Vedic Progression chart, Pieces New Moon Chart of 2017: Stars Foretell Fierce Fighting With Neighbors in 2017

by astrodocanil

This is with reference to my earlier Articles  on the Indo -Pak Relations , I have already discussed the Vedic Progression chart of India August 2016 to August 2017 , 2 Years of Pain for Narinder Modi , discussing his Vedic Progression charts and Now in this article I am discussing the Pieces New moon chart of India 2017 , which crystal Clear shows Indication of Warlike situations in the country

I will reproduce the Text for the above also but before that let me Put the Pieces New Moon chart of 2017 Below


Before I analyse this chart let me explain that in my earlier articles I have mentioned that Mars activation of the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse of the 1st Sept. 2016 at 15.15 degrees is a sensitive Period  and Mars will activate this point on the 21st Nov. 2016 and till it is in that Navamsha it may pose issues  relating to Terrorism, Natural and in natural disasters . Mars will again activate the Eclipse point on the 31st Dec. 2016 and other Sensitive dates are the 13th Dec. 25-26th Dec. 2016 These dates are sensitive for war like situation like a Mini Kargil war Sprouting , but the situations arising after 28th March 2017 will be still worse as seen from the Pieces New Moon chart of 2017

Let me analyse the Way I do it and not like the conventional Astrologers just from the Chart without giving Importance to the 5 Limbs of the Day

Day is Tuesday and the Lord is Mars and it is Amavasya , hence Mars is Strong in the chart when it is Placed in the Mool Trikona sign in the Lagna and aspecting the 8th house . Mars is with Mercury the 6th Lord , hence 6th and 8th Lord in the Lagna and Mars Close to the MEP is a strong Parameter to Sprout the results and the significations of the Planet . The Day Lord Mars is also very strong in Shadbala  and is ill placed from the 12th House and 12th Lord hence the year will be the Most Tiring year

Tithi Amavasya

Nakshatra  U Bhadrapad and Lord is  Saturn is the 10th and the 11th Lord and a Bhadak for Aries Lagna and Placed in the 9th house and aspecting the 6th house from the 9th house

Yoga Bhram Inauspicious

Karna  Naga  In auspicious relating to the activities of the 7th house and hence war like situations the Lord is connected to the Luminaries in the 12th house of Loss is an Explosive Parameter

The Yama Lord is Again Venus and Placed in the 12th house and also controls the 7th house  and is Retrograde and also combusted

Gulika Lord is Moon and Gulika Navamsha Lord is Mars . Now in the Rashi Chart Gulika Navamsha Lord is Placed , 7th Lord Venus and Luminaries in the 12th house with Gulika Lord Being Moon

In Navamsha Luminaries are Placed in the Lagna with Gulika in the Lagna and the 8th House is rising is the Most Sensitive Parameter for Explosive activites at the Boarder and Terrorism with Magnitude , Venus the Karna Lord has become Debilitated and with mars in the Sign of Virgo the 6th house of the Rashi chart  as per Rashi Tula Navamsha is worst

As Per the Principles of Tamil Shastra the Uday Lagna is Prishtodayo and Malefic near the MEP , Arudha Lagna same and the Future from the Taurus Sign which is controlled by the Karna Lord and a Malefic one , Hence neither the Present , nor was the Past good and neither will be the Future of the Year Good , but as aspected by Retrograde Jupiter will give little Relief , Mars Transit in Taurus will be explosive in May 2017.

India is running the Dasha of Moon-Mars till 8-2-2017 and then Moon -Rahu till 10-8-2018

As already mentioned in all my articles Moon is Placed in the 3rd house of the Foundation chart and influenced by 4 more Planets and all aspectin ghte 9th house , there will also be Progress in the Field of Innovations in Space and New Inventions In Communications , but the 3rd House significations will sprout with Dimension and the Rail and Air Accidents, Boarder clashes with Pakistan and Tension with china cannot be ruled out.

As Far as the Vedic Progression chart of India 2016-2017 is concerned Please read my Article “…art-mannu-smriti/” link…hat-it-foretells/ vedic-progression-chart-by-mannu-smriti-for-india-what-it-foretells

As Far as the Vedic Progression charts of Narinder Modi is concerned Please read my article “What Stars Foretell About Narinder Modi As Per Vedic Progression Charts By Mannu Smriti” link…art-mannu-smriti/

The above analysis shows 2 years of Great Turmoil for Narinder Modi

China may also be aggressive after 1st Nov. 2016 when Mars Transits in the Lagna and also Running the Dasha of Saturn Rahu may be detrimental for Creating hastles and Tensions for India

Hence form the above is Crystal clear that when mars activates the Eclipse point of 15.15 degrees in Leo from Aquarius and when with Ketu  on the 31st Dec. 2016-1st Jan 2017 will be the Explosive Parameter for the war like situations in the Country Hence 2017 may not be good in terms of the Relationships with Pakistan and China

The war Like conditions in the world can only take place when Dasha of Rahu starts in Dec. 2018 for US  which is Placed in Cancer and Rahu-Ketu transit over Natal Rahu-Ketu after sept. 2017. Dasha of China in the Present Context is definitely of Concern to trigger the Tensions and Aggressive attitude for India .US May face Recession very soon and May not be involved aggressively in the Present Scenerio.

As Per the Vedic Progression charts By Manu Smriti for India, Pakistan and Narinder Modi along with Pieces new Moon chart for 2017 for India indicate Fierce Fighting with neignbors, Pakistan in any case is Destined for a Disaster and a Military Coup and Masses Over throwing him from his Position is on the Cards . China Intervention with Pakistan against India could be crucial and then Russia may come to the Rescue of India but seems Serious War conditions cannot take place before Rahu and Ketu Join Saturn in Sagitarius and hence not before 2020. Hence there could only be a mini Kargil war type after 21st Nov.  and more so after 13th Dec. 2016 at the most .

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala  BSc. Engg PEC Ch.

BVB Jyotish Alankar and Acharaya and Research from 2007 to 2012

Date 13th Oct. 2016 09-00 am  


Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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