What Stars Foretell By Prashna Jyotish For The Fear of Terrorism Looming Over Mumbai

by astrodocanil

In this Article i am going to analyse the situations arising for the Terrorists Spotted on the Thursday Morning By School Children using  Prashna Jyotish by Tamil Texts , which give amazing  Results .


This is with reference to NDTV News item Anti-Terror Forces In Mumbai As Students Spot Men With Guns In Nearby Uran http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/navy-on-highest-alert-after-schoolchildren-spot-men-carrying-arms-in-uran-1465107



  1. Schoolchildren say they saw men dressed in black, carrying arms
  2. The five men were seen near Navy ammunition dump in Uran
  3. Navy alerted after students reported the men to school authorities

After a day of high alert in Maharashtra following two school students reporting that they saw masked armed men in Uran near Mumbai, the elite anti-terror commando force National Security Guards have been deployed in the coastal town.

One of the students claimed to have spotted one man. The other reported having seen five men dressed in black around 7 am on Thursday, carrying back-packs and “speaking a different language”, near an ammunition storage facility of the naval base in Uran. The second student also claimed to have overheard the men saying “ONGC” and “school”.
The men were in “Pathan suits”, the students reportedly told their school principal. The school informed the police. The school has declared a holiday on Friday due to security reasons.

The deployment of the NSG came on the heels of a massive multi-agency search operation which involved the police, Maharashtra’s anti-terror squad or ATS and the Navy. The Navy, sources said, was treating the information very seriously as the students are “old enough”.

This is with reference to the News Item “Uran On High Alert, Suspect’s Sketch Released After Students Report Armed Men” link  http://www.ndtv.com/india-news/uran-on-high-alert-suspects-sketch-released-after-students-report-armed-men-1465384?pfrom=home-lateststories


Uran On High Alert, Suspect's Sketch Released After Students Report Armed Men

A suspect’s sketch was released after school students reported armed men near Uran Navy base

URAN:  A multi-agency search operation is on at Uran near Mumbai after two school students yesterday reported seeing masked men with weapons and backpacks near an ammo store at the naval base. A sketch was released last night based on the account of the teens.

Elite anti-terror commandos are at the coastal town.

One of the students claimed to have spotted one man. The other reported having seen five men dressed in black around 7 am on Thursday, carrying back-packs and “speaking a different language”. He also claimed to have overheard the men saying “ONGC” and “school”.

