Vedic Progression Chart India After completion of 70 Years: What Stars Foretell ?

by astrodocanil

In this Article I am going to use the Vedic Progression method based on  Manu Smriti and Nadi Granthas and so called Pitra Jatakam. This is the most Secretive system in Astrology which can depict hidden things in the Life of the Nation or an individual in a Particular Year

Let me first draw the chart of India Foundation chart  of the 15th August 1947 of 00-00-01 hrs. New DelhiThe Present Dasha is of

The Present Dasha Running as per the Foundation chart is of  Moon-Rahu till 10th August 2018.

Moon Dasha Lord  is Strong in own house in the chart as the 3rd Lord but Influenced by 4 more planets. In the Nakshatra of Saturn who is also placed there in the 3rd house . Rahu is the Lagna whose dispositor is also in the 3rd house and in the Nakshatra  of Sun again Placed in the 3rd house. Hence till this Dasha the Country will be involved and influenced by the Neighboring Countries a nd in the Present Scenario Boarder clashes .

Navamsha Moon is in Rahu-Ketu axis and with Ketu in Leo. As Per my Research the Rahu-Ketu axis in the Navamsha is most important  and since the Rahu-Ketu are transiting in the same axis in the present context till 9th Sept. 2017 , the above mentioned Happenings may take a greater dimension in the form of  Boarder Disputes till Saturn aspects Ketu in Transit till 26th Oct. 2017, more so when the Twin Eclipses take place in August 2017. Since they are on the door the Planetary positions will give heat and energy to the natal Planets to give the Results accordingly

Transit From the Planetary Positions in the Transit Rahu ingress over the 3rd House as per Mean Rahu on the 18th August will be crucial and more crucial when Sun and Moon join the Rahu-Ketu axis of the Lagna in Transit , Which Could be Nov. 2017, but till then also the situations may not be healthy for the Country . The Twin Eclipses in August 2017 in the 4/10 axis of the Country  and then the Rahu-Ketu axis on the 3rd house is indicator of Situations becoming tense  around the Eclipses.

As Per True Rahu Regressing on the 9th Sept 2017 over the 3rd House could be explosive for Tensions at the Boarders  and hence between Pakistan and China. The Time frame from the 20th August to 30th August  and specially because the Twin Eclipses are taking Place in the 4/10 axis of the Chart could be explosive

Fallen Saturn Over the Natal Ketu and Transit Saturn aspect on the Ketu in the 9th house after 17th August and 9th Sept. 2017 till 26th Oct. 2017 will be explosive for Boarder Clashes , and Tension with Neighbors with magnitude

The Worst Planetary Positions are between the 7th August to 26th Oct. 2017 and as per fine tuning  between 10th August to 25th August 2017 when Rahu will be adverse  and Saturn will become Stationary between the 20th to 30th August 2017 and Mars Ingress in Leo and Degree conjunct with True Rahu in Leo in Gandantha and aspected By Stationary Fallen Saturn from the sign Scorpio. 21st August 2017 Could be most Provocative for tensions between India and the Neighbors Pakistan and China. The Dates 11th August and 2nd Sept. 2017 are also most Sensitive dates since on these Dates Mars will be activating the Eclipse Points of the Lunar and Solar Eclipses in the Month of August 2017. The Mars and Rahu Conjunction is a Angarak Yoga and indicates Explosions, Fires, Disasters with Magnitude . During this Periods an Earthquake of more then 8.00 cannot be ruled out as already Predicted by me for the Countries around the Coastal Areas. Extreme weather conditions along the coastal areas from 25th August to 9th Sept. 2017 will be explosive for Havoc by Rains since Planets changing from watery to Fiery and Rahu adverse 

These Transit and Eclipses are also adverse for the Brawl between US and North Korea and also the Other countries as mentioned by me in my other Articles 

Let us Have a Look at the Progression chart for the year August 2017 to August 2018

The Vedic Progression chart is of Cancer Lagna the 3rd House of the Foundation chart, which is of Boarders of the Country  and under affliction , by Debilitated Mars and Saturn  along with the 3rd Lord Moon placed in the 7th house of Wars .The Lagna and the Lagna Lord of the Progression chart is afflicted badly by the 7th and 8th Lord and the 5th and the 10th Lord Debilitated, unfortunately the Lagna Lord Moon  Placed in the 7th house of Foreign Affairs and Wars is in Vish Ghati clearly indicates the Boarder Disputes escalating 

Afflicted Jupiter the Lord of the 6th and the 9th house aspects the Lagna and hence both Saturn and Mars as well , Mars connection with Mercury Jupiter and Saturn is Perfect combination of Mars Placement as War Like Activities in the Country either by the Terrorist in the Country itself or by Espionage from Foreign elements , Saturn aspects the 3rd House 7th and the 10th house , Both Mars and Saturn are connecting to all the Kendras  and  Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter the Lord s of the 12th, 8th and the 6th  are influencing the Kendras  and 4th  Lord  Venus is afflicted badly by Debilitated Sun and Debilitated Mars.

