Venus The Godess Of Love And Beauty In Libra for Over 121Days : What It Foretells ?

by astrodocanil

This is  with reference to my Article “Paksha Kundali of the 26th August, 9th Sept. 2018 Most Venomous: What They Foretell ?” link…at-they-foretell/   

Venus the Godess of Love and Beauty will over stay in Libra for over stay for 121 days  from the 1st Sept. 2018 23.27 hrs. to 1st Jan 2019 20.43 hrs .

Venus Facts. Venus is the second planet from the Sun and the third brightest object in Earth’s sky after the Sun and Moon. … The planet is named for Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty and is the second largest terrestrial planet.

Sept. 2018 is a special month since so many changes of the planetary positions are taking place . Before I take up Venus let me write the Planetary effect of the Planets in the month of Sept. and Oct. 2018.


 1st Sept. 2018 Transit Mars regains normal motion after becoming direct on the 27th August 2018 at19.35 hrs and then becoming Stationary till 31st August 2018. Mars is behind Ketu till 26th Sept 2018 and is in a Venomous state. Mars will also activate the Eclipse point of the Lunar Eclipse on this Date and will be most Venomous till 4th Oct. 2018. Mars will reach its Exhaltation point on the 3rd Nov. 2018 and finnally leave Capricorn on the 6th Nov. 2018. Mars exalted in capricorn when crosses the Ketu on the 26th Sept. 2018 magnifies its potential to affect positive changes . This time should be utilized to initiate the changes  that require courage to overcome the situations. As mentioned above and in all my articles Sept. 25-26th 2018 Mars and Ketu will be degree conjunct the 3rd time and also activate the Eclipse point of the Lunar Eclipse of the 28th July 2018 and hence a deeply emotional event can take place . We all know the significations of Mars which may sprout with dimension and indicate attack of violence and can be with the ugliest magnitude .This is the time of war and peace and we are on the crossroads. The Mars will also activate the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse of the 11th August 2018 on the 26th Oct. 2018 at 24 degrees which indicates another turning point in the mundane and Mars significations sprouting with magnitude.

Mars will remain in Kendra from Venus from 1st Sept. to 6th Nov. 2018 not supposed to be good for the significations of Venus as per Shastra 


Mercury joins Sun in Leo on the 2nd Sept. 2018 at 21.06 hrs. Mercury out of Affliction from Rahu and Ketu . Mercury joins Virgo its Exhaltation sign on the 19th Sept. 2018 at 04-15 am


Saturn becomes Stationary on the 6th Sept. 2018 16.38 hrs. for 5 days till 11th Sept. 2018. When a Planet changes its mode from Retrogression to normal motion  the significations of the planets have to be watched specially of Saturn and Mars . Mars has allready become direct and Saturn also becoming direct indicate shocking and major events  which may be on the cards . Saturn in the sign Sagitarius concerns extreme righteousness and destruction. Saturn as per Kalidas is Dukh Karka and all the ‘D’ are signified by Saturn specially when it is in Stationary mode . Saturn is also in the Nakshatra of Ketu  Moola and supposed to be most venomous since Moola is ruled by Niritti the Godess of Destruction. This also indicates fall of the Governments  and Tug of war in the Political field.This will be the most difficult time but time to brush up our mind for a new start.


Jupiter will ingress Scorpio on the 11th Oct. 2018 19.20 hrs and become attichari and cross the 30 degrees in just 5.5 months and again ingress in Sagitarius on the 29th March 2019 where Ketu and Saturn will be there . Jupiter will become Retrograde very soon on the 10th April 2019 and fall back in Scorpio on the 23rd April 2019 and will remain in Scorpio till 5th Nov. 2019. This will be most Crucial period for the World since Jupiter is Karka for wealth and will fall in the 8th house  of the natural zodiac where Saturn and Mars have already fallen after 2016. This activation of the dual Transit of Saturn and Jupiter may bring a big change pertaining to Global events and most venomous one  The Conjunction of Saturn and Ketu in the sign of Jupiter after 25th March 2019  will be the Key date for the Significations of Jupiter to Suffer in a most ugly way .

Nodes Rahu and Ketu 

Rahu and Ketu will remain in the signs Cancer and Capricorn till 25th March 2019 and will be in the Kendra from Venus till 1st Jan. 2019  and not supposed to be good as per shastra

Rahu will be adverse in the present Scenario on the 4th to 7th Sept. , 18th to 21st Sept.  They are also adverse in Oct. 2018  2 times and only totral 4 days. The impact of Rahu and Ketu in the month of Sept. 2018 could be ugly since Mars will also be in close degrees with them

Let us now Talk about Venus in detail 

Venus the Godess of Love and Beauty will over stay in Libra for over 121 days  from the 1st Sept. 2018 23.27 hrs. to 1st Jan 2019 20.43 hrs .

Venus Facts. Venus is the second planet from the Sun and the third brightest object in Earth’s sky after the Sun and Moon. … The planet is named for Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty and is the second largest terrestrial planet.

