The Fear Of Earthquake &Tsunami Looming Over Most Prone Countries In First Half Of 2019

by astrodocanil

In the Month of March 2019 in the near future there are Combinations for Tsunami. There are 5-6 Planets in the watery navamsha and Mercury will be fallen from the sign Pieces to Aquarius and may cause a Jal Pralay, although Jan. and Feb.2019 are also Prone.
As per my Research I have found that when Earthquakes are followed by Tsunami’s the Following parameters acquire a special dimension
1.Major Planets are in Fiery and Watery signs , In the Present Scenario Saturn and Sun in Fiery sign, Rahu, Jupiter and Mars in Watery sign . The Recent Eathquake and Tsunami in Indonesia took place on the 22nd Dec. 2018 Read this “2018 Indonesia quakes and tsunamis: Facts, FAQs, and how to help” link

More than 400 people are reported dead after a tsunami struck western Java and southern Sumatra islands during the evening of Dec. 22nd 2018 Indonesia’s geological and weather service says the tsunami was likely caused by undersea landslides in the Sunda Strait following an eruption by the Anak Krakatoa volcano. World Vision, which is simultaneously responding to earthquakes on Lombok island and Central Sulawesi, is assisting children and families in some of the worst-affected areas of Serang and Pandeglang districts on the west coast of Java’s Banten province.

A magnitude 7.5 earthquake struck Indonesia’s Central Sulawesi province on Sept. 28, 2018, triggering a tsunami and landslides that caused widespread destruction and loss of life. More than 2,000 people are known to have died and 4,400 are seriously injured, according to the Indonesia disaster management agency. About 1.5 million people in Central Sulawesi are likely affected. With about 68,000 houses damaged or destroyed, hundreds of thousands of people are still displaced.

The Chart is below of the 22nd Dec. 2018 21.30 hrs Sumatra

2. The Life giving Luminaries Sun and Moon under affliction. In the chart above both the Luminaries under affliction. The Earthquakes normally occur near the Full Moon or the New Moon

3. In the above chart 2 Planets in Fiery sign and Saturn with Sun the Dreaded conjunction.3 Planets in Watery sign and Mars just on the verge of Ingressing in Pieces and having Exchange with Jupiter . In Navamsha 4 Planets in Watery sign and 2 Planets in Fiery sign
Let us also have a look at the charts when a Jal Pralay Among the most deadly earthquakes in history was the magnitude 9.1 quake that struck off the west coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra on Dec. 26, 2004, triggering a massive tsunami. This disaster killed nearly 230,000 people in multiple countries.

More than 400 people are reported dead after a tsunami struck western Java and southern Sumatra islands during the evening of Dec. 22nd 2018 Indonesia’s geological and weather service says the tsunami was likely caused by undersea landslides in the Sunda Strait following an eruption by the Anak Krakatoa volcano. World Vision, which is simultaneously responding to earthquakes on Lombok island and Central Sulawesi, is assisting children and families in some of the worst-affected areas of Serang and Pandeglang districts on the west coast of Java’s Banten province.
Let us have a look at this chart of the 26th Dec. 2004

In the chart above again we find that 2 Planets in Fiery sign and 4 Planets in watery sign and near a full Moon day. In navamsha 5 planets in watery sign and 3 Planets in Fiery sign.
Let us also see at the time of Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan on the 11th March 2011.
Japan Earthquake & Tsunami of 2011: Facts and Information link

This isn’t likely to happen on the East Coast, but it could. This is an aerial view of damage to Sukuiso, Japan, a week after the earthquake and subsequent tsunami devastated the area in March, 2011.
Credit: Dylan McCord. U.S. Navy
On March 11, 2011, a magnitude-9 earthquake shook northeastern Japan, unleashing a savage tsunami.
The effects of the great earthquake were felt around the world, from Norway’s fjords to Antarctica’s ice sheet. Tsunami debris has continued to wash up on North American beaches years later.
2011 Japan Earthquake – Tsunami Fast Facts link—tsunami-fast-facts/index.html
March 11, 2011 – At 2:46pm, a 9.1 magnitude earthquake takes place 231 miles northeast of Tokyo at a depth of 15.2 miles.
The earthquake causes a tsunami with 30-foot waves that damage several nuclear reactors in the area.

It is the largest earthquake ever to hit Japan.
Number of people killed and missing:
(Source: Japan’s Fire and Disaster Management Agency)
The combined total of confirmed deaths and missing is more than 22,000 (nearly 20,000 deaths and 2,500 missing). Deaths were caused by the initial earthquake and tsunami and by post-disaster health conditions.
Let us have a look at the chart of the 11th March 2011 below

In the above chart 2 Planets in Watery sign Pieces Jupiter and Mercury aspected by Saturn Retrograde and in Navamsha there are 5 planets in Navamsha in watery signs . The essentials of the Earthquake are Affliction or planets in Earthy sign , in the above chart Saturn afflicted by Mars , Moon and Venus in Earthy signs . In Navamsha 3 Planets in Earthy signs

Hence from the above we come to the conclusion that the following Parameters acquire a special dimension for Strong Earthquakes and Tsunami’s
1. At the time of the Full Moon or around that time
2. Affliction to Earthy signs
3. Minimum 2 Planets in Fiery signs in Rashi and Navamsha and 4 Planets in Watery sign and in Navamsha
4. Saturn affliction since karka for masses and destruction
5. Near the Eclipses Lunar or Solar
6. When Major Planets are afflicted or about to change the state , may be sign, navamsha, Nakshatra
7. The Luminaries Sun and Moon under affliction, since they are the life giving planets
In the Present Scenario the month Jan.2019 from the 7th to 28th Jan. 2019 is Prone , since the North node is most venomous and there is Lunar Eclipse and a Full moon on the 21st Jan. 2019
See the chart of the 21st Jan. 2019

5 Planets in watery sign, Luminaries afflicted , North Node Venomous, Earthy signs afflicted , Moon and Mercury connection and shortly there will be exchange of Moon and Mercury nakshatra and there will be 3 planets in Watery navamsha on the 21-22nd Jan. 2019. A strong Earthquake accompanied with Tsunami is not ruled out specially in the Countries mentioned in this Article .
This Fortnight is also not good for the Stock and the financial Markets . Rahu has the capacity to tuen the tables andafter the 7th Jsn. 2019 to 28th Jan. 2019 The north node will play a game unexpected .

In the Present Scenario The following Dates are prone for Earthquakes In Jan. 2018
Noral or High Intensity
2nd,8th and 16th Jan. 21st Jan. to 28th Jan. 2019
26th Feb. 2019
High Intensity
11th March to 16th , 29th March 2019, 10th April, 30th April, 19th June 2019 and 11th July 2019.

The Countries Most Prone in Asia are Indonesia, Bangkok, Phillipines, Srilanka, Japan May be also Australia

In the near future the Date 16th March 2019 is most Prone it so seems , there could be a difference of 48 Hrs . in the above dates mentioned .Jan, Feb, March are most Prone for Indonesia and Countries Near it as mentioned above.

Written on 29th Dec. 2018 18-00 Hrs. New Delhi

Jyotish Acharaya anil aggarwala

Award Winner in Research in Astrology in Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan New Delhi
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