Mars in Gemini on the 15th June 2015: What it Foretells

by astrodocanil

This is with reference to my earlier article of” Celestial Drama of Mars in Taurus and Gemini from 3rd May to 30th July 2015″ link Regarding the  activation of the eclipse point of 15.53 degrees in the Virgo sign by Mars.

According to the Theory propounded by Mr. K . N Rao as per the Book “The Nehru Dynasty by Vani Publications” when eclipses fall  in the 1/7 axis of the Lagna, Sun, Moon , it is supposed to be a malefic stance . I have also observed if this Eclipse falls in the 2/8 axis it can also bring havoc, specially when there is major  dasha of Rahu or Ketu or a planet influenced by these nodes., When Mars reaches  or aspects the eclipse point then it would mean an ammunition dump, which is only possible by Mars to ignite this point and in this context Mars will activate the eclipse point of Haste at 10 degrees on the 1st July 2015 to 10th July 2015, infact Mars will cross the aspect on Rahu Haste nakshatra on the 21st July 2015.Hence this Period of 1st July to 21st July will be most critical in this context.

Another parameter which is crucial after 30th May is the Ingress Of Venus in Cancer joining Jupiter is a Classical Principle of Blood Shed on Earth by Myur chitram. Hence from 30th May 2015 to 5th July will be most sensative in the Present Scenerio, Now from the above there are 2 Parameters which acquire a special dimension  from 1st July to 5th July 2015. Mars activating the Eclipse point and Venus and Jupiter very close degrees and in same sign . Hence there may be war like situations during this Span.

Also as  per the Paper Produced by Shri K.N Rao “Glimmer of Hope in a Strife Torn World” in the year Oct. 2010″ Placement of Mars in the Horoscope of nations would decide a Nation getting involved in war like conditions . As per the Paper the following are the conditions .

1. 3rd, 6th, 7th and 12th house placement of mars in the Foundation chart of the country , shows troubling the neignboring countries  or suffering  as a result of the Foreign espionage . , 2.This can even happen if Mars aspects these houses .

3. This can also happen if Mars influences the Lord of these houses .

Let us now see the major countries who are war mongering

Let us now see the major countries who are war mongering and the charts as per Book of World Horoscopes By Nichlos Campign

  1. Russia has Virgo Lagna and Eclipses have taken place in the 1/7 axis. Natal Mars is placed in the 7th house at 15.05 degrees , Mars is also the 8th lord of the chart . The Dasha running is also Rahu-Mercury till 14/8/2016.  Natural calamities ,War Prone mainly.
  2. Vladimir Putin the Iron Man of Russia is born on the 7 October 1952, 14:21 hours,Saint Petersburg (Russia) , 30 E 18’ and 59 N 57’ At present Putin is running with an unfavorable Saturn-Mars (29 June 2014 to 8 August 2015) period in Vimshottari.and then Saturn-Rahu
  3. He has Scorpio Asc. At 27.43 degrees . A total Lunar eclipse took place Virgo sign  on 4 April 2015 close to the degrees of the natal Sun, which is the  tenth lord, in the horoscope of Putin. In Vimshottari the period of Saturn-Mars-Ketu and then sub sub dasha of Venus, Sun and Moon , Moon and Venus connected to the the 7th house of war will be running in the chart of Putin that indicates that around this time in June to August 2015 he will take more aggressive steps in the affairs of Ukraine which might put the region in a territorial war again, specially when USA and its Allies have already put more Sanctions on Russia in the the G7 Summit of 7th June 2015, which will put the Country in Economic Stagnation. Putin will therefore take a aggressive stance


2.China has Capricorn Lagna and and Eclipses have taken place in the 1/7 axis of Sun who is also the 8th Lord and Rahu-Ketu over the natal in 1/7 axis . The country is also running the dasha of Saturn -Rahu. China has Mars Deblitated in the 7th house and aspects Moon the 7th lord . Earthquakes, Natural calamities  and War Prone. We have already seen the havoc of Natural Calamities in China

3.USA As Per K N Rao US has Leo Lagna and Mars is with 3rd Lord Venus,and has return aspects 6th and 7th Lord Saturn, making it most war mongering. At Present US is running the dasha of Mars-Mercury  and Mercury is placed in the 12th house influenced by Rahu and Eclipse has taken place in the 2/8 axis and over Saturn in Virgo at 24.04 degrees .  On the 15th June Mars will be over the natal Mars is a very sensative paramerter , since in Transit Mars and Saturn were in 1/7 axis and now the natal Mars is activated who has return aspect of Saturn . USA at this point of time can Jump in a war like situation, specially with those countries where ISIS has hideouts  and may take an aggresive stance. Hence War Prone,Natural calamities, Terrorism. Even if we take Sagitarius Lagna Mars in the 7th house , makes it War Prone.

