Transit Of Jupiter in Scorpio From 11th Oct. 2018 to 5th Nov. 2019: What It Foretells ?

by astrodocanil

Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar system and is considered an auspicious planet in Vedic Astrology. This divine planet gives benefic results and is the only planet which is 100% benefic . Transit of Jupiter from one sign to other sign is very significant in Vedic Astrology. Jupiter has the 5th,7th and the 9th aspect and the 9th aspect of Jupiter is considered the most powerful one. Generally speaking when Jupiter is placed in the 2nd,5th,7th,9th and 11th position from the natal Moon it is considered most auspicious. As a matter of fact the Paraya should also be considered in this case and I will eloborate the same here in this article  .Jupiter remains in a Zodiac sign for about 11.86 to 12 months  but unfortunately in the present case after its Transit in Scorpio on the 11th Oct. 2018 at 19.20 hrs. from Libra to Scorpio Jupiter will cover its journey of 12 months duration in just 5.5 months due to the fact that it will be very close to Sun and become attichari and join Sagitarius. The Following is the Time frame for Jupiter Journey in the zodiac in Scorpio

Jupiter joins Scorpio on the 11th Oct. 2018 at 19.20 hrs. It will be in Pushkar Navamsha till 25th Oct. 2018 considered most pious and aspredicted the Indian currency has improved  

On the 29th March 2019 at 20.05 hrs. Jupiter will ingress in the sign Sagitarius and will be in gandantha points of the Scorpio and Sagitarius from 20th March 2019 to 10th April 2019 which is considered most venomous  for its significations .

On the 10th April 2019 at 00.13 degrees Jupiter will become Retrograde in Gandantha position and  fall back in Scorpio on the 23rd April 2019 and will then be a Fallen planet till 5th Nov. 2019. . A Fallen planet is like a Car going up the hill and all of a sudden it loses motion and starts to retard back without control and falls from a height .

Jupiter will become direct on the 12th August 2019 and remain in Scorpio as a fallen Planet till 5th Nov. 2019.

Last time when Jupiter was  Fallen in Scorpio  was as below

Jupiter is going to Fall in Scorpio after almost 70 years and a parallel scenario may be seen like 1948 global happenings between the 24th June to 6thOct 1948  

Jupiter joined Scorpio on the 16th Sept 1947 till 10th Feb 1948  and was in Sagitarius from 1th Feb 1948 to 22nd June 1948 and was fallen in Scorpio from the 22nd June 1948  to 7th Oct. 1948.  As per Google I am eloborating the events which took place when Jupiter was fallen in Scorpio in the above time frame as explained above

War II Timeline: June 27, 1948-January 10, 1950


With events like the establishment of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), World War II continued to have a global effect in the late 1940s and early 1950s. The timeline and headlines below describe the war’s aftermath in 1948-1950.


1948        Jun 19, USSR blocked access road to West Berlin.
    (SFEC, 5/25/97, p.A10)(DT, 6/19/97)


June 27, 1948: The United States, Britain, and France respond to the Soviet blockade of Berlin by effecting an airlift of supplies to the two million people in the city’s western sector.


1948        Jun 21, Lord Mountbatten resigned as Viceroy of India.
    (MC, 6/21/02)


1948        Jun 24, Communist forces with 30 military divisions cut off all land and water routes between West Germany and West Berlin, prompting the United States to organize the massive Berlin airlift. Gen’l. Lucius Clay, the local American commander, ordered an air supply effort. Clay made his decision based on a recommendation by British military governor Gen’l. Sir Brian Robertson. The Royal Air Force had already begun a limited airlift. The airlift story was later told by Alvi Shlaim in: “The United States and the Berlin Blockade, 1948-1949.”


1948         Jun 26, The Berlin Airlift began in earnest as the United States, Britain and France started ferrying supplies to the isolated western sector of Berlin, after the Soviet Union cut off land and water routes. The Soviets had been harassing the French, British and American authorities in Berlin for weeks, trying to force them from the city. Finally, when all surface routes to the city were blockaded, it became clear that an airlift through the Allied sectors was the only way to re-supply the 2 million West Berliners. In spite of the enormous human and financial cost, “Operation Vittles” supplied food, fuel and hope to beleaguered citizens until the Soviet barricades were finally lifted on May 12, 1949.


1948        Jun, Cominform expelled Yugoslavia; Albanian leaders launched an anti-Yugoslav propaganda campaign, cut economic ties, and forced Yugoslav advisors to leave. Later on the treaty of friendship with Yugoslavia was abrogated; Hoxha began purging high-ranking party members accused of “Titoism”; Soviet Union began economic aid to Albania. 


1948        Jul 14, Israel bombed Cairo.


1948        Aug 13, During the Berlin Airlift, the weather over Berlin became so stormy that American planes had their most difficult day landing supplies. They deemed it ‘Black Friday.’


