The Road Map For The Stock Markets In the Month of August and Sept. 2017

by astrodocanil

This is with Reference to my Earlier Articles on the Stock Market on my webpage

” Stock Market Trends and the Celestial Drama of Planets ”

and the Articles on the link

Let me write the road map for the coming Months . As Predicted By me The Stock Market Trend reversed after the 7th August 2017 as I had mentioned that the North node has the capacity to turn the tables upside down and Rahu Changed its Motion from the 7th August 2017 and will continue to be in this adverse state till 24th August 2017

The Following Parameters Acquire a special dimension

1.Rahu in Adverse Motion from the 7th to 24th August 2017 —– Capable to Turn the Markets upside Down and hence the Trends

2. Mercury Turns in Retrogression on the 13th August 2017 till 5th Sept. 2016 —— Bullish Trends . Banking Stocks

3. Sun Ingress in Leo on the 17th August Bullish Trends for Gold  Etc.

4. Stock Remain Volatile between the 18th to 25th August 2017

5. North Node Rahu Stationary from the 15th August to 24th August 2017—- Most Volatile and Wavering Trends

6. Saturn Turns Direct on the 25th August 2017—-  Bearish Trends . Stationary from 20th to 30th August 2017 Saturn can change the trends during this time since Saturn is responsible for the Surge in the Market .

7. Mars and Rahu Conjunction in Leo on the 27th August 2017 till 8th Sept. 2017—— Bullish Trends, Volatile Trends

8. North Node Changes Motion on the 28th August to 7th Sept. 2017—  Rahu has the Capacity to turn the Tables as mentioned  , hence change of the Trend again. Hence after and Around the 25th August to 28th-29th August Most Crucial time for the Stock Market 

9. Mars Activates the Eclipse point of the Solar Eclipse of the 22nd August 2017 —– Most Volatile and could be explosive as well, Natural and Unnatural Calamities on the cards  and Rahu also Adverse hence this Period can be Explosive one from 2nd Sept to 9th Sept. 2017.——- Bearish Trends

10. Sun Enters Virgo on the 17th Sept. 2017  Bearish Trends  and When Rahu is Adverse most Explosive

11. North Node adverse from the 13th to 18th Sept. 2017 Adverse for the Stock markets Trends specially after the 17th Sept. 2017 . Rahu again adverse from the 28th Sept. to 4th Oct. 2017

12. The adverse Planetary Positions can be responsible for Untoward happenings Natural and Unnatural for which I have written dozen of Articles on my webpage , which could be directly related to the Stock Market Trends .

13. After 5th Sept. 2017 no Planet is in Retrogression , hence the Surge may break 

14. From the above the most critical dates are from the 25th August to 5th Sept 2017 for the Stock market for Break in the surge

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012
15th August 2017 2017  09.10 hrs 
Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail:
Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US
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Disclaimer Clause as Per My Webpage. The Writer is no way responsible if any Person Invests according to the Above Predictions and shall be doing at his own risk and Fancies. The above article is Just astrology analysis and not my Personal comment  This may please be noted and I have no intention to bring any bad names to any one .The Planetary Positions are only indicators 







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