The men were in “Pathan suits”, the students reportedly told their school principal. The school informed the police. The school has declared a two day holiday.
Let us have a Look at the Prashna Chart , Since the query is for Jeeva the Lagna rising is even the navamsha rising has to be 4th as per Mook Prashna  and shows the Last stage of the query.
The chart of 22nd Sept. 2016 of 7-00 am Mumbai  is under
Panchang of the Day 
Day is Thursday and the Lord is Jupiter in the yama of Taurus having Moon , the 9th house of the chart and aspected by 5th and 6th Lord Saturn , The Yama Lord is Venus and Placed in the 2nd House in Mrityu Bhag
Tithi is KP-7
Nakshatra is Rohini and the Nakshatra is Andha  and the Terrorists have gone in the Eastern Direction and with in 3 days they can be traced or seen with Difficulty. They can also be involved in some activity with in 3 days
Karna is Vishti and the Malefic Karna Lord is Saturn and aspecting Moon in the 9th house from the 3rd house of Neighbors and aspects the 12th house where Fallen and Stationary Mercury is placed who is also the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord in a extremely malefic State. Shows the Intention of the Terrorists . Kidnapping, Espoinage and what ever .
Yoga is Sidda
For Terrorism and Thefts , if the Lagna Lord or the 7th Lord is Placed in the 3,6,8 12th houses then the Prashna pertains to Theft or Terrorism  . In the chart above the Lagna Lord Mercury is Placed in the 12th House in the sign of Leo Retrograde and Stationary and with Rahu. Mercury also Has Exchange with Sun Placed in the Lagna and Combusting Jupiter . Lagna is not  Taurus, Cancer, Leo or Libra and Jupiter is Placed in it it does not give indications of a Theft or Terrorism Prashna , but Chor Graha as 7th Lord Jupiter and Planets Placed in the kendra or the 11th house are the Chor Grahas, but Importance is given to 7th Lord  even if not posited in the Kendra
Malefic Planets Posited in the 4,8,12 houses then the Thief , Terrorists may not be Caught , since the 4th house has Mars, 12th house has Rahu  the chances of the Thief, Terrorist being Traced are difficult.
 Lagnesh Mercury is totally afflicted and Has Exchange with Sun 12th Lord  and Bhadkesh Jupiter Placed in the Lagna , there will not be good results from the Terrorists and  if they are not traced in 3 days then Situations will become difficult since they may be involved in henious Crime and Terrorism with magnitude
Arudha Lagna .In the above Chart the  Arudha Lagna is Taurus and Having Moon . Now Moon is Placed in the west Direction in the yama chart .
Direction of the Terrorists  Since the Arudha Lagna has Moon and Moon is Placed in the Yama of Scorpio the Terrorists have moved in the West Direction from the  Place of Disappearance of the Terrorists.
Distance Moved by the Terrorists from the Place of Being Spotted , since the Lagna is in the 4th Navamsha and the Uday Lagna is Dual and Arudha Lagna is Fixed the Terrorists are with in the Vicinity of the Place they were Spotted .  The Terrorists are with in a Span of  9 Kms maximum from the School  where they were spotted .
Since the Uday Lagna and the Chaitra Rashi are the same and the Sign has exchange with 12th Lord and the Lord Mercury is Stationary Retrograde and placed with Rahu in the 12th house , it shows most malefic Results pouncing soon
Since Uday aLagna and Chaitra Rashi is Dual , The Matter may be  Related to Educational Institutions and  may be bad for Children
Sun is Placed in the Lagna and hence the Lagna is adhomukh downward looking  and hence the Results will be strong Negative
Since Saturn is Placed in the 7th house from the Arudha Lagna the Terrorists will not be traced
Arudha Lagna has Exhalted Moon and Moon has a Rays of 21. Hence with in 21 days there will be Terrorism from the 22nd Sept. 2016. 
Chor Grahas and Place of Residence 
7th Lord or Planets Placed in the Kendras , hence the chor Graha could be either Jupiter of Mars , Since Mars is Placed in the Lagna of the Navamsha Mars could be the Chor Graha and signifies that the Terrorists have hidden in a Pit Underground . The Place could be near Wandering Fields of Oxen and Cattle or irrigated lands and Beautiful vegetation . Since the 7th Lord is in the Kendra the Terrorists are in the same Vicinity 
Appearance asper the Dreshkanne –Since the 2nd Dreshkanne of Virgo is rising the Appearance will be as follows
of the Terrorists 
Wearing Head Gear and Head tied with a cloth
Expert in naration of Science and Fiction
 Holding a Pen , Pencil or a Big sized Bow
Dark Complexion Entire body covered with hair.
Having sophisticated weapons
 Based on Mars 7th Lord and  
Based on Navamsha Lagna Lord  Mars 
Hence it seems the significations of Mars are more Prevalent and will be as follows
Young, Cruel,Attractive, slender Personality, yet unsteady
Caste of Thief , Since the Lagna Lord is Mercury the Caste of the Thief is Shudra .
Clothes worn by the Terrorists , Red Burnt type or Yellow neither new nor old .
Age of the Thiefs or Terrorists  Young and around 30 years
Since there is ithasala of Mars and Sun and the difference is 3 degrees hence after 3 days some activity  and Sun and jupiter have Ithasala also .
Name of the Group of the Terrorists 
 Since the Planet Mars is the Main Parameter in the Event chart for the Chor Grakha and in Fiery sign and Fiery Navamsha the First Letter of the Group will be Starting from KHA. This could also be the Leader of the Group
Number of People in the Activity Since Sun is Predominant in the Lagna and has Exchange with Lagnesh and with 7th Lord the Rays of Sun are most important and are 5 as per Tamil Texts hence the Number of Terrorists are 5
Timing of the activity by the Terrorists  
Navamsha Lagna Lagna Lord is Mars and is in the first Navamsha hence Mars will take One day and one night and May Strike on the 23rd-24th Sept. 2016
There is Ithasla of the Lagna Lord Mercury and Moon  and difference is  3 degrees hence from 3 Days to 3 Weeks the Terrorism may Sprout .When Mercury goes in the Lagna in Virgo on the 3rd Oct. 2016 at 17.58 hrs  there could be Terrorism , When Mercury reaches the Lagna degrees of 12 .00 . Hence after 9th Oct. to 11th Oct. 2016
When moon goes in the Sign Virgo on the 30th Sept. 2016 and Reaches the Lagna Nakshatra on the 30th Sept-1st Oct. 2016
When Rahu will be in adverse motion from the 23rd to 29th Sept. 2016 .
Hence the 3 days from the 22nd Sept. 2016 and the Dates Mentioned above are most Critical for Terrorism in the Country and in Mumbai
Since Mars in Fiery sign and Fiery Navamsha there could be Explosions and Fire  organised by the Terrorists . Soft Target could also be Children since Jupiter is combusted and with Ketu in Navamsha 

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala Date 23rd  Sept.2016 10-40 hrs 

Email astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast,Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishiastrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi

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Disclaimer: This is only Astrological analysis only and not a Personal opinion of the writer .The writer does not hold himself responsible for any individual or a Corporate investing  according the Predictions made in this article and making any losses thereof. The Corporate  or the individual will be fully responsible for the consequences and the results of the same  . The writer will not be responsible in any case for the losses made therein by the investers . The Predictions may not hold true hence the Risk is totally of the Invester and not the Writer . This may Please be noted. The Prediction may or may not come True. My website also has a Note for  Disclaimer on all Articles posted on this website , Facebook or any other Social media, This also applies to all the Social media where my articles are displayed. 


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