Using Tamil Texts for Dasha Interpretation

by astrodocanil

Astrological Principles that we find today have a Varied approach in delineating a Particular Natal Dasha Pattern of a Particular Native . All Theories have their unique  Principles of interpretation of Planetary Positions  or Dasha Pattern . One Such Theory Found in the Tamil Classic,  which is “Chandrashekharan” and discussed here in the Method 3.

In the Articles Relating to Teaching Astrology , I am hereby giving the Parameters which acquire a Special dimension for Analysing the Results of the Vimshotari Dasha in this Article

 Let me first give snap shot Parameters from the Dasha

Method 1.

  1. Which ever Planet Dasha is running and  that Planet gets Debilitated in Kendra is Bad for that Specific house, Like Jupiter dasha for Cancer Lagna it gets Debilitated in the 7th house , hence Jup-Jup-Jup dasha will be bad for the 7th house and for a female for her Husband , Like wise for other Planets , Their Placement is also Important but this is a Specific Rule
  2. Mars -Moon Dasha will not be good since Moon is the Debilitation lord of Mars , Similarly Jup-Sat Dasha will not be good  and this rule can be applied for other Planets aswell.
  3. For Cancer Lagna Mars Gets Debilitated in the Lagna and if aspecting the Lagna then further it could be bad for the Native if Mars is also Afflicted . Example 10th April 1966  14-03 Hrs New Delhi . The Native Lost all his Buisness, Belongings in Mars Dasha for 7 Years is in Terrible situation although the Dasha is ending in Dec. 2016
  4. Jupiter Gets Exhalted in the 8th house for Sagitarius Lagna  is of no use .Similarly Mars Dasha may not be good For Gemini Lagna since it gets Exhalted in the 8th house
  5.  The Above Results should not be applied Blindly , but after Properly assessing the Strength of the Planet.

The above are the Tips and Snapshot Methods .

Method 2.

The Other Methods are Using the Dasha Varga Charts for Assessing the Strength of the Dasha of the Planets , For Example we have to See the Dasha of Sun how it will behave for 6 years then a Specific Dasha Varga Chart will have to be Drawn for Sun, similarly for other Planets , For Example we have to Draw the Results of Venus -Saturn , then the Calculation will be for 19th Part of the 20th Part of Venus and draw the Dasha Varga chart and analyse the Specific chart and apply Transits in it . On my Website I have written an Article On Dasha Varga Charts and let me reproduce the same here below

Dasha Varga Charts by Tamil Texts to analyse the Results of the Vimshottari Dasha of a Native .These Varga charts are Only given in the Tamil Texts and not used by Majority of the Astrologers . It is the most  Secretive and useful Tool and most important to give accurate Predictions 

For all  Reasons Best Known I am not Disclosing the Birth Details of a Native  Taken in this Article . The Native Presently is Running the Dasha of  Jupiter-Mars till Nov. 2016

Let me Put the chart of the native For the Discussions

Chart Native

Chart for Jupiter Dasha of 16 years , Method Of calculation.  Each House is of 30 degrees and we have to find the 16th Part , since Dasha is of 16 years , hence 30/16=1.875 degrees Accordingly the Lagna . Now Lagna is 15.01 = 15.016 in decimals, Now Dividing by 1.875  15.016/1.877=8.008 hence 9th Part , now for Odd Lagna Counting has to be from the 7th house Leo and is the 9th sign which  is Aries Lagna , Hence The Dasha Chart for Jupiter will have Aries Lagna . The Mathematical Part has to be followed as usual and the Chart is Plotted in this way. The Chart below Shows how will be the Dasha of Jup-Jup  in Totality and  how will be the 16 years span of Jupiter .

Some Parameters to be seen in the Dasha Varga Charts

  1. Lagna and Lagna Lord of the Birth chart.
  2. For Profession the relevent Parameters  10th house, 10th Lord Karka and so on of the Birth chart
  3. Garbshishta Planets and relation with the Dasha Lords in this chart.
  4. Debilitated Planets in Dasha Varga Charts are bad and Exhalted Planets good  in good houses as per the Dasha Varga chart .

