Transit Rahu Mars Saturn Malefics In Pushkar Navamsha Nector Giving Results Astrologer Anil Aggarwala

by astrodocanil

1066 Articles and Predictions in just 54 months from April 2015

Rahu Mars Saturn Nector giving and most pious from 5th Oct to 21st Oct. 2019. 5th to 7th Oct. 2019 most Pious for any Risk , operations, Job Change specially for Gemini and Virgo Ascendant

This is with Reference to my earlier Article “Planets In Pushkaramshas And Pushkar Bhag A Boon In Natal Chart Astrologer Anil Aggarwala”…r-anil-aggarwala/ ‎

Let me reproduce the Article here for ready reference below

Planets in Pushkar Navamsha and Pushkar Bhag are most Auspicious and Give unprecedented Results even if they are 8th Lord or a Chidra Graha

Pushkaramshas and Pushkar Bhag are sensitive points in the Horoscope that give unprecedented results and are aboon for the native.
See the Chart Below

1. The outer circle of the disc indicates Navamsas,marked numerically.
2. The third circle shows constellations or nakshatras.
3. Signs and navamsas are marked numerically from 1 to 12,in anti-clockw2ise manner.
4. All Pushkar Navamsas of the zodiac are marked with a black dot, below the navamsa signs.

Planets in Pushkara Navamsa are highly beneficial and strong, in the opinion of Brighu Nadi, and equal or greater in importance as vargottama planets. – Each sign has two Pushkara Navamsas, 24 in all, and each ruled by a benefic planet. – Out of 24, three Pushkara Navamsas are vargottama: Taurus Navamsa in Taurus rasi; Cancer Navamsa in Cancer rasi; and Sagittarius Navamsa in Sagittarius rasi. – If a planet is in Pushkara Navamsa which, however, falls in a sign equal to the 6th, 8th or 12th house of the Rasi chart, then the good affects become nil. Eg: If in a Leo rising chart, Mercury were in 7˚ Taurus in the rasi chart, and thus in Pisces Pushkara Navamsa, its affect would become nil as Pisces is the 8th house of the Rasi chart.

For Fiery Signs 1,5,9 7th and the 9th Navamsha are in Pushkar Navamsha

For Earthy Signs 2,6,10 3rd and 5th Navamsha are in Pushkar Navamsha

For Airy signs 3.7.11 6th and the 8th Navamsha are in Pushkar Navamsha

For Watery signs the First and the Third Navamsha are in Pushkar Navamsha

Any Planet placed in the nTal chart in Pushkar Navamsha or Amrit Ghati gives most Auspicious results , even if he is the 8th Lord or a Chidra Graha . These Positions are to be seen in the Natal chart only

1. In Transit if the 6th and the 8th Lord are in Pushkar Navamsha , the native can be advised to take risky actions like undergoing operations or Change of Job etc.

2. If Rahu Dasha is Running and Rahu in Pushkar Navamsha , one can change the job etc, if Rahu has good relation with 10th Lord . This applies to Rahu Dispositor also

3. 4th house talks about Permanency. If the 4th Lord or 4th Lord from any Bhava is in Pushkar Navamsha , then one Gets Permenency from that house and sustaining power

4. Mid Cusp Lord of the Kendras in Pushkar Navamsha then one will have an unquenchable thirst in life. One will be contended in life


Saturn is Transitting in the sign Sagitarius and will be in the Pushkar navamsha in the 7th and the 9th Navamsha.
Saturn will be in 20.00 to 23.20 degrees from the 5th Oct to 25th Nov. 2019 and then From the 27th Dec.2019 to 24th Jan 2020

Mars is Transitting in the Sign Virgo and will be in pushkar navamsha in the 3rd and the 5th Navamsha
Mars will be in the 3rd Navamsha from the 6.40 to 10-00 degrees from the 5th Oct. 2019 to 11th Oct. 2019 and then in the 5th Navamsha from the 13.20 to 16.40 degrees from the 16th Oct to 21st Oct. 2019

Rahu is Transitting in the sign Gemini and will be in pushkar Navamsha in the 6th and the 8th Navamsha
Rahu will be in Pushkar Navamsha in Gemini now from20-00 to 16.40 degrees and hence from the 26th Sept. 2019 to 28th Oct. 2019


Navaratri 2019 in India began on
Sunday, 29 September
and ends on
Monday, 7 October

Hence 7th Oct. 2019 Nector Giving since the Most Auspicious period is from 5th Oct. to 21st Oct. 2019 in General specially for those running the Dasha of Rahu and Mars and Saturn are the 6th or the 8th Lords , for Gemini and Virgo Ascendant most Pious Period

Date 30th Sept. 2019 9.00.00 hrs
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc.Production Engg. PEC Ch.

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“Natal Chart Reflects Past Karmas,Deeds Of The Present Life Can Be Effectively Depicted,Only Through Prashna” My Interview With’EXPRESS STAR TELLER’

My Article In THE EXPRESS STAR TELLER Garbshishta Planets Play Prominent Role in Life Page 32 March 2018 edition
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