Vedic Progression Chart of China Oct. 2017-2018 : What it Foretells ?

by astrodocanil

In this Article I am going to use the Vedic Progression method based on  Manu Smriti and Nadi Granthas and so called Pitra Jatakam. This is the most Secretive system in Astrology which can depict hidden things in the Life of the Nation or an individual in a Particular Year

The Planetary Positions and Sun, Mars, Saturn in the Watery signs were Only warnings and demos. Now the Ingress of Sun in Leo on the 17th August and Mars Ingress in Leo on the 27th August  Joining Rahu in Transit In a Fiery sign may Trigger the events specially when Saturn is stationary between the 20th August to 30th August and the Days when Rahu is in adverse motion. From these Combinations it seems that from 28th August to 9th Sept. 2017 will be crucial for Wars and Tension Between the Countries , more so Mars will activate the Eclipse Point in Leo on the 2nd Sept. 2017 of the 22nd August Annular Solar Eclipse.

This Sensitive Point is in the Lagna of US, 4th house of India and the 8th House of China , 10th House of N Korea . As I have already mentioned that Mars and Rahu Conjunction over the Natal Saturn the Lagna Lord of the Foundation chart of Capricorn Lagna  of China may be most malefic for Natural, Unnatural Disasters and Man Made Disasters .The Lagna Lord Saturn Transiting in the 11th House in Fallen State and aspecting the Natal Saturn in the 8th house may further add fuel to the fire . The Country is also Running the Dasha of Saturn-Jupiter-Saturn Dasha till 7-12-2017 .

The Chart of China of the 1st Oct. 1949  is Below

The Lagna Lord Saturn is Placed in the 8th house of Mass Tragedies, underground wealth ,Fall of Govt., Death of Important Persons , Earth Quakes, Volcanos, Epidemics . Now as mentioned above the Solar Eclipse of the 22nd August 2017 is taking Place in the 8th house over the Lagna Lord and 8th from the Natal Moon  and Evil Planets connection to this house indicates all the above. The Placement of Jupiter the 12th Lord in the 12th house and aspecting the Lagna Lord in the 8th house  are Parameters which indicate that the China going all the way in Aggression may not bring good Results for the Nation.


  1. Ketu and Rahu about to Ingress in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna and Over Moon in the Foundation chart of China on the 9th Sept. 2017.Rahu will then Be over  the Natal Mars in the 7th house 
  2. Transit Jupiter about to Ingress over the Natal Venus the 10th Lord on the 12th Sept. 2017 .
  3. Transit Mars Over the Natal Mars and in the 7th House from Moon  and about to Transit over the Natal Saturn the Lagna Lord in 8th house on the 27th August 2017
  4. The Lagna Lord Saturn is Fallen and Retrograde in the 11th house and has fallen from the 12th house where it was over the 12th Lord Jupiter. The Transit Of  Saturn is Most malefic for the Country Since the Sadesati will also Start again from the  26th Oct. 2017. The Total Ashtvarga Points in the Scorpio are 34 and Saturn has 4 Bhinashtak  Varga Points is a Saving Grace , but when Saturn Transit Back in the 12th house over the 12th Lord and in the 12th from Moon where the Ashtakvarga points are 19 and the Bhinashtak Varga of Saturn are only 3 is  Losing Strength .
  5. Hence from the above it is clear that If China Plunges in a War or Boarder dispute , the Country will have to Face a Hasty retreat 
  6. The Future Sub Sub Dasha are also not condusive to give Good Results for China it so seems but Since mars is Placed in Debilitation and the Transit Mars is over the Natal Marsand in the 7th from Lagna and Moon he may take an Aggressive stance and get involved in Boarder disputes and Face the Music after 26th Oct. 2017
  7. The Dasha of Saturn-Jupiter-Saturn will there not be good Since Jupiter gets Debilitated By Saturn and hence the Sub-Sub Dasha of Saturn may not ultimately bring good results for the nation

Let us have a Look at the Vedic Progression chart  by Manu Smiriti  Below 

As Far as the Year Oct. 2016 to Oct. 2017 is Concerned the Rahu Placement in the 12th house of the chart and Transit Rahu over the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord in the Sign of Leo in the 5th house and about to Ingress in the 4/10 axis of the Progression chart and Ketu over the Natal Venus and Jupiter Debilitated is a Matter of Concern.

Year Oct 2017 to Oct 2018 Chart  and its Analysis is below

The above chart is opening the secrets of the Future and after 1st Oct. 2017 . The Following Parameters acquire a special dimension

1.The Placement of the Moon is Important and placed n the 3rd house of Boarders and the 3rd and 6th Lord  Lord Mercury is Placed in the 7th from the 3rd House in a Bhadak sthan and influencing the Moon the 7th Lord of the Foundation chart, involving the Country in war like conditions with the Neighbors 

2. Exchange of the 5th and the 8th Lord  and Connected to the Lagna Lord of the Progression chart and the Dasha Lord . A Dainya Yoga is Most Malefic , here it indicates a Poorva Punya Dosha as well for the Country .

2. The Lagna is Aries the 4th house of the China Foundation chart  and the 4th Lord Moon is Placed in the 3rd  hence 12th from the house .

3. Lagna Lord and 8th Lord Mars is Placed in the sign Leo and with Saturn who is the Lord of the 10th and the 11th, As11th he is Bhadak and placed with Lagna Lord is not good specially when the Dasha and Sub-Sub Dasha of Saturn is also in operation. Note the Degrees of Mars and Saturn in the above chart and the Transit of Saturn in the 8th House over the Natal Sun and In Stationary Position between the 20-30th August  and Transit Of Mars over the Natal Mars  and this Transt Saturn aspecting both the Transit Mars and the Natal Mars and Saturn at very close degrees . Saturn will be in Stationary mode at 27.04 Degrees  and Over the Natal Sun who is at 22.45 degrees . Fallen Stationary Saturn will be aspecting and Influencing the Follow[ng Planets.

  1. Natal Mars and Saturn in the 5th house at very close degrees
  2. Over the Natal Sun in8th house at close Degrees
  3. Aspect over the Debilitated Jupiter and Venus the 2nd and the 7th Lord in the 10th House
  4. Navamsha of the 8th house is rising .
  5. The Dasha Lords Saturn -Jupiter-Saturn are afflicted badly in Transit and the Natal Progression chart is clear of the Future and the China Beating a Hasty Retreat
  6. My Personal Experience the Vedic Progression chart is the Most Secretive  Tool in the Hands of the Astrologer and can open the Future Happenings .Hence from the Above it seems that China may be aggressive in its actions  giving Warnings till 27th August 2017, but will be explosive for the Country if he takes an aggressive stance with his Neighbors and will also face Natural disasters of Magnitude , may it be an Earthquake, Fire , Explosions. The Planetary Positions are also not good for the Head of the nation.
  7. anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
    17th August 2017 2017  09.10 hrs
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