Total Solar Eclipse 4th Dec 2021 4 Planets Cluster In Scorpio Sign Mars About To Join Venomous For Omicron

by astrodocanil

“Total Solar Eclipse 4th Dec 2021 4 Planets Cluster In Scorpio Sign Mars About To Join Venomous For Omicron”

In all My Articles pertaining to Eclipses I have been writing for long and my research irrespective of the visibility of the Eclipse  the Transit Planets play their role as can be seen from the past . The Total Solar Eclipse is taking place on the 4th Dec 2021 at 13.13 hrs . The Eclipse is visible in Antarctica, Extreme South Africa, Extreme South Australia, the  South Atlantic Ocean, and the South Indian Ocean. It is not visible in India , but the Transit effect will definitely be felt across the globe specially where it is visible it may have the effect with magnitude and specially the South Africa for the Omicron Coronavirus. The Eclipse starts at 10.59 hrs  and ends at 15.07 hrs . New Moon is at 13.13 hrs , It is not visible in India, North America and Europe but the Transit effect  will definitely be seen  in the Countries where the Travellers are travelling from South Africa 

Two Eclipses in a Fortnight is definitely a concern specially for the Virus surge and  Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of the India Foundation chart. The Repercussions will be felt soon  and also damage the image of the ruling party and virus spread along with boarder tensions. Since the Planets are in the watery sign  there may be Tsunamis and Havoc from Rains and cyclones  specially near the coastal Areas and specially in Australia, Indonesia,


Have a look at the chart below

Panchang of the Day

The Day is Saturday and the Lord is Saturn in the Lunar month of Margashirsha starting from the New Moon on the 4th Dec 2021  to 19th Dec. 2021 . There will be 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays  which is considered most inauspicious as per Bhavishya Phala Bhaskar a Classical Text The Day Lord is a Malefic and aspects the Lagna and also the Mars in the 8th house by strong 10th aspect and there is return aspect by Mars on Saturn . The Day Lord is placed in the yama of Leo the 6th house of the chart and the Yama Lord is Sun placed in the 9th house with 3 more planets and with Disease karka Ketu in the sign Scorpio the 8th house of the natural zodiac. 

 The Cluster of 4 Planets in the sign Scorpio and Mars joining the same on the 5th Dec. 2021 5.59 hrs is most Venomous since the 3 Planets Sun Moon and Ketu are in Sarp Dreshkanne and the 22DK sign is Libra and has Mars  who aspects the Rahu in the 3rd house with strong 8th aspect 

Sun Moon and Mercury are in the Star Jyestha and Sun Moon and Ketu in Sarp Dreshkanne are parameters which cannot be ignored and prone for Virus ad diseases 

The Eclipse is taking place in the Star Jyestha . The Star is Teekshna-Daruna(Ferocious & Bitter ) The Star is also Tiryang-Mukha Facing Forward  and the Lord is Indira

The Eclipse point is 18 degrees and Mars reaching the Jyestha star on the 29th Dec. and activating the Eclipse point on the 31st Dec. 2021 may prove to be most Venomous for worldly affairs and the Virus spread. Mars will also activate the Eclipose point of the Lunar Eclipse of the 19th Nov. 2021 from 5th Dec to  the 9th Dec. 2021 . Hence Dec. Month seems to be the worst since the Transit of Mars in the Jyestha star is most enigmatic for the worldly events and all Natural and Unnatural Catastrophes take place when Mars is in the star Jyestha . The Cluster of the 5 Planet on the 5th Dec. 2021 in the sign Scorpio the 8th house of the natural Zodiac and the 9th house of the Eclipse chart the  Supreme Court can pass some important Judgements  for the pollution and Virus spread in the Country . The Cluster of the 4-5 Planets in the sign Scorpio a watery sign also indicates Tsunami like events specially where the Eclipse is visible and may be Australia and the Countries near the Oceans. The World Most Tragic events have taken place when Mars is in Scorpio and in the Jyestha star. The Disease Cancer is also seen from the sign Scorpio and the conjunction of Mercury Ketu and Mars is Prone for Lingering diseases like Cancer etc

The Yoga is Dhriti and the Lord is Rahu and is afflicted by Mars  and are in 6/8 axis is not good for the virus and diseases 

The Karna is Kimstughna and most malefic and the Lord is Sun the 6th Lord in the chart 

All the planets are in the visible half hence the virus and the diseases will spread at Crowded places and the effect s will be seen immediately

 The New Moon is taking place in the Mrityu Panchaka which is most inauspicious 

 There is poorna ithasla between the 8th Lord Venus placed in the 10th house with Mars the 2nd and the 9th Lord  is most malefic Parameter since Mars is also afflicted in the 8th house . Venus will shift to Capricorn on the 8th Dec. 2021 and n the 19th Dec. 2021 it will become Retrograde and fall back in the sign Sagittarius on the 30th Dec. 2021 and will be in Fallen State till the 27th Feb 2022. Mars Poorna Ithasla with 8th Lord and the 8th Lord falls on the 30th Dec. 2021 in the 10th house and Mars activates the Eclipse point of this Eclipse on the 31st Dec. 2021 are parameters which are most inauspicious for the complete world. This Time frame may be responsible for the Surge in the Virus from Africa and Havoc from Rains, Cyclones and Tsunami’s are on the Cards on the coastal Areas of the World. Natural and Unnatural Calamities are not ruled out . The Sign Scorpio  will be under affliction and the 7th house of the India Foundation chart and the Ascendant of the Prime Minister and the Oath chart are parameters which cannot be ignored and the 8th Lord in the fallen condition in the 10th house from the 30th Dec to 27th Feb 2022 is also an Inauspicious parameter for the head of the Country . Venus controls the Luxuries, Cinema Halls and the Film Stars and Places of recreation may be adversely influenced . Fire at such places and maybe short-circuit is not ruled out . 9th Jan 2022 in this respect is most Prone to Fire like happenings . 


BVB Research Scholar and Award Winner
Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala
BSc. Engg. P. E.C Ch

27TH Nov 2021 05-00 AM   NOTE THIS TIME
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