1948        Sep 25, Iva Toguri D’Aquino (b.1916), a Japanese-American suspected of being wartime radio propagandist “Tokyo Rose,” arrived in SF aboard the General Hodges and was taken away by FBI agents. On Sep 9, 1949, she was found guilty of speaking into a microphone concerning the loss of US ships. She was sentenced to 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine. She was released in 1956 and pardoned by Pres. Ford in 1977


1948         Sep, In India Vallabhbhai Patel, as Acting Prime Minister while Nehru was touring Europe, ordered the Indian Army to integrate Hyderabad. The action was termed Operation Polo. Thousands of Razakar forces were killed, but Hyderabad was comfortably secured into the Indian Union.


1948        Oct 6, A 7.3 earthquake hit Ashgebat, Turkmenistan, and killed an estimated 110,000 people. Stalinist media at the time claimed only 35,000 deaths.

Jupiter governs wealth, success, prosperity, good education, fame and children. Jupiter will be transitting in the 8th house of the natural zodiac and pass through nakshatras Vishaka, Anuradha and Jyestha . Jupiter will be the 3rd Planet who will be in Fallen State  in Scorpio since 2016, First of all Mars was fallen in Scorpio in 2016, Saturn Fallen in 2017 and Now Jupiter as mentioned above

In order to evaluate the Transit of Jupiter in the Sign Scorpio the Following Parameters have to be born in mind 

1. Ascendant 

2. Naskhatra Tara

3. Jupiter Placement from Moon in the natal chart in Transit 

4.Moorti Nirnay

5. Paraya

6.Ashtvarga Strength


1. Ascendant  Jupiter Benefic or Malefic for the Ascendant Lord 

2. Nakshatra Tara 

Following are the results of the transit Jupiter through different Stars when counted from ones birth constellation or Janma Star or Nakshatra 

Excellent Results  4,6,13,17,20,22,24,26 or 27th

Good Results   2,8,9,11,18, 21

Bad Results  5,14,16,23,25

Worst Results 1,3,7,10,12.19

Some Important Parameters 

When Jupiter becomes Retrograde or Direct the Day has a special signification. When Jupiter becomes Retrograde or Stationary during Transit, the opportunity, expansion, correspondance will get delayed . Jupiter Stationary Retrograde can withdraw or delay opportunities  and when Stationary  direct restores the progress and plan to benefit.

In Transit and the natal chart Jupiter Retrograde in the 2,4,5,7,9 or 11th is always good  for general health but retrogression in the 1,3,6,8,10 or 12th house indicates aggravation of existing problems or diseases if any

3. Placement of Jupiter from the natal Moon  in general 2,5,7,9 and 11th from Natal Moon are benefic placement , but Paraya gives fine predictions 

4. Moorti Nirnay

The Tale of the 2 Moons  which are the Natal Moon and the Transiting Moon at the time of Ingress of an Planet in a sign, Hence in the case of Jupiter The Transit Moon is in the Sign Libra

Hence it will be as follows 

1,6,11 from Natal Moon then Swarna (Gold) Excellent and in this Case those who have Natal Moon in Libra, Taurus, and Sagitarius  will be Swarna Moorti

2,5,9 from Natal Moon Rajata Silver  and Very good for Virgo, Gemini and Aquarius Moon 

3,7,10 from natal Moon  Tamra Copper  Average  and will be for those having Moon in Leo, Aries, and Capricorn

4,8,12  Loha Iron and Bad for those who have Moon in Scorpio, Pieces, Cancer Moon 

 5. Paraya

Jupiter will give the Results asper the Following Paraya      

In our life Jupiter approx has 7 Parayas  and each Paraya is of 12 years hence 12×7 = 84 years 

1st Paraya 0-12 years  Jupiter in the 9th , 12th house auspicious results for the Father 

2nd Paraya of Jupiter 13-24 years  Extra Ordinary in Aries and Taurus 

3rd Paraya of Jupiter 25-36 years  from Natal Moon it is benefic in the 1,4,5,7,9,11 and 12th house 

4th Paraya of Jupiter 37-48 years  Over Natal Moon Raj Virodham , Benefic in the 2,4,9,11th and the 12th house from Natal Moon 

5th Paraya Jupiter  49-60 years  Jupiter will be jittery , Rethinking , over natal Moon Mental confusions

2nd H Dhan

3rd H Benefic 

4th H Benefic 

Reast not Auspicious , Then Again 1st Cycle of Jupiter Starts

6. Ashtvarga Strength  asper Individual chart 

When Jupiter enters the sign Scorpio the Lord of the Sign Mars will be in 3/11 axis , in Exaltation and with Ketu a Spirtual Planet. Jupiter as a Planet of Expansion can expand the negative qualities of the sign being the 8th house of the natural zodiac, just as it can expand the positive qualities of the sign. Scorpio sign is ruled by Mars a watery and a fixed sign and also a secretive sign. Expansion of Spirtual Sciences and Secretive things , Black Money  etc, Losses 

When Jupiter will be Retrograde from the 10th April to 11th August 2019 and specially when Fallen from the 23rd April 2019 to 5th Nov. 2019  will give Natural calamities, Floods, Tsunami’s, Terrorism, Water related diseases and also Stock and the Financial Markets influenced in a big way .