Venus is a planet of love and romance, beauty, dance and music

Day of  Venus Friday

Direction South East

Color  White

Orbit time in one zodiac sign 28 days average

Orbit time of one zodiac cycle 11 months average

Declination of Venus is 8 years and every 8 years when it reaches its exaltation sign Pieces overstays for 128 days like it did on the 27th Jan 2017 and stayed in Pieces . The Declination of Venus is extremely important for deciding the year of Marriage . The Stone of Venus is diamond which has 8 heads

During the transit in the sign libra venus will transit in the nakshatra of Mars, Rahu and Jupiter in the nakshatra of  chitra, swati and vishaka. In the cyclic period of retrogression Venus shifts from a morning star to evening star and when it becomes an evening star it becomes extremely powerful and major events take place concerning the war. Venus became an evening Star  9 months back on the 10th Jan. 2018 and will become a Morning star on the 25th  Oct 2018. this 9 month period is symbolic as it is the gestation period for a baby, the world is therefore coming to a new birth. The Jyotish shastra also says that when jupiter, Sun and Moon were in  pushya nakshatra the world came into existence, which is not happening in the near future, hence this may be a segmental change for the global events. and till it becomes a Morning Start there may be Brawl between the nations, Trade wars may Escalate , Financial and the Stock Markets may behave like a sine curve, a Rollar Coaster rides in the Financial sectors  and specially after Saturn also becomes direct will be the Key Date for the same 


Venus joins Jupiter in Libra on the 1st Sept. 2018 at 23.27 hrs.. Venus is out of the Debilitation sign . Venus will become Retrograde on the 5th Oct. 2018 at 16.43 degrees and in 6th Navamsha of its Exhaltation sign and become direct on the 16th Nov. 2018. Venus will stay in Libra for 121 days . The entire month of Sept. 2018 transitting Jupiter and Venus will be together in Libra. This will bring peace and togetherness. Another interesting feature of the Month of Sept. is these 2 planets are in opposition to Uranus. Conjunction of Of Jupiter and Venus as per Mundane Astrology are times of Disaster . Late Hardeo Sharma Trivedi made brilliant use of the time tested Principle(1971 Nov. Mukti Vahini of East Pakistan and Blood Shed) July 1988 Teheran —– 30000 executed . Saturn is also reaching the 30 year mark when in 1988 Saturn was also in sagitarius when specially Mars will be hehind Ketu till 26th Sept. 2018 and the Kendra from Venus and Jupiter will be afflicted . Fortunately Jupiter and Venus will not degree conjunct . Venus is supposed to be very strong in Libra  since in navamsha it will also exalt when in the 6th Navamsha .The aspect of Neptune on these 2 planets will cast spirtual awareness and heal the angry issues proved by the conjunction of Mars and Ketu. Inspite os all this there will also be a healing by the energy of Venus in Libra. 10th house from Venus will be Rahu and Mars  andd hence the Focus will be more on Venus after Venus ingresses in Libra  

Venus Retrograde and the power of love 

When Venus becomes Retrograde it becomes extremely powerful. It turns retrograde every 18 months .Venus is the planet who spends the least time in retrogression and in the present trasit it will be retrograde for 42 days . It will turn Retrograde on the 5th-Oct. 2018 and become dorect on the 16th Nov. 2018. It becomes Direct at 1 degree Libra where it is also Vargottam. Major peace treaties take place when Venus is retrograde , hence it seems the Brawl between the nations and the trade wars may escalate till 5th-6th Oct. 2018 after which there is a possibility of some relief , but mind you the Mars will activate the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse on the 26th Oct. 2018, hence the peace treaties can only take place when Mars leaves the sign Capricorn and Venus is stationary at 1 degrees Libra on the 16th Nov. 2018. 


On 5th October Venus became stationary, stopped moving from our perspective until 6th October.

On 2nd November Venus will become visible again as a Morning Star, but still will be retrograde., Hence Roller -Coaster rides in the Financial markets, Global events and hence no improvbement till this time in the Stock and the Financial Markets . The Longitudnal distance will start reducing after 5th Oct. 2018 between Mercruy and Venus in the sign Libra the most crucial sign for the Financial Astrology 

From 15 November Venus will be stationary again until on 16th November she becomes direct and visible.

The unfortunate part is that the Kendras from Venus are afflicted  by the Nodes and Mars  till 25th March 2019 by the nodes and till 6th Nov. 2018 by Mars  during the stay of Venus in the sign Libra its mooltrikona sign

Shastra says when the Kendra from Venus are afflicted then there is no luck and Prosperity rather scams, and negative significations of Venus sprout and all those who have the afflictions to Venus in the natal chart suffer on account of the Venus significations, may be it is Marital Relations, Flirting with women, Marriages, Vehicles Accidents etc. When the 4,8th and the 12th from Venus are afflicted then the Married life of the native suffers to quite an extent . When the trikonas are afflicted then when a women goes to a house of her spouse may not get the apnapan and the Security for her life , These parameters are to be seen both in the case of the boy and the girl before marriage while matching the Charts , Hence those Natives who have afflictions as stated above should not marry till Venus is in affliction as per the above . Fallen Venus even denies Marriage and is the most malefic and Venomous parameter for Venus for any individual 

At the time of my writing the article Venus is in the sign Virgo and Venus is also Vargottam neecha  and aspected by Saturn who is moving extremely slow and reaching its stationary point and Moon in Bharini nakshatra and Placed in the 8th house from Venus and  Delhi has rains for 2-3 hrs and lot of Vehicles have been damaged due to rain water entering the engine through the exhaust pipe .Any Planet changing sign and specially when about to change its state in any respect brings good or bad effects. 

The Strong spikes in the Stock and the Financial Markets are slowly disappearing after Mars has become stationary on the 28th August the effect can be seen which ASTROLOGY PREDICTED LOUD AND CLEAR. this will be more evident when Saturn becomes direct and stationary between the 6th and the 11th Sept. 2018 and when Mars activates the Eclipse points of the Lunar and the Solar eclipses on the 26th Sept and 25th Oct 2018 respectively.The Stock and the Financial Markets will be influenced in a big way it so seems before they finnaly take a break in the year 2019 when Saturn and Ketu join Sagitarius and Mars and Rahu join Gemini and oppose each other degree-wise

Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 1st Sept. 2018 10-00 am  
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