The 2023 Cricket World Cup Final On 19th Nov. At Ahmedabad What Star’s Foretell ?

by astrodocanil
“The 2023 Cricket World Cup Final On 19th Nov. At Ahmedabad What Star’s Foretell ?”

This is with Reference to my Article below  where I had Predicted the win of India against New Zealand on the 15th Nov. 2023 in Mumbai. . The Article was written on the 13/14th Nov. 2023 which proved on spot.

Let me reproduce what I had Predicted about the Cricket below


1st Semi-Final (D/N), Wankhede, November 15, 2023, ICC Cricket World Cup between India and  New Zealand——– India will win the Match. India will play the finals on the 19th Nov. 2023 will Australia most probably and the match will be very interesting till the last minute—— Guess who will win ?

New Moon Chart Of 13th Nov. 2023 What It Has Up It’s Sleeves ? – Astrologer Anil Aggarwala (

Let us analyse the Planetary positions on the 19th Nov. 2023 at 14-00 hrs Gujrat Ahmedabad. The Chart is Below

The Match can be played by India  with Australia/ South Africa but hope fully with Australia, the chart remains the same

Lagna Lord in the Lagna and the 10th Lord  Mars in the 10th house  Success in the Proposed venture with lot of Struggles and obstacles. Both Mars and Sun placed in the 10th house digbali.

Lagna Lord aspects the 10th house and the 10th Lord aspects the Lagna there will be success after strife and struggles.

There is square aspect between the Lagna Lord and the 10th Lord  the success will not come easily.

All above are positive after lot of struggles and hick-ups in the match India Can win, but the only constraint is 7th Lord Sun has digbal and Lagna Lord Saturn does not have digbal the only negative in the chart.

Strength of  Saturn  is Lower then Strength of Sun the 7th Lord as per the D1 and D9 Chart

Other Negative factors for India are 4th Lord Venus  is with in 1 degree of the 8th Lord Mercury.

At the time of Cricket Test match with Australia at Melbourne on the 26th Dec. 2007 and India Lost the match. The Following Parameters were observed.

  1. 7th Lord Stronger then Lagna Lord  . Here Sun is Stronger then Saturn on the 19th Nov. 2023
  2. Dasha of Saturn placed in the 10th house. Here Dasha  of Mars Placed in the 10th house  on 19th Nov. 2023.
  3. 8th Lord Mercury with in 1 degrees of 4th Lord Saturn. Here Mercury and Venus 4th Lord with in 1 degrees on 19th Nov. 2023.

Hence the Match seems a tuff one and till the last moment . The Chances of India winning only 49.5%  and  50.5% opponent . Rest 1 % is Luck factor Lets see what happens on the 19th Nov. 2023 . I wish India a Success. 

Up till now what ever I have predicted for Cricket , has come true for the world Cup.

  1. ACHARAYA ANIL AGGARWALA      B Sc Engg Prod. P.E.C ch.
  2. 13th Nov. 2023 05-10 hrs. Dubai   UAE Updated on the 19th Nov. 2023 in Dubai time 7-00 hrs
  3. Jyotish Acharaya BVB New Delhi and Astrology Research under the Guidance of Shri  K N RaoAward Winner In Research in ASTROLOGYTHE ONLY ASTROLOGER WHO PREDICTED COVID-19 IN SEPT 2019 FROM CHINA.
  5. Disclaimer Clause applicable : The writer of the Article is not responsible for any bodies loss if he invests according to the above Predictions, May be a Individual, Corporate and any Company for that Purpose. The Investor will be responsible for his whims and fancies for the Investment and shall be responsible  for losses incurred. This is only for Educational purpose and the Predictions can be wrong also. This is to see if Astrology has replicable effects 


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