Barack Obama Birth Details 4th August 1961 19.24 hrs Honolulu Hawai USA. Barack Obama is under the dasha of Saturn-Saturn-Jupiter and Saturn-Mercury-Mercury will start in July 2015. Mercury is the 6th and the 9th Lord placed in the 7th house of Wars with 8th Lord Sun will be a crucial Period for US

4.Iran Iran has Cancer Lagna  Eclipses on the 1/7 axis of Sun and degrees of Sun 17.32 Dasha of  Jup-Saturn  till 5/7 /2016 is most crucial . Mars is Placed in the 9th house full filling the condition . Natural Calamities , war like situations.  War Prone and natural Calamities

5.Pakistan  Mars is placed in the 3rd house   Terrorism and Natural Calamities  could be main feature

6.Afganistan  has  Gemini and Jupiter in Lagna at 18.03 degrees , Mars will activate this point in 3rd week of   July 2015, Mars is Placed in the 9th house , fullfilling the conditions.Dasha of Saturn-Mars from 21-12-2014.  Earthquakes  and untoward happenings.  War Prone

7.Israel has Virgo Lagna  and Dasha of Moon -Venus till 17/8/2015, Mars is Placed in the 12th house .War Prone

8.Jammu& Kashmir Capricorn Lagna  saturn and mars in the 7th house , Eclipses over the 1/7 axis of Moon in the 3rd house , Dasha of the 7th lord Moon-mercury till 16-9-2015, Mercury aspected by Mars deblitated . Makes it prone to war like situations and Earthquakes and Calamities of all kind

9.Libya has Leo lagna and Eclipses in the 1/7 axis of Sun and moon and over Rahu-Ketu natal in the 4/10 axis of the foundation chart . Mars is Placed in the 12th house makes it most prone in the Present circumctances . Dasha of Mercury-Mars and then Mer-Rahu . War Prone and Calamities

10.Iraq Leo Lagna Eclipses in the 2/8 axis .  Horoscope has Mars in the 12th house , making the country war mongering and getting involved in war like activities by foreign plots permannently . Indicating  trouble from neighbours, particularly from the insurgents of Syria,the strong holds of ISIS. Then if Iran is helping Shias then there are  Sunni countries as well.    Placement of Mars debilitated in the 12th house as lord of 9th and 4th (12th house Terrorist Camps )  and as mentioned Mars Placement in the 12th house giving aspect to  the 3rd,, 6th and 7th Makes the Country prone to war like situations as mentioned by me as per the paper produced By Mr. K. N Rao . The 12th lord Moon placed in the 3rd house in Rahu-Ketu axis  and getting under the aspect  by deblitated Mars is making absolutely clear what is happening in the country  and in the future. Terrorist plots by foreign elements .  Saturn giving aspect to the Lagna  and 8th lord Jupiter as 6th and 7th Lord also a crucial factor in the chartit is clear that the  crisis is “life-threatening for Iraq”   the very existence is at stake.  The ISIS have already captured 5 cities and the Oil Refinery and only 60 odd kilometers from Bagdad.  Most sesative in the present scenerio

  1. Syria has Libra Lagna and the eclipses in the 1/7 axis of Mars placed in the 12th house .The Iran is also helping the Assad regime with logistic support to quash the uprising in his country. But the oil rich Sunni monarchy of Saudi Arabia, with its Gulf allies Kuwait and Qatar, had been secretly supporting the Sunni rebels’ militants in Syria and Iraq to topple their Shia lead incumbent governments and replace them with more Sunni friendly rulers. In the horoscope of Syria notice the position of Mars in the twelfth house of war losses.War Prone and calamities.
  2. Nepal Running the dasha of Venus -Jupiter conjuct in Lagna . In Transit Jupiter and Venus will be in Cancer sign on the 30th May 2015 and Paksha Kundali of 16th June 2015 could be bad for the country due to Natural Disasters   , as mentioned above combination of Jupiter and Venus is bloodshed on Earth as per the classic of Mundane Myur chitram  , hence the fortnight starting from 16th June 2015 could be disasterous for Nepal again more so the dates from 1st July to 5th July 2015 and then after 14th July when the conjuction will take place again in Leo.

Earthquakes will be more Predominant till 6th June 2015 till the Earthy signs 2,6, 10 are in affliction in Transit or in Transit navamsha.After the 6th June 2015 Saturn, Mars Rahu change Navamsha from Earthy to Fiery Navamsha show Anger and fire and after 16th June 2015 they will be in Airy signs and Airy navamsha therefore signifying Air Crashes, Cyclones, Tornodasand Tsunami like events. The Earthquakes of lower intensity cannot be ruled out till Mars is in Taurus Sign in Transit till 15th June 2015.

From the above it is clear that the Countries who are war mongering and liable to get into trouble as Soon as Mars activates the Eclipse point from 1st July to 21st July and more so till 10th July 2015, The countries who will be instrumental will be the countries whose dasha is related to the 7th house of War  and a strong possibility of Russia in Ukraine ,USA taking an aggressive stance against the ISIS hide outs in Iraq and other Places. And Sanctions against Russia , since US will also be running the Antar dasha of Mercury Retrograde conjuct with Rahu in the 12th house may beat a hasty retreat. Another Parameter which sprouts from the combinations is the Saturn who Significator of Crude oil will no longer have Aspect of Jupiter after the 14th July 2015 , this could Result in Escalation of the Crude oil prices till Saturn is retrograde till 2nd August 2015. Jupiter ingresses in Leo will then be aspected by Saturn . We have already witnessed the Increase in the month of May 2015 , when Mars ingressed in Taurus and opposed Saturn the Karka for Crude oil and then on the 15th May when it reached exact opposition .

In a nut shell there will be stagnancy in the Economic Growth, Rise in Crude Oil Prices and ISIS would be Aggressive in the Islamic States . The Eclipses in Sept 2015 and then In March 2016 are not Condusive to give healthy results regarding the above, specially in the Eclipse of 9th March 2016 Jupiter Karka for Financial Growth and divine Blessings will be under affliction by Nodes and aspected by Saturn, shows Economic Stagnation .

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala 15th May 2015  10-00 PM  Written again on the 10th June 2015  07-00 hrs Singapore

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