Vedic Progression Chart Foretell’s IRAN on brink of WAR and‘Ayatollah’s Fate in Question’

by astrodocanil

This is with reference to my various Articles written on my webpage where in I have been mentioning that Saturn  when ever completes the 30,60 and 90 year cycle repeats its behaviour. I have also been mentioning that the Gulf War is on Cards in the year 2018-2019 due to the Venomous Planetary combinations parallel to the one’s at the time of WW1,WW2, Korean war, Gulf war, Indo-China war, 9/11 Attack on America ,The Great Depression of the world on the 24th Oct. 1929 and Many more events in the Globe. 

Read this —— 

North Korea’s TRAINING GULAGS: Kim’s thugs ‘snatch kids, 4, to coach them for Olympics’
UK tanks and troops ready for WAR on Russia’s doorstep in message to Putin
Israel warns Iran risk crossing RED LINE as Middle East feared on brink of WAR
Now read my articles on my Page
and the Following Articles
1. Mars-Saturn Dreaded Conjunction On 7th March 2018 As Per Jahangir Nama
2.North Korea Nuke Fears Feb. 2018: What Stars Foretell ?
3.Total Lunar Eclipse 31st Jan. 2018: North Node Most Venomous link
4.Eclipses And The Theory Of Astrological Inevitability : What They Foretell ?
5.Will The Red Planet Mars Bring Respite To Growing Hysteria Of War In The Korean Peninsula ?
6.Roman God Saturn, Red Planet Mars, South Node Ketu In 2018-2019: What They Have Up Their Sleeves ? link
7.Mars, Saturn,Nodes On The Wheel,What They Have Up Their Sleeves for 341days From 30th Nov.2017?
8. Sagitarius Saturn May Repeat 30 Years Cycle For War and Economy Break As Per 1929, 1959, 1990
9.Can ASTROLOGY Predict Wars ? War Imminent In 2018-2019
10.Celestial Drama Of Planets 26th Oct. 2017- 6th Nov. 2018 and Mars in Capricorn for 187 Days Ammunition Dump
Mars and Saturn conjunction on the 7th March will add fuel to the Fire it so seems and then Mars activating the eclipse points of the Lunar and Solar Eclipses may prove ammunition dump

In this Article I am going to discuss the tensions escalating in the Middle east  due to the completion of the Saturn cycle of 29-30 years  and the possibility of Gulf war parallel to the one which took place on the 2nd August 1990.when it was in Sagitarius in 1990.

Please refer to the Media News “Iran on brink of WAR in Middle East unless ‘Ayatollah is overthrown” link

IRAN is on the verge of triggering a “major war” unless the West gives its backing to help overthrow the regime, campaigners have warned. 

Tehran has been accused of “warmongering and belligerence” which is helping to fuel the growing crisis in the Middle East.

Conflict tensions have reached fever pitch in the region after an Israeli warplane was shot down triggering a counterattack against forces from Iran and Syria.

Iran’s aggression has become a focus of the mass protests across the country, with Tehran on the verge of direct confrontation with Israel and Saudi Arabia.

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) told Daily Star Online the international community must back the protesters in their bid to overthrow the regime, or risk Tehran triggering another major war in the Middle East.

And today mass pro-regime rallies will be held as the Ayatollah marks “Revolution Day” – with anti-western sentiment expected to run high including burning US flags and picture of US President Donald Trump.

Today’s celebration is the anniversary of the end of the Iranian Revolution which saw the overthrow of US backed king in favour of the Islamic Republic.

Counter-regime protests are expected to continue today under the shadow of ratcheted up tensions between Iran and its neighbours in the Middle East.

Shahin Gobadi, a spokesman for the PMOI, told Daily Star Online: “The regime’s warmongering and belligerence is a major source of concern and tension in the region that can lead to a major war.

“But it can be averted. Years of policy of appeasement by Western governments emboldened the Iranian regime.

“The overthrow of the Iranian regime and establishment of peace and democracy in Iran would have a lasting impact in establishment of peace and tranquillity in the region.”

Iran has had forces in Syria since 2011 and estimates of their numbers reach into the tens of thousands.

Thousands of tonnes of weapons and ammo are believed to have been handed to the Syrian forces loyal to dictator Bashar al-Assad.

This has placed them at odds with Israel, and this week Israel down and Iranian drone crossing into their borders just days before the downing of the F-16.

Iranian generals warned Israel the “gates of hell” will open if the two powers enter open war.

Meanwhile, Iran is also at odds with Saudi Arabia overs its increasing influence over terrorist groups in Lebanon and Yemen.