The Dasha of Jup-Jup will not be good since Jupiter is Debilitated , but forming a Rajyoga as 9th Lord in the 10th house , but dispositor of Jupiter in the 12th house hence Import of  Goods from Foreign Country , 2nd and 7th Lord in Debilitation and 7th Lord in 6th house with 6th Lord  who is Strong , Buisness Of Articles related to Mars and Venus, But Loss in Buisness in Partnership abroad.

In this chart Jupiter although Debilitated  but well placed in Kendra and also From Garbshishta Planets, Hence Jup-Jup will give Mixed results

Jupiter Dasha Varga Chart  below. Chart 1. 16th Part of the Birth chart 

Chart 2 is Jup-Mars Dasha Varga chart  7th Part of the 16th Part 

Chart3  is Jup-Rahu Dasha  Varga chart  18th Part of 16th Part of the Birth chart 


To further see what could emerge in Jupiter -Mars  dasha  we have to find out the 7th Part of this chart, since Mars dasha is for 7 Years

Anter Dasha of Mars will be Bad , Since Mars is Ill placed from Garbshishta  Planets Sun and Mercury and Jupiter with Debilitated Mercury and aspected by Debilitated Venus. Mars is ill Placed from Sun also 

10th house Scorpio of the Birth chart is in the 8th house with 10th Lord Mars , Loss in Buisness is evident. The Native has lost his total buisness and suffered a huge Loss. 

We can similarly see the results of Jupiter -Rahu Dasha asper the chart 3 above .Dasha of Jupiter-Rahu will also not be very good , Since the Garb Shishta Planets are in the Scorpio , whose Dispositor is Debilitated and is also the 10th Lord of the Birth chart .

The Mathematical calculations are to be followed but some Principles to be followed as per Tamil Texts

The basic concept is the Dasha Lord and the Anter dasha Lord only

This Method of Analysis of the Dasha gives Fine tuning of the Results which will be seen

Method 3.

BodhKan,Vedkan, Pashkan and Karkan

This Tamil Classic is also written in Malyalam. This is the theory of the 4 Prominent statuses of Planets in any Particular Dasha System that have Transitory influence  on the Dasha System- these Bodhkan , Vedkhan, Pashkan and Karkan . These 4 Statuses are Vital Tools for any Dasha System

The most important implication of this theory is that apart from Rahu and Ketu  any planet in any particular dasha system promises the Results  of the Bhavas it owns .This Planet will be called Bodhkan for the Dasha  and  Bodhkan, Vedhkan, Pashkanand Karkan are fixed for any dasha . Supposing the Person is running the Dasha of Sun, then Mars will become Bodhkan for that particular native  during Dasha Period of Sun. A Planet which obstructs the Results of a Particular Bhava  to flow is Called Vedkan, the Planet responsible to deliver the Balance Results  is Known as Pashkan. Karkan is a Planet  that Promises Materialistic  happiness  or the financial gains  in a Particular dasha .

Let me give a short Explanation of the above 4 Statuses below


It is the Planet which Promises the Results of the Bhava  to flow in a Particular Dasha  The Planet gives 70% of the Results, in any Major Dasha ,the Anter dasha , which engineers  the activity of the Event.


The Flowing Results of the Bhava promised by Vedkan  face anobstructing Force  from a Particular Planet , This Obstructing Force is Known as Vedhkan, this Planet Filters the Results promised By Bodhkan


After Obstructing Force from Vedkan some results of Bodhkan will still flow . This Planet is Called Pashkan , this Planet also ensures some windfall gains . This Planet has the Power to Pull the Results , it has the Power to give Balance Bodhkan Results , which Vedhkan has obstructed . He works as a Over Power , it is Held by Lord Ganesha, Lord Shiva  or even Goddess Parvati


It is a Planet which Promises wealth , materialistic gains , happiness

For Rahu Dasha we have to consider the 4 Statuses as  Similair to Dasha of Saturn and for Ketu we have to consider Mars instead of Ketu

Bodhkan aspecting Pashkan will promise results but Pashkan aspecting Bodhkan  then the quantam of Results will be low

I stand up to Give ovation to my Guru Shri S Ganesh who has inculcated high Astrology skills and Text which is not available elsewhere


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

26th Oct. 2016 08-20 hrs. New Delhi 



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