Using Panchanga and and Rudramsha Chart on 11th March 2017 For Election Results of 5 States

by astrodocanil

Gem is Gem but every stone is not a Gem, Gem will the Person in these Elections who has a strong Rahu in the natal chart and with in the given limitations of the Birth details , we have only 3 charts  which seem to be Authentic. 1. N Modi 2. Akhilesh Yadav 3. Arvind Kejriwal . N Modi and Akhilesh Yadav have strong Rahu in the Charts but Yadav has some limitations of a Bhandan Yoga of Sun and Saturn and we have seen that since 23rd Oct. 2016 the rift of the Father and Son. Rahu has been in Forward motion or Stationary during the 95 % of the Elections . We all know Rahu the noth Node has the Capacity to Turn the tables and give Success to only those who have strong Rahu.Undisputedly N arinder Modi has strong Rahu, Hence he Can be the Hero of the Show , but with Mixed colors  and hence with Alliances

As per Election Commissioner the Results of the 5 States will be declared on the 11th March 2017. In this Article I am going to use the Panchang of the Day and the Rudramsha Chart to Predict the Outcome of the Results of the 5 States in the Country .. This has also reference to my Earlier Articles written on the Election Results.

Let us first see the Planetary positions and the Panchang of the Day

Day is Saturday and the Lord is Saturn

Tithi  SP 14 and bad till 20-23 hrs , This Tithi is most malefic for Dual Lagnas since the Houses owned by Mercury and Jupiter are Dagdha  and unfortunately , Jupiter and Mercury both are in Dagdha signs, Jupiter as Dagdha Rashi improves as in Retrogression , Mercury is also Debilitated also.

Planets in the Dual signs  Saturn in Sagitarius, Mercury and Venus  in Pieces, Jupiter in Virgo. Benefics in Benefic Signs and Dagdha Rashi suffer and Malefics in Dagdha Rashi become strong , hence Saturn becomes strong Malefic

Yoga Driti  Inauspicious

Karna  Vanija upto 20-23 from 08-33 hrs  and Lord is Retrograde and Placed in a Dagdha Rashi

Nakshatra  Magha Lord is Ketu

Ashtam Chandra for Capricorn Signs

Sun Rise 06-35 am

Good Chandra Balam till next day for the Following Signs.  Gemini, Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Pieces

Good TaraBalam  till 17.07 hrs.  For Bharini, Krittika, Mrigshira, Punarvasu, Ashlesha, P Phalguni, U Phalguni, Chitra, Vishaka, Jyestha ,P shad, U Shad, Dhanistha, P Bhad, Revati.

Rahu in Stationary mode and Forward Motion on the 11th March is a Very storong Parameter in Transit which has the capacity to Turn the Tables and favourable for those Politicians who have strong Rahu. N Modi and Akhilesh Yadav have strong Rahu, but N Modi has better combination for Success.

BJP and Congress charts are of Dual Lagnas hence they are weak to achieve any good Results  as per the Panchang on the 11th march 2017. BJP is totally dependent on Narinder Modi , hence the Chart of N Modi will be the main concern

Rudramasha ChartThis chart is known as the Labhamsha  or the Rudramsha Chart. 11th house is the house of gains of all types . It is called Rudramsha chart since it has 11 types of Rudra. It is seen for unearthed income, lottery, Speculation, War , Elections . In this chart the Taurus sign is left out completely . Taurus sign is the sign of Bull and is the mount of Lord Shiva. Rudra means Tears  and is the terrific form of Lord Shiva. These gains can bring tears  also  and show their terrific form. The important characteristic of this chart is the suddenness and happenings which are unexpected . This can Predict the Outcome of Wars.

Jupiter is the significator of Expansion and Happiness. A strong Jupiter is essential for gains .

The Indu Lagna of the Birth chart is seen in this chart.

Outcome of new ventures , the Dasha running to be seen in relation to the 10th Lord in this Chart , for Good fructifications the Dasha is to be seen from Sun also.

Make Indu Lagna the Lagna and analyse the Results.

In this Article I shall only be discussing the 3 Natal charts of N Modi, Akhilesh Yadav and Arvind Kejriwal,the Rest of the Horoscopes are not authentic .