Protests Rock Iran: Anti Islamic Republic Demostrations  to Spark Revolution it so seems as per the Planetary Positions and the Fate of Ayatollah: Ali Khamenai the hard line religious supreme leader may be in question it so seems from the Planetary positions 

Let us have a look at the Foundation chart of Iran of the 1st April 1979 15.00 hrs. Tehran as per the Book Of World Horoscopes by Nicholas Campion

The Country is running the Dasha of Jup-Mercury till 30-10-2018 and then Jupiter-Ketu . The Placement of Mars in the 9th house with Sun and Debilitated Mercury and having an aspect Of Jupiter the 6th and the 9th Lord makes the Country War Mongering  and since the Planets are connected to Jupiter who aspects the 7th house  of Wars the Country may be involved in a Civil War and Protests all over the Country against the Supreme leader due to the Dasha of the Planet Mercury the Anter dasha Lord who loses in Planetary war with the 10th Lord Mars . Mercury is also in Debilitation and Paap Kartariyoga in the 9th house of Religion. Placement of Sun in this house shows the strong control of the King in Judiciary, religion, now since the Dasha of the 3rd and the 12th House is in operation  and having the aspect of Jupiter further escalates the issues of the 6th house since it is ill placed from the MT sign and the dispositors dispositor is placed in the 8th house in Rahu-Ketu axis . Jupiter the Dasha Lord is ill placed from the 8th house and the 8th Lord  and the same Position of the anter dasha Lord being ill placed from the 8th house and the 8th Lord Saturn who is also in Rahu-Ketu axis  will there fore give the ill effects of the Mars Placement in the 9th house of War mongering tendencies with in the Country and also from outside  and therefore The Supreme leader may have to step down it so seems 

As Per the Principles of the Theory of inevitability of the Eclipses when Eclipses take place in the 1/7 , 4/10 axis . 2/8 axis of the Foundation chart over the Lagna, Moon and Sun  can prove most venomous when the Dasha is also of a Planet who has the capacity to turn the Tables  namely of a planet of the trik bhavas or the Nodes , The Result is the Fall of the nation or the individual when finally Mars activates the Eclipse point and acts as ammunition dump.

In the Case of Iran the Eclipses are taking Place over the 6th and the 9th Lord Jupiter  and the Anter dasha Lord Mercury is in Planetary war and has the capacity to turn the tables of the Supreme Leader 

Let us use this Principle along with the Vedic Progression charts by Manu smiriti to evaluate the situations in the year 2018  for the Brawl taking a new dimension between the Countries and specially in the Middle east in this Article

The Vedic Progression chart  for Iran is below for the Year April 2017 to April 2018

The Malefic Parameters for the King and for the  down fall of the Supreme Leader are as follows 

Ascendant is in the constellation of Venus who is the 10th Lord and placed in the 8th house aspecting the Moon.

8th Lord from Moon in Mrityu Bhag

10th Lord Mars of the Foundation chart is in Mrityu Bhag and Placed in the 8th house from Moon and aspected  by 8th Lord Jupiter of the Chart. 10th Lord from Moon is also placed in the 8th from Moon in Paap Kartari yoga . 10th Lord from Lagna is Exhalted shows the strength of the Supreme Leader but placed in the 8th house shows his regime coming to an end. The Dasha Lords  Jupiter and Mercury are in a malefic stance  and are ill placed .

Lagna has Retrograde Saturn and the Nodes in the 1/7 axis and very close to the MEP see the degrees.

Transit of Rahu Over the natal Jupiter degree wise in Oct. 2018 could be most Venomous for the Country and the Country may be in Financial Crisis

From the above it is crystal clear that the Time of the down fall of the Supreme leader is on the cards and on the Brink. The Country may be involved in war like  due to the People of the Country or with other Countries and goes without saying Israel. The Mars Saturn Conjunction in the 6th house of the Foundation chart and in the 5th house of the Progression chart may act as Padchuti of the Supreme leader. The Most Sensitive Period for the Country starts from the 7th March 2018 and till Mars leaves the sign Capricorn the 7th house of the Foundation chart till 6th Nov. 2018.  The Mars ingress in the 7th house of the foundation chart and the 6th house of the Progression chart  for 187 days  may therefore be explosive for the Leader and the Country 

Let us also see the chart of Israel in a similar way  for  the Escalation of the Brawl in the middle east  due to the following fact 

Israel pledges to ‘strike back’ against enemies Iran & Syria in ratcheting of war tensions link


The Foundation chart of Israel of the 15th May 1948  00.00 hrs Tel Aviv is Below  as per the Book of World Horoscopes

The Dasha Running is of Rahu the North node  and the Eclipses taking Place in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant, Moon and the Lagna Lord Saturn  is the Most Provocative time for the Country getting Involved in War like conditions  . The Mars and Saturn Conjunction in Transit in the 12th house from the Lagna and the 6th from Moon may Escalate the tensions in the Middle east from the 7th March 2018 it so seems and till Mars leaves the sign Capricorn sign on the 6th Nov. 2018

The Vedic Progression chart for the year May 2017 to May 2018 is Below 

The Progression chart is clearly depicting that the country may be in an Aggressive stance and involved in War, due to the Placement of Mars in the 7th house . The Lagna and the Lagna Lord both are in Amrit Bhag 

 The Dasha Lords Rahu-Rahu aspected By Mars from the 7th house of Wars depicts war and the Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the Sun further escalates the same . The chart shows Israel will be in more aggressive then Iran and Iran may have to bear the Consequences  and thus most malefic combinations for Iran. It seems the Gulf war is on cards and Saturn since about to complete the 29-30 year cycle from the 2nd August 1990  when the Gulf War took place and Saturn was Retrograde in the sign Sagitarius. Other countries may also fall in the trap it so seems and  from the 7th March to 6th Nov. 2018 will be most venomous for the Gulf War in the middle east  it so seems . Israel may take an offensive step it so seems against its enemies

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 13thFeb.  2018 20-00.00 hrs. New Delhi .
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