10th Lord in the Lagna Afflicted by Saturn is not good for the Prime Minister  of the Country  and Full Guard should be ensured for his security it so seems from the Planetary positions 

Moon the Lagna Lord in Vish Ghati is not good and a Malefic Parameter for the Current year and Activities connected to the 7th house, hence the Tensions with the Neighboring Countries can take an explosive dimension like war  for Short Period. The Affliction to the 8th house and the 8th Lord Saturn with Debilitated Mars is extremely harmful in the Current year shows that the Country will be in uncomfortable physical position. 10th Lord with 7th and 8th Lord further aggravates the Situations 

There are afflictions to the 3rd, 6th,and 11th Lord  Is not good for the Country and Surely indicates aggressive actions by the Neighbors and Terrorists 

The MD and AD Lords are connected well in the above chart also shows Materialistc Growth of the Country apart from above Happenings but may be influenced  for some time frame as mentioned above .

The Condition of Moon is Precarious and shows Accidents , Natural and Unnatural Calamities in the Country . 2nd Lord Sun in Debilitated and aspected By Mars  indicates the Probability of Tensions with Neighbors taking most Explosive shape  In the above Time frame and then In 2018

 See the Chart of 28th July 2018 below Transit . It is crystal clear that the Planetary Positions in 2018 are worst for Relations with China and Pakistan then now which are also Crucial till 26th Oct. 2017 .

D11 Rudramsha Chart 

The Lagna is aspected by Both Mars and Saturn and the Lagna Lord is Placed in the 3rd House with 9th Lord Sun the House of Neighbors, and Both Mars and Saturn aspect the 4th house the house of Property  for Gains or Losses  and since the Dasha Lords  is not placed well from 10th Lord and Sun the Promise for gains are not good . Rahu is Placed well from Both But aspected By Mars and the Dispositor is also Mars and Mars is Ill Placed from the 4th Lord and Sun, hence there could be no gains in any Dispute with Neighbors


In Transit Saturn is Fallen in Scorpio and over the Jupiter and Ketu aspecting the Moon in the 7th house in close degrees and specially after 20th August to 30th August 2017 when it will be in Stationary Motion. Mars and Sun in Transit Over the Saturn and Mars  and the Moment the Nodes Change Signs specially Ketu in the 7th house Capricorn over the Natal Ketu it could be Explosive  for Tensions with Neighbors and could take an explosive shape as seen from the Planetary positions. As Per Mean Nodes they will Transit on the 18th August 2017 and as per True Nodes they will Transit in the 1/7 axis on the 9th Sept. 2017. The Degree aspect of Mars , Saturn in Transit Over the Moon in the 7th house on the 21st August as Per Mean Nodes

Moon Chart on the 21st August at 12.21 hrs. Below

As Per True Nodes on the 21st August 2017 below


All the Planets except Jupiter is afflicted By Mars and Saturn and both in Miserable condition.

Both Cases the Affliction to Nodes  and Luminaries  as per the Vedic Progression chart could be explosive , specially when Rahu and Ketu are adverse from the 7th August to 25th August and when Saturn is also Stationary between the 20th to 30th August and Mars Gets Conjunct with Rahu on the 26thbAugust 2017

The Period from 17th August to 26th August and the from 8th Sept. to 26th Oct. 2017 could be Activities related to the 7th house and hence Boarder Issues and Espionage by Foreign Elements , Needless to mention that the Boarder Clashes will be with Magnitude and Pak and China both will be responsible for the same it so seems

Hence from the above it seems that the challenging Period for India is ahead and Fear of Terrorism and War like Conditions cannot be ruled out as per the dates mentioned above


Let me Rewrite the Transit Para “ The Worst Planetary Positions are between the 7th August to 26th Oct. 2017 and as per fine tuning  between 10th August to 25th August 2017 when Rahu will be adverse  and Saturn will become Stationary between the 20th to 30th August 2017 and Mars Ingress in Leo and Degree conjunct with True Rahu in Leo in Gandantha and aspected By Stationary Fallen Saturn from the sign Scorpio. 21st August 2017 Could be most Provocative for tensions between India and the Neighbors Pakistan and China. The Dates 11th August and 2nd Sept. 2017 are also most Sensitive dates since on these Dates Mars will be activating the Eclipse Points of the Lunar and Solar Eclipses in the Month of August 2017. The Mars and Rahu Conjunction is a Angarak Yoga and indicates Explosions, Fires, Disasters with Magnitude . During this Periods an Earthquake of more then 8.00 cannot be ruled out as already Predicted by me for the Countries around the Coastal Areas. The Fear of Terrorism on the 15th August 2017 is definitely there and cannot be ruled out 

The Twin Eclipses in the month of August 2017  one Lunar on the 7th August and one Solar on the 22nd August 2017 and Rahu Adverse from the 7th to 25th August 2017 is most Provocative period for China to take an aggressive stance . On the 10th August Moon will be conjunct with Ketu and aspected By Debilitated and Combusted Mars by 8th Strong aspect  could be most Explosive date for China to take any decision  and then the 20th August to 20th August when Saturn will be in Stationary Position.

Although the Situations in July 2018 for Tensions with China will be far more Explosive then now , hence it seems that the Short Period from 7th August to 26th Oct 2017 time frame for Tensions and Brawl between the Countries  and will then will linger on till July 2018 when again there will be Fierce Fight  

These Transit and Eclipses are also adverse for the Brawl between US and North Korea and also the Other countries as mentioned by me in my other Articles

The Period from 7th August to 26th August 2017 when Rahu is adverse  and conjunct with Mercury the Karka for Stock Market and aspected By Fallen Saturn could Blow off the Surge in the Market since Rahu has the Capacity to Turn the tables upside down

I will write a separate article for China what the Planetary positions indicate and will China take an aggressive stance to Attack India


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

5th August 2017 2017  22-15 hrs. New Delhi

 Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail:


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