinations of US President John F Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Cuban Missile Crisis, and finally ended on a good note when the first man is landed on the Moon. Saturn Jupiter are the most important planets being the 9th and the 10th Lords of the natural Zodiac. A similar conjunction is then taking place of Mars Jupiter and Saturn in the sign Capricorn on the 30th March 2019 when there will be degree conjunction of Mars and Saturn at 6 degrees in the nakshatra of U Shadha which is supposed to be the 10th house of the natural Zodiac and where the Nakshatra Lord Sun becomes digbali. All these Planetary positions are most important and will bring a massive change in the Globe . It has been observed that Saturn and Jupiter meet after every 20 years and every 10 years from the conjunction they are in the opposition and bring massive transformations in the Globe and specially in the Financial World
Some events in 1960-1961


Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech in Washington, D.C., 28 August 1963
North America
United States
1960 – 1960 United States presidential election – The very close campaign was the series of four Kennedy–Nixon debates; they were the first presidential debates held on television. Kennedy won a close election.
1961 – President John F. Kennedy promised some more aggressive confrontation with the Soviet Union; he also established the Peace Corps.
1963 – Betty Friedan published the book The Feminine Mystique, reawakening the feminist movement and being largely responsible for its second wave.
1963 – Civil rights becomes a central issue, as the Birmingham campaign and Birmingham riot lead to President Kennedy’s Civil Rights Address, Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech at the March on Washington, and the 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing

East German construction workers building the Berlin Wall, 20 November 1961.
British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan delivered his Wind of Change (speech) in 1960.
Construction of the Berlin Wall 1961 to prevent East Germans from escaping to the West
Relations with the United States remained hostile during the 1960s, although representatives from both countries held periodic meetings in Warsaw, Poland (since there was no U.S. embassy in China). President Kennedy had plans to restore Sino-US relations, but his assassination, the war in Vietnam, and the Cultural Revolution put an end to that. Not until Richard Nixon took office in 1969 was there another opportunity.
Following Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev’s expulsion in 1964, Sino-Soviet relations devolved into open hostility. The Chinese were deeply disturbed by the Soviet suppression of the Prague Spring in 1968, as the latter now claimed the right to intervene in any country it saw as deviating from the correct path of socialism. Finally, in March 1969, armed clashes took place along the Sino-Soviet border in Manchuria. This drove the Chinese to restore relations with the U.S., as Mao Zedong decided that the Soviet Union was a much greater threat against them.
In India a literary and cultural movement started in Calcutta, Patna, and other cities by a group of writers and painters who called themselves “Hungryalists”, or members of the Hungry generation. The band of writers wanted to change virtually everything and were arrested with several cases filed against them on various charges. They ultimately won these cases
A similar pattern of the events may follow in a nut shell
Propitiation of Jupiter and Saturn is must on the Thursday’s and Saturday’s since the Lords are afflicted due to combustion on the 1st Jan 2020
No New Ventures should be started on the Day foring Vyatipata and Vaidrithi Yogas since they will not bear any fruits
The 1st Jan 2020 has Amruta yoga and Vyatipata Yoga are opposing each other Hence no new Ventures should be started on this Date with out Proper Propitiation of Rahu Jupiter and Saturn. Till 6th Jan 2020 Rahu is also in Forward motion this may please be noted

Sagiutarius is the 8th house of the India Foundation chartand till these planets in the sign will not confer benefic situations for the Country specially till the Dasha of Moon-Saturn and till specifically till 24th Jan 2020, although the Dasha Lords are forming Vish yoga in the Foundation chart and considered to be give malefic Results as already predicted by me . Jupiter the Lord of the 8th and the 11th of the Foundation chart will be in affliction from the 30th March and will fall back in the sign Sagitarius on the 30th June to 21st Nov. 2020 this Time frame may not be good for the Economic condition of the Country and there may also be a Global Recession in this Time Frame also.

Written on the Date 25th August 2019 14-00-00hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

Read this News “Trump Impeached on Two Counts by House, Setting Up Senate Trial” https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-12-19/trump-impeached-by-u-s-house-on-abuse-of-power-charge?fbclid=IwAR0Ge52Ug8eHR09WK98tVcEFj_H9ucjxaENt_3r69igVuwBJ4hUzCrHzqcU
The U.S. House of Representatives impeached President Donald Trump on charges of abuse of power and obstructing Congress, the culmination of an effort by Democrats that further inflamed partisan tensions in Washington and deepened the nation’s ideological divide.

The historic votes on Wednesday evening, which won the support of almost all Democrats in the House but not a single Republican, make Trump only the third president in U.S. history to be impeached — and likely the only impeached president to win his party’s nomination for re-election.

1st Jan 2020 07-20 am
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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