Typhoon Hagibis Barrels Towards Japan As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1075 Articles and Predictions in just 54 months from April 2015
Typhoon Hagibis Barrels Towards Japan As Predicted Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

Nodes in Similar Positions as the Earthquakes in Japan in March 2011 and April 2016 and Predictions proving on Dot . The Time frames most prone from 14th Oct and Fortnight starting from 28th Oct. 2019. The Gemini-Sagitarius Axis Affliction always Prove venomous for Japan

Read My Article “Lunation Chart Of 28th Oct. 2019 Foretells Earthquakes Tornados Loom Over South East Asia Callifornia Astrologer Anil Aggarwala” https://www.astrodocanil.com/2019/10/lunation-chart-o…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎
Read this Para in this Article written on the 11th Oct. 2019 much before the News which come few hrs before today the 12th Oct. 2019 at 08-30 hrs

The Above combination would have 4 planets in the sign Scorpio Watery sign in the Rashi Chart and 4 in navamsha as well hence Pralay due to Water is seen
specially the Countries near the Coastal part of the World specially for Indonesia, Japan, Callifornia. Most Prone are Japan and Callifornia due to the Nodes in the Gemini-Sagitarius axis the Concentration of Planets in the Watery sign Scorpio

The most malefic parameters in this fortnight are as below apart from the above .
1. Lagnesh Mars is in Debilitation in the navamsha
2. Dispositor of Sun and Moon Venus with Debilitated Mors in Cancer
3. Sun and Moon both aspected by Debilitated Mars in navamsha
4. Rahu and Ketu Change navamsha on the 27th Oct. 2019 in the Aquarius and Leo axis supposed to be most malefic till 12th Feb 2020
5. After 12th Feb, 2020 Rahu and Ketu both will be in their own nakshatras and supposed to be most malefic like the 11th March 2011 Japan Tsunami on the 31st Oct- 1st Nov. 2019
6. Mars will activate the Eclipse point of the Lunar Eclipse of the 17th July 2019 on the 9th Nov. 2019. At this point it will be about to join the Lunation sign of Libra

Written on Date 11th Oct.2019 19.00.00 hrs

Now Have a close look at the Foundation chart of Japan below

The Transit Nodes in the 1/7 axis of the Ascendant and Moon in the sign Gemini and the Lord Mercury debilitated in the Foundation chart is the Most Venomous factor in the present scenario

2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami
The 2011 earthquake off the Pacific coast of Tōhoku was a magnitude 9.0–9.1 undersea megathrust earthquake off the coast of Japan that occurred at 14:46 JST on Friday 11 March 2011, with the epicentre … Wikipedia

Tsunami: Up to 40.5 m (133 ft); in Miyako, Iwate, Tōhoku
Date: 11 March 2011
Casualties: 15,897 deaths, +2 (Overseas), 6,157 injured, 2,532 people missing
Magnitude: 9
Have a Look at the Earlier Tsunami which occured on the 11th March 2011
38° 19′ 19.2″ N, 142° 22′ 8.4″ E

The Nodes in the Sagitarius-Gemini axis prove catastrophic for Japan and then Mercury and Jupiter in the Watery sign in Pieces in 2011 and Now in Scorpio after 23rd Oct. 2019 can prove most venomous as can be seen from the Planetary positions and Mars over the Natal Saturn in the Present Scenario can trigger the unnatural calamities it so seems since almost at the same degrees . Hnece even in the Fortnight after 14th Oct. 2019 it can prove most Venomous for Japan

Even at the time of the The 2016 Kumamoto earthquakes (Japanese: 平成28年熊本地震 Hepburn: Heisei 28-nen Kumamoto jishin) are a series of earthquakes, including a magnitude 7.0 mainshock which struck at 01:25 JST on April 16, 2016 (16:25 UTC on April 15) beneath Kumamoto City of Kumamoto Prefecture in Kyushu Region, Japan, at a depth of about 10 … Nodes were in the Gemini-Sagitarius axis in the Navamsha and in the Leo-Aquarius Axis in the Trasit in the Rashi chart Similar Transit of Nodes will take place after 27th Oct. 2019, since Nodes Rahu and Ketu will be in Gemini-Sagitarius Axis and in Navamsha in Aquarius-Leo axis this Parameter is extremely malefic for Japan in the Present scenario when there will be 4 Planets in the watery sign Scorpio

See the Chart of the 15th April 2016 below

Date 12th Oct.2019 8-30.00.00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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