Jupiter is Karka for wealth and when Fallen will influence the Currencies, Financial Markets in a big way specially after Ketu ingress in Sagitarius  where Saturn is Placed on the 25th March 2019 and Jupiter also joins the sign for 25 days with Saturn and Ketu. 

Jupiter gets afflicted in the following ways 

1. Retrogression

2. Combustion  as mentioned Jupiter will be combusted on the 26th Nov. 2018 deeply

3. In Rahu-Ketu axis for 25 days  as explained above 

4. Fallen

5. Lost in Planetary War

Jupiter will set hellically on the 7th Dec. 2018

Jupiter will be combust and in Conjunction on the 26th Nov. 2018and with in 3 degrees is supposed to be deeply combust 

Jupiter as explained above will be in Rahu-Ketu axis and with Saturn for 25 days when in Sagitarius from the 29th March to 23rd April 2019

Jupiter will be a fallen Planet from the 23rd April to 5th Nov. 2018 and most Malefic till 11th August 2019

Jupiter is also dispositor of Saturn since Saturn in the sign Sagitarius and till Jupiter fallen the Significations of Saturn will also suffer and Ketu will become strong Malefic till in Sagitarius sign

Global Influence of Jupiter afflictions 

For India  as the 8th Lord Transit in the 7th house and in the 5th from Moon  till 29th March 2019, but then as a Fallen Planet in the 7th house will influence the Country Financial position in a big way . There may be spirtual growth and Renovations of the Temples . Detective agencies will progress. There amy be losses to the Insurance companies due to lot of claims due to Natural disasters . Tax avaders and dealing with Black money will be punished. Earthquake of Higher intensity may be on the Cards specially when Jupiter is fallen.  Last Time when Jupiter was Fallen In Scorpio the Events have been mentioned above and when on Gandantha points can prove to be like a mad elephant and a Massive Earthquake like the one on the 6th Oct. 1948 took place and lot of People died cannot be ruled out . The Globe will Reel in Financial Stagnations it so seems specially when Mars Joins Rahu in Gemini and Saturn already with Ketu and Degree conjunction and aspect will be most taxing around the June -July 2019

For Dual Lagnas where it hold the ownership of the 7th house becomes extremely malefic  and becomes a first class Marak since it is Bhadak as the 7th Lord, Marak  and suffers from Kendraadhipatidosh . Jupiter can be compared with an Elephant in animals and when this Planet is Afflicted it behaves like a mad elephant specially as the Lord of the Sign Sagitarius getting afflicted in Transit has the Capacity to turn the tables in the Stock and the Financial Markets . It is also the significator of Currency and could influence the Currencies in a big way . Scams will surface regarding black money. Exports from India may also suffer to an extent 

I am afraid to write that as the Lagna Lord For Japan having Sagitarius Lagna it could prove most Venomous for the Country for Tsunamis and Currency Fluctuations . As the Lord of the 8th House for India  and the 8th Lord for USA  getting afflicted is not good . The Worst Time will be when Saturn and Ketu will be in Sagitarius  till 20th Jan 2020 and the Dispositor Jupiter in Fallen State . Ketu will become extremely strong and Malefic since the dispositor will be fallen and in the 12th from Ketu . The Significations for Saturn will also suffer during this time since the Dispositor of Saturn will be in afflicted condition 

Stock and Financial Markets at a Glance


Exports order will boost the economy and Rupee s value against Dollar will also improve till Jupiter in Pushkar Navamsha till 25th Oct. 2018 Buying interests will be further fuelled by the entry of Mercury in Scorpio sign and conjoining Jupiter on 26th Oct.2018. To increase the demand in Gold, the Bullion dealers will offer many new schemes to attract the customers. 


Retrograde Venus will rise in the East on 1st and will create bring some change in the stock and the Financial Markets . Venus is a Planet of Peace and Treaty  and there could be some betterment in the relationship of the Countries but only till Venus is Retrograde till 16th Nov. 2018 .Bullishness in the stocks of jewellery, Gold, Sugar, Cotton and Textiles.  Retrograde Mercury could again bring Volatility 


Mars will enter Poorva Phalguni constellation on 8th.  Sun will conjoin Saturn on 16th, when it enters Sagittarius sign. The conjunction of two inimical planets will definitely create lots of volatile situations in business and political scenario.

Jupiter will be releved from afflictions only after it is alone in Sagitarius sign after 22nd Sept.2020 to 19th Nov. 2020 after which Jupiter and Saturn would meet in Capricorn

Written on 15th Oct. 2018 15.25 Hrs. New Delhi 

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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