Trump And Kim ‘Expected Summit’: What Stars Have Up Their Sleeves ?

by astrodocanil

 Some Media links on the latest for the Summit between Trump and Kim in Singapore on the 12th June 2018

The Latest: Trump to Meet Abe Before ‘Expected’ Kim Summit link

What Letter? Trump Proceeds Like Summit With Kim Is Still On link

Please refer to my earlier Article‘Red Planet Mars On the Wheel’ Twists and Turns In Political, Financial Markets, Weather and Relation Between Nations” link…-between-nations/ dated 24th May 2018 and also to my Article “Donald Trump Threatens US will DECIMATE North Korea if Kim ‘doesn’t make a deal’ What Stars Foretell ?” link…t-stars-foretell/ ‎ dated 18th May 2018

Let me elaborate the Analysis in context to the summit

Since we do not have the time of the Summit I will discuss the 4 possibilities on the 12th June 2018 if it takes place 

Panchang of the Day

The Day is Tuesday and the Lord is Mars 

The Tithi is Krishna Paksha 13

Nakshatra Krittika

Karna Vanija till 10.04 and after that Vishti which is supposed to be extremely bad for good Fructifications

Abhijeet Muhurat from 12.40 to 1329 hrs

Rahu Kaal 16-06 to 17.36 hrs . 

Lagna Timings

Karka 09:24:11 11:26:16 09:53:34
Simha 11:26:16 13:19:41 12:46:15
Kanya 13:19:41 15:11:22 14:11:28
Tula 15:11:22 17:09:37 16:45:10
Vrischika 17:09:37 19:17:07 17:38:38
Dhanu 19:17:07 21:26:13 20:48:02

 I am also looking a detailed analysis and hence some changes, Since the Summit is organised by Trump the Lagna is signified by Trump and the 7th house by Kim

Till Gemini Lagna at 09-24 hrs there are chances that the dispute may prolong if the meeting takes place before this time  .

Summit between 09-24 to 09-58 hrs . The Yama Lord Venus placed in the Lagna is good for a Compromise ,but Rahu-Ketu in the 1/7 axis is not supposed to be good and when they approach the MEP there may be some  dispute again and hence Compromise may be for some short period only

Summit between the 09-58 to 11.26 hrs. The Lagna rising will be Cancer and during this time the Day Lord Mars will be placed in the yama of the Sign Gemini  the 12th house of the event chart and having aspect of Retrograde Saturn who is the Lord of the 7th and the 8th house and has aspect on the 8th house Aquarius with its 3rd eye, Hence this is a Most Venomous combination for Good Fructifications of the Summit , If the Summit takes place in this time frame It be a malefic one. The Lagnesh is placed in the yama of Aquarius and the 8th house of the chart and aspects by 8th Lord . The 10th Lord Mars as explained above same as the Day Lord , hence this will be the worst time for the Summit. The Chart shows that the Lagna Lord since Exalted and placed in the 11th house is very strong , hence Trump at this time Frame may be strong  and the7th Lord is Retrograde , hence Kim is weak during this Period


 Summit between 11.26 to 13.19 hrs will be Leo Lagna  and the Day Lord Mars will be in the yama of Gemini till 12.58 hrs  and will be the 11th house of the event chart and aspects by Saturn as the 6th and the 7th Lord does not give  good Fructifications more so the Day Lord Mars is ill placed from the 7th Lord and the 7th House Aquarius and Represents Kim.The Yama Lord Mercury is also ill placed from the 10th house and the Lord Venus .The Lagnesh is Placed in the yama of Venus and Venus is ill placed in the 12th house and inimical sign. Saturn the 7th Lord is Placed in the yama of Jupiter who is placed in a friends house . Saturn is also similarly ill  placed  from 10th house and 10th Lord. The 7th house and the 7th Lord are connected to benefics  and 7th Lord is Retrograde hence may Compromise, hence Kim may be willing but Trump may not be willing to  compromise  
After12.58 to 13.19 hrs  The Yama Lord will be Sun and is ill placed from the 11th house and its Lord Mercury, but this Time Frame is better than the above combinations for a summit , since Sun is with a Exalted Planet, but . Lagna , Moon and Lagna Lord all in Fixed signs not good for compromise 
13.19 to 15.11hrs of Virgo Lagna  and 3rd Yama Lord Sign is Leo and the Lord is Sun, Yama sign has aspects of Strong Mars as the 8th Lord and the Yama Lord is ill placed from the 10th house and the Lord , Hence malefic combinations  and the Summit results may not be good
15.11 to 17.09 hrs  with Tula Lagna  and Leo Yama sign is good but unfortunately the Yama Lord is with Moon in the 8th house cancels all auspiciousness  permanently, but placement of Jupiter in the Lagna is good for a compromise.
After 15.58 hrs to 18.58 Hrs will be of Virgo Yama  and Libra sign till 17.09 hrs  This is also not good since the Yama Lord is ill placed from the 10th house and the 10th Lord . The Day Lord is also ill placed from the Yama Lord , But Jupiter placement may be some saving and Connection of the Lagnesh and Moon  
Hence it seems if the Summit takes place for which now the Possibilities are poor the same may not bring Auspicious results between Kim and Trump and the Brawl between them may take an ugly dimension it so seems even if there is a compromise . There is no doubt that Kim is weaker then Trump as seen from the chart . It has been observed that for Compromise an Exalted Planet role is very important but Mars will go in Retrogression on the 27th June 2018, hence if there are no good Results of the Compromise before the 27th June 2018, the Brawl between Trump and Kim may take an ugly shape 
The Exact Predictions will be written upon getting the exact time , these are the General Predictions
anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
  • Written on 29th May 2018 18.00 hrs  
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