U.S. Equities Plummet Gold Soars Following Chinese Tariffs Trump Tweets Predictions On Dot Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1023 Articles and Predictions in just 53 months from April 2015

The Year 2020 will be worst for the Global Economy it so seems after the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019

This is with Reference to my Articles mentioned below for the Surge in the Gold Prices and the US-China Trade War taking an Ugly Dimension

1.”Gold Crosses 1500 $ Mark As Predicted May Cross 1600 $ Touch New High Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2019/08/gold-crosses-150…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
2. “US-China Trade War Knocking The Doors Of Recession May Blow Off US Economy Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2019/08/us-china-trade-w…r-anil-aggarwala/

Now see the Chart below Gold has again started to Surge

On a day Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell to be in the spotlight it was in an announcement by China that they would begin retaliatory tariffs against products they import from the United States, as well as tweets in response to the Chinese announcement by President Trump that sent the financial markets reeling in the United States and the Gold Soaring.
I have written so many Articles and specially refering to the G20 Summit in Japan that nothing would work out for a Truce in the Trade war and in fact it is becoming worse and can be seen by the Surge in Gold Time and Again. I have already mentioned that when there will be 5 Planets in the sign Leo the conditions may go worst Since this Leo sign is the Ascendant of US and the 8th house of China Foundation chart and Gold may Cross all boundries.. The Eclipses Falling over the 1/7 axis of US and the Dasha of Rahu-Rahu in operation can bring a downfall of the Country asper the Theory of Inevitabilityof K N Rao and finally after the Solar Eclipse of the 26th Dec. 2019when Mars also activates the eclipse Point it may the Worst time for the Us and Trump. In fact after 5th Nov. 2019 when Jupiter also joins the Fiery sign and Mars activates the Eclipse point of the Eclipses of the July on the 10th Nov. 2019 and then Saturn, Jupiter, Ketu and Venus in the sign Sagitarius after the 20th Nov. 2019 would be most Crucial for the Stock and the Financial Markets and the Gold Zooming

Date 24th August 2019 14-00-00hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

youtube link of the workshop on the 19th May 2019

Astrological Summit on the 27th July 2019
My Presentation on Astrology NEIR’S SUMMIT

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My Predictions on the Pulwama attack and IAF pouncing on Terror Camps of Jaish Prove on Dot for even the dat and time

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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My Interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrnXlAbx08k&t=1439s

My Interview by a University of Repute from US https://youtu.be/l6GdrMx4uSo in Nov. 2018
My Interview by the Express Star Teller Magzine published in Sept. 2017 edition on the page 34 link on my webpage

“Natal Chart Reflects Past Karmas,Deeds Of The Present Life Can Be Effectively Depicted,Only Through Prashna” My Interview With’EXPRESS STAR TELLER’

Link EXPRESS STAR TELLER https://www.starteller.com/article7.html
My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
My Articles In the Astrology Magzine ASTROLOGIC MAGZINE of US My Article “Ammunition Dump Mars, Roman God Saturn and Nodes What They Have Up Their Sleeves in 2018-2019 ?” in the Leading Astrology Magzine of US Astrologicmagzine link http://www.astrologicmagazine.com/ammunition-dump-mars-rom…/
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