Venus Planet Of Grandeur & Luxury Fell In Cancer In Retrogression From Leo Gets Impaired Till 4th Sept. 2023

by astrodocanil
“Venus Planet Of Grandeur & Luxury Fell In Cancer In Retrogression From Leo Gets Impaired Till 4th Sept. 2023”

As already mentioned on my website Venus fell in the sign Cancer in retrogression from the sign Leo on the 7th August 2023 at 11.02 hrs. Venus acquires the status of a Fallen planet till in retrogression on the 4th Sept. 2023. This makes Venus Impaired in the month of adik savan mass. Venus will be with Sun in the 11th house since the sign Virgo is rising which is the Debilitation sign for Venus  is not good .

This has also reference to my Article

Will There May Be Fall In Stock Markets & Precious Metals As Venus Falls in Cancer Sign ? – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

And also  the Article

Venus In Retrogression Gandantha In Leo & About to Fall In Cancer Brings Divorce For Politicians As Predicted – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (


Chart of the Venus Entry in Cancer  7th August 2023 11-02 hrs 

A fallen planet can be compared to a car going up the hill and looses motion and moves in reverse motion with out brakes and falls from a height . At the time of the Venus entering Cancer sign it is Virgo sign rising  and Venus is in Gandantha, Retrogression and also combusted . Venus is falling in the 4th house of the natural zodiac which signifies happiness, vehicles  tourism and travel.

Venus is also karka for Marriages and a fallen Venus even denies marriage. Retrograde Venus is strong but should not be Fallen.  At the time of Venus Falling the dispositor is Moon and Placed in the 8th house with Rahu and Jupiter  and Moon in the star of Ketu is not good  this adds to the woes of Venus. Venus will be In fallen State till the 4th Sept and then it will acquire a status of progressive Venus although still fallen till the 4th Oct. 2023 . Venus rare motion in 2 signs is generally for 128 days. Last time it fell in Cancer sign on the 20th August 2007 as per the Venus cycle of 8 years as per declination.  At the time of Venus Falling Rahu will be stronger then Venus since in direct motion and considered adverse for Marriages . Hence All auspicious functions pertaining to Venus should be as a matter of fact avoided.  Since the Karka and Up Karka for Marriages are in impaired condition.

Since Moon with Rahu and Jupiter there will be lot of  ups and down in the Stock Market specially for 3 days  since Rahu direct for 3 days and till Venus in Retrogression. The Precious Metals could also witness the same .

Sun with Venus in the sign Cancer . New Rules and Regulations in the Travel and Tourism are also on the Cards.

Mars and Mercury opposed by Saturn can lead to War like conditions in the Globe  as already predicted by me on my website and an Article will be Published in the Astrology Magazine  in the Sept./Oct Issue in ‘THE STAR TELLER’

China is running the Dasha of Mercury-Venus and Venus Fallen over the natal Mars  in the 7th house of Wars as the 10th lord will be aggressive in war with other Countries . Women will be Focus in China and also In India. Since India is also running the dasha of Moon-Venus.  Breaking News for Politicians and Celebrities regarding marital discord and break in marriage is on the cards during this time frame ——— Note My Predictions


  1. Death of Mahatama Gandhi
  2.  Operation Blue Star
  3. Assassination of Indira Gandhi
  4. Scandals in the Bollywood
  5. Sexual Crimes
  6. Marriage Break of Politicians and Celebrities
  7. Tug Of War In Politics.
  8. Boarder Clashes and Terrorism


BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch

  8th August 2023 11.45 hrs.
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Anil Aggarwala” 

Disclaimer  : This is astrological Analysis as per the Birth chart  and is for educational purposes and the Students of Astrology. This is not my Personal opinion. Any Person investing on the basis of the above will be doing at his own risk and Fancies. The writer of the Article is no way responsible for the Losses made as per the above predictions




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