Tubby Tyrant Kim ‘Ready For Testing New Missile On 10th Oct.2017’ What Stars Foretell ?

by astrodocanil

This is with reference to my earlier Article “Tubby Tyrant Kim Aggressive Stance And Celestial Drama of Planets in Oct. 2017” link https://www.astrodocanil.com/2017/10/tubby-tyrant-kim…nets-in-oct-2017/  

I am reproducing  the last para of the Article and the analysis as per the Kim Natal chart  

The Dasha at Birth was Rahu-Venus , and the Running Dasha is Saturn -Rahu and his Rahu is in Forward motion and Sun is eclipsed by Ketu . Needless to mention that the chart has Rajyogas , 9th and 10th Lord conjunction in 12th from Lagna and 4th from Moon . From Lagna Venus is Yoga Karka and from Moon Saturn is Yoga Karka and both have exchange . 
I am not discussing the Chart since the Authenticity remains a Issue , but if this is Correct then 6th -7th Oct. 2017 will be most Venomous in the present scenario due to the following Parameters 
1. Transit Mars and Venus In Planetary war in the 7th house of wars  and at the MEP of the Ascendant
2. Transit Ketu on the Natal Mars at almost same degree in the 12th house and has aspects  by Transit Fallen Saturn at almost same degree .
3. Saturn, Mars , Ketu, Venus Degrees to be seen very close 
4. Transit Fallen Saturn over Natal Jupiter and Transit Jupiter over Natal Saturn
5. In the Natal chart 7th Lord Sun eclipsed By Rahu-Ketu and in Transit in the 10th from the Natal Sun in the 8th house with 8th Lord Mercury who is totally Combusted between the 6th to 11th Oct. 2017
6. Navamsha  Transit Navamsha Rahu and Saturn over the Natal Venus and Mercury 
Ketu Navamsha Transit over the Natal Navamsha Jupiter and Mars 
7. As per mathematical navamsha the sensitive points are activated
8. Rahu in Forward Motion from the 11th Oct. to 18th Oct. 2017 most venomous 
9. Mars and Saturn Degree return aspect on the 11th Oct. 2017
Hence if the Birth details are correct , Kim may take an aggressive stance on the 6th-7th Oct. 2017 for his Next operations on the Nuclear front . The other dates are 10th-11th to 13th Oct. and till 26th Oct. 2017 are also critical time frames  for his aggressive stance for Nuclear operations . Saturn Gandantha points activation may also prove most venomous till 7th Nov. 2017 , since it woll be passing through these points for the 3rd time , It seems even if Kim does not attack any Country directly the Fear will loom for a long time till Mars Crosses the sign Sagitarius in March 2018
Let us have a Look at the 10th Oct. 2017 planetary positions since this Date acquires a special dimension due to the following reasons 
1. The date marks the anniversary of the founding of the Workers’ Party of Korea in 1945, and nuclear tests are common on such dates.
2. In the Chart of the 6th Oct. 2017 discussed in the earlier article  for the Fortnight there is Planetary war between the Mars and Venus , Mars Happens to be the Lagna Lord of the Foundation chart of the North Korea and Venus the 7th Lord of wars and on the 10th Oct. 2017 Venus enters the sign of its debilitation and separates from Mars . Any planet which changes sign acquires a special dimension. Hence Venus the 7th Lord going in the 11th house of the Foundation chart of North Korea and the 8th House of the Kim natal Chart can prove Venomous for the Testing of a Powerful devastating new missile capable to reach the west coast of US
3. 10th Oct. 2017 is Tuesday and the Lord is Mars from Sunrise at 06-44 hrs. the first Yama Lord is Venus and just entered its sign of Debilitation in Virgo and will aspect the 7th house of Wars in the Sunrise chart below . Dispositior of 7th Lord Jupiter is also Venus  and both are in 2/12 axis 
4. 2nd yama Lord will be Mercury and is totally combusted and the Lagna Rising will be that of Libra and Yama Lord will be with Lagna Lord and the 8th Lord Venus who is Debilitated . 3rd Yama Lord will be Sun and will be with Debilitated Venus and placed in the 10th house with Sagitarius Lagna Rising 
5. The Karna Lord connected to the 10th house as the 10th Lord and Combusted may not give good Fructifications.
6. Moon has aspects by Fallen Saturn 
7. Hence from the Above it seems that a Period from Sunrise to Mid Day is extremely bad and may be till 16-00 hrs.
8. Even if Kim Launches a Missile before the Sunrise it may be Venomous it so seems 
9. I have already mentioned that from 10th to 18th Oct. 2017 is most critical Period for the Untoward happenings and Kim Aggressive stance 
Hence from the above we can draw the conclusion that Venus the 7th Lord of War as Per the foundation chart of North Korea and the Yogkarka for Kim Natal chart since changing sign to Virgo on the 10th Oct. 2017 can be most Venomous in the Present Scenario for Kim Launching a devastating Missile capable to Reach the West Coast of US. The first Possibility is 6th-7th Oct. 2017 and then 10th Oct. 2017 onwards most Prone periods
Now Read this Media News 
“North Korea ‘ready to test devastating new missile capable of hitting US” http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/650387/North-Korea-news-Trump-war-China-US-Russia-missile-latest-launch

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

  • Written on 6th Oct.  2017  Time 022-10 hrs. New Delhi
  • Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
  • Email: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.com
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