The Magic of Numbers And Some Uniques Methods For Predictions Instantly

by astrodocanil

In this article I am going to Discuss the Magic of Numbers which can be used to Predict the Events in the absence of Astrology charts and when you are travelling or when you do not have assess to the Astrology charts. There are also some Unique Methods of Predictions which I shall Discuss in this Article through which you can Predict instantly with out Charts  etc.

1 Method Using the Numbers  

See the Chart Below

Now as is Clear from the above image  the significations of the Planets is as below

1=Sun: Father, Government, Management, Authority, Eye-sight, Heart problem, Reasonable and many more.

2=Moon: Emotions, Motherly figure, Hormones, Mind, Female, Depression, Liquids, Physique, Traveling, Sinus, Cold, Cough, etc

3=Jupiter: Aged person, Expansion, Growth, Wisdom, Saints, Law, Diplomatic, Strict Justice, Tumors, Enlargement of organs, Jaundice etc.

4=Herschel/Uranus: Continuity, Suddenness in events, Drama beyond space and time, Over-confident, Think own self great. E.g.: A man fell from the 6th floor but he fell on two people, they died but he survived—that is drama. Eight days after a boy’s marriage, his wife elopes to a foreign land and cannot be traced. That is Herschel drama.

5=Mercury: Professional, Intelligent, Practical, Perpetual (happening of events again and again), Wanting something and showing something else (kahi pe nighaein, kahi pe nishana), Reference for small children, Executives etc

6= Venus: Small good things happening, Love, Young person, Luxury, Attractive personality, Beauty, Aesthetic sense, Life Partner, Art, music etc.

7=Neptune: Cheating, Deception, illusions, Fantasy, Occult science, Hypnotism, If traveling question, Going through water or crossing sea, Defective or Mysterious Relationships (gay, lesbians, or he is like my father or brother, but actions do not show that). Neptune is like Rahu, if appears constantly means defective relations.

8= Saturn: Elderly personality, Old last stage of management, Conservative, Hard work, Too much delay, Hypocrisy, Permanent disability,

9= Mars: Middle aged person, Angry, Quarrels, Fights, Immediate rash, Accidents, Security, Instant, Cuts and Wounds, Burning. If question is on sickness then Mars indicates surgery.

0=Pluto: Deep rooted research, Re-adjustments.

The above method can be mixed with astrology. We can take the waxing moon as positive and waning moon as negative. We can also mix the movement of planets, retro, direct to give answers.

We can Use the Total Number of the Day , and the separately the Day Number  and then even using the time of Query using the Number to Predict the event.

2. Method  Using a Number between 1-108 .

Suppose the Number is 55 Divide by 9  the Quotent is Virgo and the Remainder is 1 , hence the Lagna is Virgo and the Navamsha is of Aries , since the Navamsha is the 8th house of the Query chart it may not Fructify .

3. Using a Number Between 100 to 999

Suppose the Number is 757  the Middle Number is Present, Number on the Left is Past and the Number on the Right is the future . We can use the significations of the Planets ruled by the Numbers as above But the Tamil Shastra has different Conotations of the Numbers for the Planets as Below

1   =Sun

2= Mars

3= Jupiter

4= Mercury

5= Venus

6= Saturn

7= Moon

8= Rahu

Dividing By 30  will give the Tithi, by 27 Nakshatra ,7 for the weekday 12 by the Rashi, and other Significations asper what is required and Give the Predictions  and Taking the Birth Parameters and comparing with them to give the Predictions

4. a.  Fast Prashna Method

The Most Frequently asked Query is when a Women is on the family way  a query for a Boy or a Girl will be born to her . Using the following method we can find the answer for the same .

Find the Tithi Say 14

Star  Say 12

Day of the week  7

Yam  is 4

The Add the 4 Parameters =37 now deduct 1 = 36 and divide by 7 Here the remainder is 1 , since the Answer is a Male sign a Boy will be Born and vice versa

Some times when you are travelling , knowing that you are an Astrologer people may ask some Queries  and the same may be answered as below

4.b.Fast Prashna

Note the Time when the query is asked ,  Deduct the same from the Sunrise , the answer will be in Hours and Minutes and Convert the same in Ghati and Pala by multiplying by 2.5, this is Isht Phal  Round off the Answer to the Next Digit add 3 and divide by 7, If answer is Odd Negative and if Even then Positive

Suppose the Figure is 28 Ghati and 19 Pala round it off to 29 then adding 3 = 32  now dividing by 7  the Remainder is  4 , Hence the Results will be Good

anil aggarwala BSc. Engg. P.E.C Ch.  Jyotish Acharaya , Research  BVB New Delhi Year 2007 to 2012

3rd Feb.2017  22-15 hrs. New Delhi 

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New DelhiEmail: astrodoc.vedicastrology@gmail.comFacebook

Writer of Articles on Star Teller, Modern Astrology, The Planets & Forecast, Times of Astrology, Research Magzine of All India Association of Astrologers, Journal of Astrology, Saptrishi Astrology, The Astrologic Magzine of Joni Patry of US

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