Vladimir Putin Iron Man Warns Of World War 3 After Landslide Victory Mars Saturn Demon Rahu On Wheels of Disaster

by astrodocanil

“Vladimir Putin Iron Man Warns Of World War 3 After Landslide Victory Mars Saturn Demon Rahu On Wheels of Disaster”

Vladimir Putin warns West that a conflict between Russia and NATO would be ‘one step’ from World War 3 after Macron refused to rule out putting troops on the ground in Ukraine

All this happening after Mars and Saturn meet in Aquarius which can prove explosive for the world as mentioned in all my Articles.

Vladimir Putin Iron Man Warns Of World War 3 In First Comment After Landslide Victory
Russian President Vladimir Putin warned the West on Monday that a direct conflict between Russia and the U.S.-led NATO military alliance would mean the planet was one step away from World War 3 but said hardly anyone wanted such a scenario. The Ukraine war has triggered the deepest crisis in Moscow’s relations with the West since the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. Putin has often warned of the risks of nuclear war but says he has never felt the need to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine.
All this news comes after the Mars and Saturn join in Aquarius on the15th March 2024. As I have already predicted that these heavy malefic conjunction for 38 days and North Node demon Rahu adverse motion for 31 days can be responsible for triggering the Brawl between Russia and the NATO Countries. The time frame from the 15th March to 26th May 2024 is Prone to such happenings specially around the Solar Eclipse of the 8th
April 2024
 The Time frame from the 26th March to 12th April 2024 can prove to be a Bolt from the Blue if Putin takes an aggressive stance. Let analyse the Charts of Russia and Putin to analyse the situations.

Natal chart as given in the link Vladimir Putin, horoscope for birth date 7 October 1952, born in St.Petersburg, with Astrodatabank biography – Astro-Databank

Putin, Vladimir Gender: M
Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
born on 7 October 1952 at 09:30 (= 09:30 AM )
Place St.Petersburg, Russian Federation, 59n55, 30e18
Timezone MSK h3e (is standard time)

Russian President Vladimir Putin. (AP)

The Chart is below of the 7th Oct 1952 09-30 hrs

The Natal Chart of Libra Ascendant having Venus in own sign making a Pancha Maha Purush Yoga, 2 planets in Exaltation and Exchange between the Jupiter and Mars  between the 3rd Lord with 7th Lord  indicate of a Strong Horoscope . 10th Lord Exalted with MCL of the 10th house Mercury also Exalted  and with Sun and Saturn is indicative of a very strong horoscope and shows that native started  his career very early in life.. In the D10 Dashamsha Chart Saturn and Mars in the Capricorn Lagna shows the strength and the capabilities of the Native . 

The running dasha is of Mercury-Mercury-Mars from the6-2-2024. The Dasha and Anter Dasha Lord Mercury is exalted  . Mercury is also  Vargottam. From Lagna and the Moon the 7th Lord is Mars of wars.

The Total Solar Eclipse in the 1/7 axis of the Sun Saturn and Mercury placed in the 12th house on the 8th April 2024 and then Mars activating the Eclipse point of 25 degrees on the 26th May 2024 can escalate the Present Crisis with Ukraine and also with the West and NATO Countries . The Solar Eclipse of the 8th April 2024 will be at very close degrees of Sun and Saturn. Hence then chances of the Brawl between Russia and NATO countries can go for a toss.



The Country is running under the operation of Jupiter-Jupiter and Jupiter is the Lord of the 7th house of Wars, it has aspect of the Mars from the 7th house making the nation war mongering.

 The Solar eclipse over the 7th house and the natal Mars on the 8thApril 2024 can trigger wars specially when Transit Mars goes over the Natal Mars after the 23rd April 2024  when there will also be angarak yoga in the 7th house of the Russia Foundation chart. Mars will activate the eclipse point of 25 degrees on the 26th May 2024. Transit of Demon Rahu in the 7th house and in adverse motion from the 26th March to 12th April  and then 16thApril to 23rd April, 2nd May to 7th May and then 16th May to 23rd May can escalate the brawl between Russia and NATO countries.

 Varshphala Chart of Russia for the running Year from June 2023 to June 2024.

The  Lagna Afflicted, 

Lagna Lord afflicted .

7th house afflicted

Muntha in the 6th house

Sun and Moon not afflicted Hence no serious war conditions as per the above Parameters . Russia will not take aggressive action till NATO Countries instigate Russia


The Chart is of the 6th Oct 1958 18-30 hrs Paris.

The Solar Eclipse of the 8th April 2024  in the 1/7 axis of the 4 planets is explosive specially in the 1/7 axis of the Sun in close degrees

 As Per the Varshphala Chart the Muntha is in the 11th house and  Muntha Lord Sun in the 12th house with 12th Lord 

 Lagna is afflicted,

7th House is afflicted ,

7th Lord is afflicted,

Muntha Lord in the 12th house , shows that France will be in war like condition as per the Time frame mentioned in this Article.

Hence there is a possibility of the Brawl between Russia and France goes for a Toss and hence war like conditions will be activated . Unfortunately the Mars and Saturn Conjunction in the 6th house of Russia and 12th house of France is not good . The Solar Eclipse of the 8th April 2024 will fall in the 1/7 axis of both the Countries , this is my fear for things to become ugly. The Time frame from the 26th March to 12th April 2024 can prove to be a Bolt From the Blue for world Peace—- Note My Predictions

Also Read My Article Horary Chart 24th Feb 2022 Day Of Russia Invasion : Mars & Saturn About To Meet In Capricorn And Now In Aquarius Deadly – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (astrodocanil.com)

Mars and Saturn vedha in the Rashi and Nakshatra Chakra indicates wars are certain specially when Mars and Saturn are conjunct and Planetary war just with in 2 days of the Solar Eclipse of the 8th April 2024

 Let us also see the Horoscope of Emmanuel Macron of 21st Dec 1977 10.40 Hrs Amiens France of Capricorn Lagna for this I will write another Article.

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch BVB New Delhi Research Scholar and Award Winner

Anil Aggarwala BSc. Engg. PEC Ch. Year 1971

  17th March 2024 22-00 hrs New Delhi

Diploma Marketing Management FMS Only Lectures  for One year.

Jyotish Acharaya BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N Rao

Award Winner In Research in ASTROLOGY.

Award Winner in Research in Astrology by Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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Written more then 3000 Articles and Predictions and 620 You-Tube videos and 95% results




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