Narinder Modi  D.O.B 17th Sept. 1950 12.09 hrs Mehsana  

Scorpio Lagna and Scorpio Moon sign  and Mars strong in the 6th house and aspects the Lagna from the 6th house of Competitions  is very good .Nakshatra Anuradha , Magha is the 21st Nakshatra from Anuradha and in the Trijanam and not bad , after 17.07 hrs will be still better. Success

Indu Lagna Gemini

Let us see the Rudramsha Chart Natal and Transit

Natal Chart

Moon and Mercury Dasha Lords Placed well from 10th house and Sun good for Success as per the Natal chart in Rudramsha Chart . Lagna Lord Placed in the 6th house of ememies for Gains .

Transit Chart 11th March 2017

The Rudramsha Chart is very strong at the time of the Election Results. Due to the following Parameters

Lagna Lord Mars Placed well in the 4th house .

Lagna has no malefic

Dasha Lords Moon-Mercury placed well from the 10th Lord and also from Sun

Dasha Lord Mercury Placed in the 6th house of Enemies and gains from them .

Indu Lagna is Gemini and Has the Jupiter and the 10th Lord making a Very strong Yoga , 8th house is New Inventions and Ventures , gains

The above Chart shows Success and Hence BJP gainer in the Elections where ever N Modi has Done his homework well.

This is clear that at least out of the 5 States BJP will make a dent in the 3 States at least


Arvind Kejriwal D.O.B 16th Aug. 1968 07.30 hrs Bhiwani Moon Aries sign not very good but Tara Balam till 17.07 hrs and Yoga Karka Mars over the Natal Moon and Saturn in the 9th house and activates the Natal Mars , Some Gains

Natal Chart

Jup Venus Dasha running and Indu Lagna Cancer

Jupiter placed well from 10th house and 10th Lord Mercury in the Rudramasha Chart , Venus is Placed well from 10th Lord but not from 10th house ,Venus also not Placed well from Sun, Hence the Promise for Gains in the Present Scenerio are not very strong.

Transit Chart 11th March 2017

Chander Balam Missing but Tara Balam there on the 11th March 2017.

Mars Yoga Karka strong and activating the Natal Mars , but Sun in 6/8 axis but aspecting the Lagna from the 7th house , 10th Lord in the 8th house  and the raj yoga of the 9th and the 10th Lord in the 8th house till 1st March 2017 only. 11th Lord Debilitated and with Venus the 10th Lord

In the Rudramsha Chart Jup and Venus connected to 10th house  and 10th Lord and Placed well from the same , but Jupiter ill placed from Sun and the Indu Lagna Cancer , Hence Arvind Kejriwal may not be able to score as expected in the Elections, though there are definite gains.

Akhilesh Yadav Natal Chart

Dasha Mer-Saturn  and Indu Lagna Gemini

In the Rudramasha Chart for Strong gains the Dasha Lords have to be well placed from the 10th House and 10th Lord Jupiter  and Sun

The Indu Lagna Chart has also to be strong

In the Rudramsha Chart Dasha Lord Mercury and Saturn are placed well from Jupiter the 10th Lord and Saturn is also Placed well from 10th Lord Jupiter but Mercury is ill placed from 10th House , Saturn is ill placed from Sun , hence the Gains are not concrete . as Promised in the chart . From Indu Lagna also the Dasha Lords are not Placed well.Hence weakness in the chart for the 11th March Elections Results. The Vedic Progression chart is strong but the Bandan yoga is there in the Chart which is a Bottleneck in the Natal chart

Transit Chart 11th March 2017

Chander Balam along with Tarabalam is there . 10th Lord and the Lagna Lord Debilitated , although making a Rajyoga with the 9th Lord Venus in the 7th house . Karna Lord with 10th Lord is also good for Fructifications but the Following Parameters in the Rudramsha Chart

Dasha Lords Mer-Saturn placed well from the 10th house and 10th Lord Jupiter and also from Sun In transit .

Indu Lagna has Jupiter is good . But the Natal chart does not have that Promise as the Transit chart

The Bhandan Yoga since 23rd Oct. 2016 will be a Negative factor for Akhilesh Yadav . He has Sun and Saturn in 1/7 axis in the natal chart and in Transit Saturn becoming most malefic aspecting the Sun

Nut shell

The Chances of Any Party will majority is very remote and will only be formed with Alliances which may not prove Fruitful where the Politicians have weak Rahu , Hence Hung Govt. may also result .

It seems BJP may score in UP , Hung Govt. in Punjab and 2 more states BJP may Score


anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

6th March 2017  16.15 hrs. New Delhi  

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi



Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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