Venus Extended Stay in Pieces for 124 Days: What Stars Foretell

by astrodocanil

Venus in the Natural Zodiac is the Lord of the 2nd and the 7th house and both the houses are related to the Marriage Houses being the Kutumb and the house of Marriage respectively. Venus is Karka for Marriage  and all luxuries of Life . The Mool Trikona sign of Venus is Libra . Venus Exhalts in the Sign Pieces at 28 degrees in Pieces and Debilitates in Virgo at 28 degrees hence the signs Pieces, Libra and Taurus become important Parameters for Venus . In the Present Scenerio Venus Ingressed in Pieces on the 27th Jan. 2017 and will remain in this sign till 31st May 2017. Venus can be maximum 47 degrees from Sun either side  and is maximum 2 signs ahead or before Sun. In 1973 it was 3 signs ahead of Sun Forming a Exceptional Rajyoga with Mercury in Kendra.

Venus entered Pieces on the 27th Jan. 2017 . Venus Turns Retrograde on the 4th March 2017  in the 1st Pada of Revati at 19.03 degrees , it becomes direct on the 15th April 2017 at 2.49 degrees in Pieces and Ingresses in Aries on the 31st May 2017 and hence Venus Stays in Pieces for an Exceptional Stay in Pieces for 124 days .

In the Transit of Venus we have to note the following Parameters .

Venus has been ahead of Sun for the last 291 days , since in 2016 it never went in Retrogression. Venus has been visible western sky after Sunset

Venus Retrogression is a normal Phenomenon, this Retrogression in Pieces will take place in the 9th house from its Retrogression in the Previous sign when it went in Retrogression earlier . In the Year 2016 it did not Retrograde

Mundane Implications of Venus Long Stay in Pieces

Venus is significator for Art and Music, as mentioned above it rules the 2nd and the 7th house of the natural Zodiac. It rules Bharini, P. Phalguni and P Shadha Nakshatras . Venus is known as the Goddess of Love ,Beauty, Art and Peace.. It also represents Women, Sex, Marriage  Movies, Dance, Actors, Celebrities, Entertainment Industry, Fashion, Public Festivals, Hotels, Venus also Controls the Jury, Judges, Courts of Law, Silk, V, alue of Currency in Circulation, Sexual Diseases, Plague and Kidney Diseases.

In Minerals It represents  Diamond, Silver, Jewellery

Commodities  Corlander, Masalas with Pleasant smell, Fine Cotton and Silk.

When Venus is afflicted  shows civil strife, aspect of Mars in the 7th or the 10th house represents war. In times of War it is also a Planet of Victory. Affliction by Saturn means Corruption in the Law Courts  and Poverty against People

In the Present Context Venus  will be in  P Bhadrapad ,U Bhadrapad and Revati

P Bhadrapad— Rise of Prices , Boom in Cotton, Slump in Grains, Trouble to Public.

U Bhadrapad  Fall of Prices in general

Revati  Rise and Fall of Prices of Alsi, Musturd, Groundnut, Rice, Cotton, Ghee,

Prolonged Stay of Venus Took place on the 27th Jan. 2009  exactly 8 years Back, Venus has Declination of 8  and hence it may repeat what ever happened 8 years back  and exactly stayed in Pieces for 124 days . In the Previous Transit the Dispositor of Venus Jupiter was Debilitated in Capricorn with Sun and Totally Combusted hence Untoward Happenings took Place . Let me Put the chart of the Venus Ingress in Pieces on the 27th Jan. 2009 below

1.The Day was Amasaya and an Eclipse .

2.Jupiter the Dispositor of Venus afflicted badly as follows Debilitated, Combusted  with Rahu  on the Mouth  and in Adverse condition and all in Dagdha Rashi .

3.Mars in Kendra from Venus

4. Lagna Lord  Strong

5. Dispositor of Venus Placed in 3/11 axis but Dispsoitors Dispositor is Saturn and Ill placed from Venus in 6/8 axis , hence the Ill placement  sprouted  ill effects of Venus with Magnitude

The Present Transit chart as Below on the 27th Jan. 2017

  1. The day is Amasaya
  2. Dispositor of Venus aspecting Venus in 1/7 axis
  3. Dispositor of Venus forming a Rajyoga Maha Yoga of the 2nd and 5th Lord Exchange
  4. Lagna Lord on the 6th house , Luminaries in the 6th house and same Position in Capricorn as the Previous Transit.
  5. Venus and Mars Conjunction in the 8th house . Indicative of Crystal Clear Malefic Combinations for Marital Relations , since 7th Lord is also in Gandantha , specially for Leo ascendants . Saturn in Gandantha aspects Jupiter also . Mars also aspects Jupiter afflicting both Venus and Jupiter the Dispositor
  6. For Venus to give Good Results the Dispositor of Venus should be well placed  and Dispositors Dispositor should also be Placed well from Venus , here Both are placed well from Venus.
  7. Hence Primarily Venus may not give ill effects as given Before, But Conjuction with Mars is not good  and hence significations may suffer more so the Dispositor is afflicted by both Mars and Saturn
  8. Break in Relationships when Venus is in Gandantha from 29 degrees in Pieces to 1 degrees in Aries hence the Period Prone for the same from 25th May to 5th June 2017
  9. Natural and unnatural calamities at the Events connected to Venus ,like Music Concerts, People at the Beaches gone for Holiday may be trapped . Terrorism Fear cannot be ruled out .
  10. Earthquakes of higher intensity  , Tsunami are also possible around the 29-30th May 2017 and then 1st June to 5th June 2017 

Events in the Year 2009 when Venus was in Pieces in a Prolonged stay

  1. Prime Minister of Icelend was Elected in Feb. 2009 when Venus was ahead of Sun.
  2. Former President of Peru was Sentenced  to 25 years of Jailon the 7th April 2009 when Venus was Retrograde  and was over the Natal Saturn in Pieces
  3. Air France Flight 447 Crashed  on June 1st  2009 in Atlantic Ocean . On the 1st June Venus was just 1 degrees in Aries  and a Gandantha Position

Since Venus has a Declination of 8 years , hence in Jan 2001 also Venus would have stayed for 124 days  from 27th Jan 2001 to 31st May 2001 . I am not discussing at earlier than 2001 , since events are not available , but similar happenings would have taken place.

Chart of 27th May 2001


  1. Venus in the 4th house and its Dispositor having Exchange  and connected to Saturn  and Mars
  2. Venus ahead of Sun

In all the 3 Cases Dispositor of Venus is connected to Saturn . Venus and Mars in Kendra or 6/8 axis .

It has been observed that in the 2 cases of 2009 and 2001 there were similar happenings

Events in the Year 2001 when Venus was in Pieces Sign in a Prolonged stay

Nepal Royal Dynasty  and the Royal Massacare   around the 1st May 2001, when the Royal Prince killed 10 members  of the Royal Family

Hence from the above we can delineate that Venus Prolonged Stay in Pieces may Harm the Kings of the Countries , Specially when Venus Transits over the Natal Sun, Saturn  in the Individual  chart . In the Present Context when Venus enters Pieces Mars would already be there  and having greater Longitude than Venus , which is not desireable. In such a case Venus is responsible  for destroying human lives , by means of Fire, Air Disasters, ,weapons, explotions , famine and other untoward happenings .  Venus Governs the North Eastern Part in Pieces  hence the Direction where all these Masacares can take place is North Eastern Direction, The Aspect of Jupiter is definitely good but Jupiter himself is afflicted by Mars and Saturn , hence the Divine Blessings from Jupiter may  be weak for any relief and solace, Jupiter will go in Retrogression on the 6th Feb. 2017  from a Female sign  is crystal clear indicating the Events related to Females. Jupiter Connection owning the Totally Watery sign and Connection with Venus may sprout untoward happenings concerning Drowning  at the Places of Entertainment and hence Resorts . Newly married Couples meeting untoward happening near water and Resorts . Excessive Rains if any Take Place at the Places of Entertainment may also be  Bad for the Couples .

Very Recently In Singapore due to Excessive rains  Crocodile appeared on the Road since there was flooding of Water . Singapore being a Tourist Spot.People from the North Eastern Part of the World Visiting at Beaches may be a Matter of Concern

We have already seen the Representations through out the World after Donald Trump Oath on the 20th Jan. 2017 by women  . The New Powerful Women may come to Power in Sectors relating to Women and Entertainment.

As Per Prashna Jyotish When Venus goes in Retrogression it will be in the 2nd Dreshkanne and Signifies a Female, expert in female interests, Travelling in a Bog Ship or Boat, meeting near and Dear ones , She has a Bright face  like a flower, Courageous and Friendly to all , Fond of all the significations of Venus. Hence Women Leader may become Prominent and Take Lead in Politics or  and may rise to the Occasion  Relating to Women Organizations

A women in the Entertainment Industry may take a Lead  and Rise to the Occasion and Become the Star of the Year

Artist May be Awarded In the North Eastern Part of the World and the North Eastern Part of the Country as well.

Those Natives  who have Venus in Pieces  and have completed Multiples of 8 Years will be more influenced by this Transit , a similier for the Countries Foundation charts

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

5th Feb.2017  22-15 hrs. New Delhi Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail:


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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